Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 215: Gatekeeper

Song Xiaojia stared blankly at Lele trapped in the experiment container, unconscious, her eyes could not help but a little moist, a kind of heart-wrenching pain flooded in her heart, the past fragments slid past her eyes like a movie, memory In, Lele, who is always warm and peaceful, smiles at her

The first time I met was the day Lele’s family moved in. 4-year-old Song Xiaojia was holding a plastic gun with a crooked mouth and a short hair. He was at war with the boys from households on both sides of the street, watching Lele. Le’s parents hurriedly moved the quilt and baggage into the house, and then ran to look at it. After the huge baggage passed by, the shadow of a dirty girl was revealed, a yellow hair lacking nutrition, hanging two bright and bright Snot. "Ωωω.qiiLα Dedication"

"Have you moved in?" Xiao Jiajia asked.

"Yeah" Xiao Lele sniffed, then sensibly picked up a small baggage from the tricycle and followed upstairs.

"From then on, you will recognize me as the boss" Jia Jia shouted at her back.

"What is the boss" Xiao Lele stopped.

Xiao Jiajia shot his gun horizontally: "It's the biggest and most powerful person in the world. All people must worship her and listen to her."

"Is there any meat that can't be eaten?" Xiao Lele swallowed.

"That's for sure, there is still more chocolate to eat"

"What is chocolate?" Lele suddenly became interested in the chocolate described by Jiajia. In her description, it seems that chocolate is more delicious than meat.

The next day, Jia Jia picked up a large box of chocolates from her snack pile, and the two people ate head-to-head in the small alley behind the alley. Finally, she asked Jia Jia cautiously: " Can you give me some bucks?"

"It's okay to eat it all for you," Jia Jia pouted.

"I'm not eating anymore, I have two younger sisters, they haven't eaten them yet" Lele licked her lips, carefully put the last few chocolates into the small pocket of her outer cover, and put them away treasuredly. .

"Oh, I see, if you give them food, they will be your little followers" Jia Jia suddenly realized.

"They are not my little followers" Lele pouted.

"Then why do you want to feed them?" Jia Jia was puzzled.

Lele looked up at the sky and thought for a while: "I don't know, they are my sisters, so I will give them good things."

"Then I will share the good stuff with you, and you will be my sister too" Jia Jia thought about it and said. "Ωωω.qiiLα Dedication"

"All right then" Xiao Lele smiled sweetly.

"Are you a good sister for a lifetime?"

"Pull Go"

Thinking about it now, it seems that everything is predestined. Jia Jia can’t get along with girls all his life, but fights fiercely with boys every day. The only one who accompanies her every day is Lele, her little fierce temper. Only Lele could bear her. The two of them went to elementary school together. They stayed in the same class for six years. They went to the same school for junior high school. Because they were not in the same class, Jiajia cried and made a lot of noise at home. Forcing my dad to bring a gift to the principal's house to speak a good word, and transfer the class.

Until later they discovered that they had abilities, the most aggressive Jia Jia possessed the power to destroy and harm everything, while Lele happened to have the ability to repair everything.

This is a good sister.

The sound of "pop" the familiar lighter sounded, and Xu Zhe lit a cigarette behind her and smoked it unscrupulously.

"For your majestic 200-year plan, you must hurt these innocent people, right?" Song Xiaojia asked in a cold voice.

"Innocent people" Xu Zhe smiled miserably. Do you understand innocent people in this world? Let me tell a story first.

In other words, there is a city where the weather will always be smooth, the residents' lives are happy and healthy, everyone can get the happiness they want, the sun is bright, the life is rich, and every day here is like a grand festival.

In this city, all you can see is the old people doing morning exercises in the park, and the harmonious lovers walk hand in hand on the street with great affection. Every healthy child enjoys his childhood happily in a harmless environment.

However, there is only one dark place, the only place, in the center of the city, there is a deep well covered with an iron fence. At the bottom of the well, a 6-year-old child is closed. He raises his head every day and cries at the people in the city. Shouting, asking for help, crying for help, to promise not to be naughty, to be a good child, as long as he is rescued, his voice is full of sadness and sincerity, and he is so weak and helpless.

However, everyone passing by in this city seems to have not heard

"Oh why is this" Hao Zhi asked in surprise.

It’s very simple, because all this happiness comes from a contract signed between the builders of the city and the devil: the devil promised to collect all the sorrows and pains of all people in this city, but transferred it to the 6-year-old child. If anyone releases the child, the pain and sorrow will return to everyone.

If you lived in such a city, how would you choose

"Of course I will save that child" Hao Zhi replied without thinking.

"If you save that child, your parents will get Alzheimer's disease, you will be tortured by the disease, your wife will be paralyzed in a car accident, and your child will likely be harmed by all kinds of unexpected injuries."

"This" Hao Zhi lowered his head and thought for a while, without speaking.

"One person’s suffering can save all people. Is this price worth it? How human nature chooses to stand at the commanding heights of morality? Of course, it’s very easy to make a choice. To be a good, kind person, it’s easier said than done. But it’s not that simple when things fall to everyone

Although everyone in this city lives a happy life, there are seeds of guilt buried deep in their hearts. This is their final moral judgment. How can they be liberated and how can they be lived in peace of mind."

"Kill that kid" Hao Zhi guessed.

"No, killing a child will spread the pain to everyone. The easiest way is to have someone voluntarily become the villain. He took the only gun in the city and guarded it at the door of the dungeon, and no one was allowed to go. Save the child, so everyone in the city feels at ease. After all, it’s not that I don’t want to save it, but it’s really powerless to save it.”

You mean, you are the gatekeeper now


At present, human civilization has stood on the edge of the cliff, and order has disappeared. If we follow the previous pattern of the earth, mankind will inevitably split into dozens of countries, competing for the remaining basic resources and hurting each other.

Even before the invasion of the Blood Moon, the struggle on the earth never stopped. What's more, the current survival resources have become so scarce, and there are too few monks and porridges. The heads of every country must work hard for their own interests. Who will watch their people freeze? Starved to death

The only possible way to avoid this kind of struggle is that no one should occupy resources, build a unified power empire, use military to lead politics, use power to formulate rules, force all living people to work madly, and completely popularize the proletariat. Everyone has nothing, so there will be no fighting.

"That's why you confiscated everyone's property, so that everyone's only property left besides himself is to eat a bite."

Yes, this plan will also abandon all those who are useless to build the future. Only in this way can we get rid of all the cumbersomeness and eliminate every trace of waste. One person consumes half a person's resources, does ten people's work, and produces a hundred people's value. , We can rush to make the earth prosper again within 50 years.

"So the elderly and the disabled who are incapable of working are also abandoned by you, but I can't figure out that the arrest of young women into the army is also for work" Hao Zhi asked mockingly.

Is it hard to understand that the earth needs prosperity, and the first step to prosperity is population revival. Without population resources, how to explore resources. Young women under the age of 35 are fertility resources, while soldiers in the army are strong and strong. A good seed bank can only make up for the lack of population resources if they keep giving birth on the same scale as a fertility machine.

And my current experiment with Lele as the core of the experiment is also to develop a medicine that can cure the living corpse virus at an early date, so that the 2 billion living corpse humans can become normal people. In this way, our population prosperity can be shortened by a large amount. Only when 3 billion people work day and night can they be ahead of time and complete the plan to rebuild the moon as soon as possible.

"But, since you have such a plan, why don't you tell the masses and let them cooperate with you" Hao Zhi asked helplessly.

The people are a very dull and uncivilizable group. After all, it is not a hazard before you. You tell him that the earth will gradually go towards uncontrollable destruction in fifty years. Is it useful? How many people have been in history because of that seemingly remote? And the environmental protection issues have restrained their behavior and gave up driving a private car

A single person can consider a lot, but once a group is formed, they will unconsciously be affected by the opinions of the majority and become short-sighted. They will only think that this is everyone’s business. It is useless for me to work hard alone. People don’t work hard and can’t affect much

He will quit smoking because of personal harm, but he will not give up driving because of the more toxic smog. This is the group effect

You ask him to give up his personal Donate everything to work and fight for people fifty years later, even he himself cannot enjoy the results brought about by this, do you think is it possible

"So, you appear in front of the people as a tyrant, squeeze them, persecute them, cancel marriages completely regardless of the moral bottom line, force mating, and even abandon useless people, just for the prosperity that comes one day earlier, don't you think about it? However, you will become a sinner of history for this, and become a taint of history books for thousands of years." Hao Zhi suddenly felt a little sad.

Xu Zhe nodded dimly: guarding the last order of the earth, waiting for the rejuvenation of civilization, shouldering all unjust, dirty and corrupt things, and supporting the earth's civilization to stagger forward. This is my responsibility.

I am the gatekeeper holding the gun in front of the dungeon, and those who are persecuted by me, abandoned, and struggling with life and death to ask for help, are the children in the dungeon burdened with pain and despair. We share Work hard for the future children and grandchildren living in the fairy tale city. This paper has signed the contract with the devil. This rule cannot be broken. The devil who signed the contract with us is the only rule of survival floating in the universe. Only when you are strong can you be alive

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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