Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 233: Subdued and tamed

After the continuous killing of the "Hucha Hucha", the giant jackal finally felt tired. Perhaps it had never encountered such a struggling opponent in hunting. If it were in nature, it would be too early for a lion and a tiger. It’s time to go back to sleep, but this little girl is too difficult to deal with.

After tossing for a long time, not only did he not eat his mouth, but he also injured his tail. The blood soon wetted his tail. Jia Jia’s strength was too strong, and the pain was so deep that his hind legs began to tremble. When he got up, he slapped around frantically, and jumped up again and again, like a bullfighting just released from the fence.

Jia Jia lowered his head and saw two rocks in the grass, so he bent over and grabbed one with one hand. The giant jackal was about to rush over and heard the two rocks in Jia Jia's hand. He stopped in fright, but he snorted. Gushing, groaning anger, probably because I was scared by the pain just now, I didn't dare to attack easily anymore, but tentatively shrank the body forward, and shrank less and more.

"Not convinced." Jia Jia saw that it had a heavy nose and a strong odor. He simply lifted his left hand, like throwing a baseball, and slammed the bluestone with the size of a goose egg. It was in the middle of the bridge of the giant jackal's nose. As soon as the ground rang, the pain caused the giant jackal to tip over on the spot. He whipped his head for a long time and then slowly calmed down. Even so, his breath was still trembling, and he didn't even dare to lean forward. .

"I'm not obedient, bad dog" Jia Jia looked at the giant jackal's nose and another stone flew over. She knew that the softest canine is the nose, which is probably the same as a human. When it hits it, it makes two tears sore and unbearable. .

At this moment, Lin Tao and Xu Zhe, who were monitoring all this with video on the small island next door, exclaimed at the same time: "What a monster."

I don't know if it was Song Xiaojia or the giant jackal.

"P" is an accurate hit again. It seems that Jiajia Elementary School's basketball is really not learned in vain. The technique hits that guy's nose quite accurately. The giant jackal screams and fell to the ground with one front paw. The other front paw desperately swept towards the nose, pulling it over and over again, his head was deeply lowered, making a whine of whine, but the anger in that voice was much smaller, and it was replaced by a kind of The grievances of a bereaved dog seemed to be shocked by a huge shock.

"If it hurts, then don't mess with this girl." Jia Jia pinched her waist with her hands and stood not far from it proudly. She laughed. After tossing for a long time, she found that the monster was not terrible, but she became bolder.

The giant jackal’s nose finally recovered a little, and it violently turned around in place, three circles from the left, three circles from the right, stretched out its mouth to bite its own tail, but after a few bites, it couldn’t accurately bite that one. The steel knife stuck on the tail jumped up and down again, and the sound of heavy landing made the ground tremble. Its huge furry tail shook it back and forth. After a few rounds, it finally slammed the sword. Flew out

The giant jackal heard the whistle from the blade of the wind blowing, knowing that the thing that hurt him was dropped, but suddenly jumped more happily, as if happy that he finally got rid of the guy, it threw on its body, leaped three times and leaped towards the war knife. I chased it where I flew out

"Koke, I beat it away" Jia Jia exclaimed triumphantly.

"Ah, great" Ke Ke also stood up from the grass over there and waved to Jia Jia from a distance, "Ah, it's back again"

Jia Jia quickly turned his head, only to see that the giant jackal dragged the injured tail back unexpectedly, but it was no longer as arrogant as it was when it first appeared. Half-vipped, like a huge fleshy tank crawling forward, with its head clamped between its two front paws, and its chin almost against the turf, it slowly slides forward.

In its mouth, biting the war knife, it turned out that it ran away, trying to get this thing back.

Jia Jia suddenly remembered the little sticks that others threw when they teased the dog on TV. Is there really a part of the dog’s genes in this jackal’s gene?

Sure enough, the giant jackal hesitantly crawled to Jia Jia’s feet, bowed his head, spit out the knife, fell at Jia Jia’s feet and opened his mouth, crooked out his long tongue, and began to breathe. , Like to please

Jia Jia bent over to pick up the long knife, smashed it straight with slight force, and held it in her hand shiningly. In front of him was the giant jackal, stretched his neck, and lay motionless on the ground. .

"Koko, what does it mean to let me hack it to death" Jiajia asked Koke.

"It should be to admit defeat. I know that wolves have such a habit. When two wolves bite into a fight, the one who loses in the end will always whine and lay down, then stretch his neck and let the other bite casually. It means to surrender and obey in the future," Ke Ke said to Jia Jia through his brain waves.

"Haha, then I will be its owner from now on, can I ride it around?" Jia Jia became proud.

"I don't know," Koko said, "I can't tell what it is. It looks like a jackal, its ears are not pointed, its face is like a fox, but it has tiger stripes on its body, and its tail is like a jackal's tail, but it looks like a dog. It’s the same feeling, I’m not sure, it’s really a big platter of cats and canines.”

"Whatever it is, just be obedient. I tamed it. We will ride it up the mountain at dawn tomorrow. I see which monster dare to stop us." Jia Jia laughed, raised his hand and threw the knife again. Going out, the giant jackal leaped up happily when he heard the whistle of metal piercing in the air, and went after it again.

After a long time, the guy ran back with his tail between them, spit out the knife in front of Jia Jia, continued to fall down, stretched out his tongue and panted. It is estimated that Jia Jia was too strong and threw it too far for a long time. Just found it.

"Well, I declare that you are my pet now. I'll call you the little dog Junichi wolf." Jia Jia smiled and walked over, and she walked over the side of the jackal's head. She stood up straight. It’s just not much higher than the head of a jackal. Seen up close, its head is as big as a tricycle.

Jia Jia patted it with both hands and stroked the giant jackal's neck a few times. Its skin was very as if it was patted on a thick tire.

"Let's go, come with me to meet some older sisters" Jia Jia whispered to it, then turned and led it to walk towards Keke and the others. A freehand breeze blew in, blowing Jia Jia's heart in a triumphant return. Comfortable.

"Lele, Ke Ke, look at my new pet" Seeing that she was about to walk in front of everyone, Jia Jia jumped up and down excitedly, regardless of whether the giant jackal behind him kept up.

Lele also jumped up with joy, and Hao Zhi excitedly grabbed a handful of weeds and waved them: "Jia Jia is mighty, worthy of being the finest among female men."

"What is a female man? Isn’t the elder sister a soft girl? Although she’s a little bit stronger, haha" Jia Jia was smug, pinching her waist and pretending to be angry as she walked, but at this moment, Hao Zhi suddenly pointed behind her and her mouth was shocked. Can't close

"Be careful" Lele's voice suddenly exploded in the distance. Jia Jia was taken aback. Hearing a "whoop" from the top of her head, a drop of thick mouth dripping on her shoulders, her heart was not good, this beast turned her back.

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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