Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 236: exhausted

"What kind of ghost is that?" Jia Jia was startled, "Could this beast found me by this"

But time was too late to think about it, the giant jackal was already in the air, and the two front paws were slapped down vigorously. The stunned wind passed by, and the air pressure blew Jiajia’s hair. She did not dare to neglect, even if her body hurts severely. Then, he had to use his uninjured right hand to slam the ground violently. With so much strength, all his fingers were digging into the stone, and at the same time his body was pushed back quickly. "Ωωω.qiiLα is more and more complete"

Behind Jia Jia is the dark woods. The trees are thick and dense. With this jump, he jumped into the woods. The giant jackal jumped into the air, and then moved forward, blowing up a burst of dust, Jia Jia Blocked his eyes, then turned around, hung on a tree trunk, took advantage of the situation, and turned 180 degrees around the tree, hiding behind the tree

It’s dark outside, and the woods are even darker. Although only three or five steps into the woods and the light has completely disappeared, the giant jackal can perceive it very clearly. The big tree slashed the big tree into two with a snap. The crown of the tree swept over the tree group on one side, and it leaned forward with a "clap", leaning against the big tree on one side, two trees Formed an A-shape.

At the same time, another flash of lightning slammed down the sky, and the world was white. Jia Jia took advantage of the gap to see the trunk in front of him. The ground was not safe, so he had to escape to the tree. Fortunately, the broken tree leaned against. Much easier to climb than standing upright

Jia Jia silently counted for three seconds, waiting for the "rumbling" of thunder in the air, and the giant jackal had sensitive hearing and was startled by the thunder. With this shocking effort, Jia Jia had already taken three steps and two steps. He ran up to the trunk, stabs and stabs, grabbed the bark with his right hand and quickly climbed up to a dozen meters high, riding on a tree branch, and panting violently.

From the first encounter with the giant jackal, Jiajia has consumed most of his physical strength, but the situation is too tense to think about it. After sitting down, he feels mixed body soreness, so tired that it is difficult to lift his arms.

More importantly, she felt that she was sweating and thirsty, and the intense hot sensation in her abdomen seemed to burn herself through, forcing her to breathe incessantly, sucking the cold sea breeze into her body, and spitting out. With the heat, even the naked eye can see the white steam spurting out of her mouth, like winter. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

But this is early summer

"What's going on" Xu Zhe asked puzzledly.

Lu Fang smiled slightly: "Will your muscles get hot after you exercise?"

"Of course." Lin Tao remembered that when he was a recruit, after a lot of military training, he would be so tired and gasping like a dead dog.

"That's it. Normal people mainly rely on muscles and internal organs to generate heat. She is no exception. Song Xiaojia's muscle movement ability exceeds that of ordinary people a hundred times, and naturally generates heat a hundred times more than ordinary people, just like a cheetah. It can run at the fastest speed in the world, but it can only maintain the highest speed for ten seconds. If it does not stop, the high fever and lack of oxygen will quickly kill it."

"But Song Xiaojia used to often use abilities to fight, why haven't similar situations happened before"

"That's because her opponents are too weak. No one can really push her full strength out. Even the battle against the ghost was completed in a short time. There are four other people to help. This time, it's her. She has been fighting until now, facing the same genetically modified monster, she has truly tried her best."

"You mean that the more power Song Xiaojia uses, the shorter the time it can last."

"She must find a way to cool the muscles and internal organs and restore the oxygen supply, otherwise the huge consumption will kill her. As long as the limit is reached, her strength will quickly disappear."

"Then it is completely hopeless this time" Xu Zhe began to feel worried.

"That's not necessarily. You know, Song Xiaojia's greatest strength is not strength, but her natural fighting instinct. She doesn't have a high IQ in normal times, but once she encounters a fight, she makes a decision based solely on intuition. They are all exceptionally accurate." Lin Tao had a profound look, as if he was confident in his mind.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjiajia Jia Jia hugged the tree trunk, gasping desperately, the golden light in front of him was rising, and his throat was as dry as smoke.

"How can this be so tiring, how can my strength run out so quickly, how can it go on like this?" She beat her forehead, turned her head to look, there was nothing on the canopy, only a lot of leaves.

Jia Jia couldn't take care of so much. He reached out and grabbed a handful of leaves, rubbed it into a ball, and squeezed it with his last strength, squeezing a few drops of tree sap into his mouth. It was bitter and astringent, but it was a win. Yu Wu.

"Boom" suddenly had a huge tremor, almost shook Jia Jia from the tree. She hurriedly hugged the branch with her hands and pressed her body tightly on it.

That giant jackal is very sensitive to heat, especially Jia Jia who is dissipating heat at the moment is like a fire in its eyes, how can you not find it?

At the beginning, it circled around the big tree. This tree has a history of thousands of years. It is as thick as a three-person hug, and it is the thickest and tallest tree on the edge of the forest.

The giant jackal turned twice, roughly measuring the thickness of the tree, knowing that it would never be possible to slap it off with a paw, and it began to hit it with its shoulders, irritated, and hit the ground again, the huge tremor caused The leaves clashed, and the echo spread far into the depths of the woods

After hitting for a while, the big tree didn't move at all. The giant jackal roared and turned twice, and began to try to jump upwards, and swept its giant claws toward Jia Jia. Jia Jia didn't dare to wait, so he had to again Climbed upwards, climbing to a position where the jackal jumped up and couldn't reach him.

"Fortunately, this animal is too heavy to climb the tree." Jia Jia wiped the sweat from her forehead, and then said in fear. Suddenly, a drop of water fell on her face. She looked up and saw that it was raining.

Can't reach the jump, the giant jackal starts to circle around the big tree again. After two circles, suddenly on the south side of the tree, it starts to plow up the soil frantically.

It is trying to loosen the roots of the tree, and then knock the tree down

Jia Jia couldn’t sit still anymore. She looked to both sides. There were trees on both sides, but the distance was three to five meters. If she had enough strength, it would be okay to jump over, but she herself realized now. , I don’t have so much energy to jump

The rain fell on Jia Jia’s nose, it was so cool Jia Jia felt hope in an instant, she raised her hands, go down, get bigger

That rain seemed to have heard Jiajia’s begging, UU reading www. uukā The raindrops fall and become denser and denser, and they may not even become a line, flowing down from the tip of the leaves that cover the sky and the sun. The rain wets Jiajia’s clothes and evaporates a burst of white water. Angry

Jia Jia greedily drank the rainwater, feeling the cold rainwater sliding down the esophagus into the stomach, instantly cooling the burning heat in the internal organs, and the strength was quickly restored.

"Okay, beast, sister is back again, let's see how I can clean up you." Jia Jia grabbed her left arm with her right hand, endured the severe pain and put up the dislocated hand, held it on the side of the tree trunk, and touched it. Align the position of the joint groove, and then gritted the teeth, the strength of the whole body slammed forward

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it hurts my song," Jia Jia yelled from the tree canopy.

However, although it was painful, she pushed the wrong joint in, and the pain was much smaller in an instant. She moved her left shoulder, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, and she was very proud of it.

Well, the last battle, either you die or I live

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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