Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 248: A big win

The female dragon was injured and did not have any effect on the other Qilongsen Anacondas. These monsters have no emotions, but only know how to hunt them.

They were originally hesitating, wandering around like a pot of porridge, and did not dare to approach easily, but the female dragon was injured and a lot of blood was shed. Song Xiaojia was surrounded by a strong **** smell, which made them no longer hold back. Live, rushing over, the closest to her is the stag head dragon

It is still the same as the original, wanting to use its sharp antlers to stab Song Xiaojia, but how can it think that Song Xiaojia’s body is stronger than metal now, harder, and the two reindeer-like big horns on his head are better than potato chips. Not much stronger

Song Xiaojia just put his arms across his chest, hiding his face in the crossed arms, and suddenly pushed forward at the moment of contact. There was a crisp sound, and both antlers broke off. The head dragon fled in a whirlpool. Suddenly its head became lighter, so I didn’t know how to swim anymore. Its weightless body leaned forward and disappeared when it got into the arch.

Song Xiaojia took the opportunity to insert a steel knife into his rucksack, and took the two huge antlers that looked like a fan.

She has her own thoughts: after all, there are only two knives, and they swing so slowly in the water. I am afraid that they cannot resist the simultaneous attacks of the remaining four dragons at the same time. The idea, paddling

She erected two reindeer-like horns, like two boat oars, stretched out her arms, and waited quietly, getting closer, and it was about to be in front of her eyes, she swung to the center like a fan. The huge fan suddenly stirred the vortex toward the center to gather strong waves of water, like a wall of water, and instantly disperse the group of dragons, and the vortex formed by the water wave engulfed several strange dragons. , I was five or six meters away from Song Xiaojia in an instant.

Even if it is fanning in the air, Song Xiaojia’s strength is enough to blow out a wave of air that can blow people away. What's more, the water pressure is much higher than the air pressure. I pressed myself tightly on the stone wall

In the midst of this turmoil, something suddenly floated and swayed, spinning past Song Xiaojia’s eyes. It was the half-fan dorsal fin of the female dragon that had just been removed.

The shape of the dorsal fin is like a fan with the main axis spread out. It is the size of half a summer mat. In addition to the fin surface connected by the fleshy membrane, there are several billiard spurs interspersed with backstabs, which are extremely sharp.

"This is a good thing." Jia Jia had an idea, threw off the antlers, reached out and grabbed the dorsal fin, pulled a backstab from it, and held it back in his hand, like a javelin.

Said it was late and it was fast. The first Qilong had already turned around and swam over. Song Xiaojia stretched out her arms and gave her shoulders. After all, she had watched two Olympic track and field competitions. The movements were still very standard. She let go of the long one. Throwing his backstab past, the backstab pierced the lake like a spear. Bubbles on the tip of the tip plunged into the shark’s neck like lightning. It struggled crookedly and sank silently.

There are also three longest with long tentacles like jellyfish. It is a soft poisonous dragon, twisting its ghostly body and rushing towards Song Xiaojia. Song Xiaojia took off two long spines from his dorsal fin. Throwing it violently, the spikes pierced through like a torpedo, but the poisonous dragon had too long tentacles under its body, and it was impossible to tell where the body was. Moreover, it was not as simple as the shark-headed dragon, only light. Twisting the slender body, the two long thorns flew past like a pearl curtain, without hurting it.

Jia Jia froze for a moment, before he could react, the poisonous dragon had already swam in front of him. It suddenly raised its head up, and its elongated body stood up. The countless body hair tentacles under the belly opened like mimosa leaves, enclosing them from both sides, countless Silk thread entangled her hands and feet, and the huge suction pulled Song Xiaojia into her body.

Fortunately, Song Xiaojia’s current body is not afraid of those tentacles with barbed poisonous thorns. If it were a normal person, she would have been poisoned and died. She wanted to forcefully break the joints of the poisonous dragon, but it was not coiled around Song Xiaojia’s body. It doesn’t work, and the tentacles are stretchable like flexible rubber bands.

"Play with me and use softness to restrain your body, no matter how soft your body is, there is always a root that governs your spine." Song Xiaojia snorted in his nose, "Look at how soft you really are."

She simply plunged her head into the arms of the poisonous dragon, pinched with both hands, hugged its body, and then digs into the dragon flesh with her fingers. Most of the poisonous dragon's body is water, only the middle spine is soft. Can block Song Xiaojia’s hand strength, she easily grabbed the opponent’s vertebrae, like a corn, with a click, twisting and dislocation.

Those tentacles tremble instantly, and they all fly away and don’t go to hold Song Xiaojia anymore. Song Xiaojia is an unreasonable master. Seeing the joints of the poisonous dragon are misaligned, she tries to escape in an extremely weird posture. He drew a machete from behind to catch up. An oolong stirred the sea and grabbed the poisonous dragon's tail. When his wrist turned over, he turned the guy upside down. With his belly facing up, Song Xiaojia's horizontal knife was placed on the poisonous dragon's belly, like a sharp knife. Like a push forward

Countless slender tentacles were shaved off like a beard. Those half-meter-long filaments were scattered like noodles. Song Xiaojia loosened the poisonous dragon, swam over and reached out to grab a few of them, and wrapped a few on his wrist, and then One line, she knows, these good things will still be needed

Two more

The long thorny Qilongsen anaconda has a short body. Because it is short, thick and hard, it swims very slowly. It rolls, using the water flowing through the hollow part of the body to move forward, and when it approaches Song Xiaojia, it shakes. The mixed thorn, took a big breath, and the whole body swelled into a huge thorn ball.

Song Xiaojia threw the last backstab in his hand, but it bounced off with a bang

"Oh so flexible." Song Xiaojia grinned in the water. At this point, she was already ambitious and couldn't feel any fear.

When the last flat Qilong rushed over, she flipped upwards, and then drew out the two steel knives behind her, one for each, and nailed the flat dragon to the stone wall. It looked like a poster. Hanging up, still struggling, Song Xiaojia pushed the awkwardly immobile spike ball and kicked it The countless sharp spikes on the spike ball moved towards the wall. The “poster” on the photo was pierced and the dragon was stabbed to death in an instant, and another wall was added as a barrier. Song Xiaojia also kicked and exploded the stabbing ball, like a rotten balloon, collapsed into many pieces. A fragment, a blood flower bloomed in the water

Song Xiaojia "crashed" out of the water and changed her breath for a long time, her wet hair pressed against her face, she swam to the shore, climbed up tiredly, and instantly fell onto the thick carpet of grass. Don't move anymore.

I was so tired that I couldn’t open my eyes anymore. Song Xiaojia closed his eyes tightly and let the comfortable sun shine on her body. She didn't care much, she fell asleep deeply

Slowly, the surrounding heat rose up, and Song Xiaojia suddenly heard the electronic sound of "DiDi" while she was sleeping. She woke up and remembered the metal ring around her neck. Time is precious. Now where is it comfortable to sleep? When sleeping

She sprang up suddenly, rubbed her eyes left and right to judge the direction, only then saw the huge stone wall slanting from the bottom of the lake to the sky.

...(Earth Destruction Plan../34/34735/)--(Earth Destruction Plan

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