Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 250: Handmade weapons

Song Xiaojia split the tree trunk into long wooden strips, then measured the length and cut them into three short, medium and long pieces in turn, and roasted them over a fire to remove the burrs. When the wood dried and came together, he just raised his head. Ready to find spider silk, Wang Yanke had already handed it over. "Recommend Baidu/Chess-Zi*Small/Speaking/Online Reading"

"I knew, you want to be a bow"

"Oh" After getting along for so long, Song Xiaojia has become accustomed to being surprised by Ke Ke. This girl's outstanding wisdom often does unexpected things, and she is almost accustomed to it.

"I guessed it when you picked that thick tree. Only for bows do you need to use that very short tree. Because of its slow growth, the texture of the wood will be hard. If it's a tall and big tree. , The wood is usually very soft and easy to break."

"Haha, I forgot that you are live Baidu. It seems that I can't hide anything from you." Song Xiaojia took the silk rope and smiled complimentarily.

Wang Yanke did not laugh, she just raised her mouth slightly, her voice was so small that only Song Xiaojia, who was standing opposite, could hear: "I also know that you just lied. The engraving on the stone wall was not what you said. Those few words"

"Ah" Song Xiaojia was taken aback again, and she quickly used her eyes nervously to signal Wang Yanke not to go on.

"Don't worry." Wang Yanke made a sealing action nonchalantly, "Your decision is right, and I won't say it."

"Then do you know who engraved those characters" Song Xiaojia asked in a low voice.

Wang Yanke shook his head: "I didn't see it with my own eyes. It's hard to say, but from the current situation, we don't have time to take care of that. It's getting dark. The most important thing is how to spend the night."

"Yeah" Song Xiaojia also knows that in the jungle, the night is the most dangerous. Most carnivores are used to eating supper, and they can only sit and wait unless they are prepared for defense in advance.

So, she used spider silk to tie the three pieces of wood that grew in turn, and twisted them very delicately, lined up one by one. Then, she carried the one-meter-long bow on her shoulders. , Like carrying a pole, adjusted the distance left and right to ensure that the center of the bow is behind the neck, then put both hands on each side of the bow, and both arms are pressed down at the same time, the wooden bow immediately makes a creaking sound, slowly Ground, that super hard wooden bow was bent into an arc by her

"Tie the rope" Song Xiaojia did not dare to let go, so Lele helped him tie the silk rope that Koko had woven to the two ends of the bow. As soon as Song Xiaojia loosened his force, the bow bounced back violently. , But was quickly pulled tightly by the silk rope. "Ωωω.qiiLα is more and more complete"

"I'll try it" Lele took the bow excitedly, holding the bow with one hand and pulling the strings with one hand, spreading his feet and gritting his teeth.

The bowstring is only slightly pulled apart

"It's a strong bow," he clapped his hands and praised, "I guess no one can pull it away except for a female man like Jia Jia."

Hearing this, Hao Zhi felt that the man’s self-esteem was strongly contemptuous. He snorted contemptuously in his nose and asked for a bow from Lele. Let me tell you that I saw an iron bow when I was young. That's a strong one. Only a real battlefield hero can pull it away. I can pull a half full when I was young. Don't look at me thin, my bones are powerful."

He also learns the appearance of Lele, with his front legs bowed and the hind legs kicked, pulling the bow body and bowstring with both hands, and yelling "Hi" with all his strength.

The bowstring doesn't move

He smiled awkwardly at everyone, and then suddenly used force, the bowstring was still unmoved, he scratched his head, haha ​​smiled: "I just said it, my level can only pull the iron bow Because the material is more elastic, the wooden bow is also stronger. Only monsters like Jiajia can pull it up."

Song Xiaojia gave him a white look, took the bow and weighed it in his hand, then pulled the string with one hand and gently pulled the strong bow into a full circle, and then loosened his hand, "ding" The bowstring returned to its place with a humming sound, and the sound was very pleasing.

The arrow is missing. They split the remaining wood into long wooden strips, and then trimmed them into straight and smooth arrow stalks compared to the back of the knife. Er, tear off the plastic of those packaging bags of cookie and potato chips, and a piece of it is stuck at the end, it’s ok.

When this was done, the sky was still a bit bright, and a few people hurriedly chopped all the remaining wood into pieces, and piled up four bonfires on the four corners of the open space to form a four-corner defense. Normal beasts flee when they see fire. , There should be no difference.

Suddenly, Song Xiaojia thought about something again. She ran over, picked from the branches that had just been cut down, and found a few branches in the shape of "Ya". Feeling satisfied, she trimmed it and made it. Five slingshots

"The idea is pretty good, but there are no such long rubber bands. The hair we tie is too thin, and the spider silk is broken in two strokes, although it is tough but not elastic." Lele took it sadly.

"I thought about it a long time ago." Song Xiaojia smiled, and removed the tentacles of the poisonous dragons he had collected from his wrists. The tentacles will be stretched with my movements. They are very flexible and strong enough, so I specially collected some"

"Haha, smart" several people praised and took the poisonous dragon's tentacles. They have been soaked in the water for so long. The toxins in the tentacles have already been cleaned. It is white and transparent, slender and long. Everyone I made a few, tied it to the branch of the slingshot, picked up a small stone from the ground, and slapped it out, and hit it firmly on the trunk more than 30 meters away, even the bark was cracked. NS

"Good elasticity" Lele happily raised the slingshot and looked at it, "We can all help with monsters now."

The four corners are every ten meters, plus the middle, five piles of bonfires are burning, and the wet wood piled on one side is gradually dried, and then thrown into the fire. Wang Yanke asked everyone to wet the clothes. So as not to be dehydrated by the fire, several people sat down and looked at each other’s back. They did not dare to sleep. The sky was getting dark, and then it turned from darkness to strong wind in mid-air accidentally blows away and covers The clouds and the starry sky immediately lit up, and the Milky Way across the night sky is especially spectacular. Look at me, I look at you, the collar around my neck flashes rhythmically, reminding them that time is running out, one day and one night have passed. , There are still 24 hours, it is dead or alive, no one can predict

Hao Zhibai bored a little rabbit with the grass blades in his hand, with long big ears and a furry body. The beating of the fire light made his eyes tired, so he looked into the distance, and suddenly, he stood up nervously.

"What's the matter?" Song Xiaojia was afraid of this movement, and after playing for a day and night, he was so tired that he didn't want to move anymore.

"It's okay, I might have read it wrong" Hao Zhi sat down again and smiled apologetically.

"What did you see"

"I saw a woman in a red dress walking by behind the tree over there."

...(Earth Destruction Plan../34/34735/)--(Earth Destruction Plan

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