Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 269: Rebellion

The situation became awkward in an instant, and no one thought that the person who betrayed Xu Zhe would be Zhang Diandian, the little girl who has always been around the head of state.

It is now the eighth year of the dusty era. Zhang Diandian and Hao Zhi are 27 years old and they have grown into elites in various fields. They are mature and have their own positions. However, as Xu Zhe's most trusted person, she shouldn't There is a reason for betrayal!

However, Old Burton stood up again with difficulty, waving a hand against it: "General Lin Tao, please don't get excited. As you said, the serious consequences of disturbing the torrent of time are unimaginable. Once it causes time continuity If **** is broken, or it may cause chaos such as time collapse, space vortex, etc., the entire galaxy may be involved in an instant. At that time, we don't even know why the doomsday came, when it came, and it has disappeared invisible!"

Lin Tao pointed at Xu Zhe, slowly stepped back to the middle of the office, and smiled: "As a scientist, facing new physical events beyond ten thousand years of stability, aren't you curious about what will happen? It's like something that no one has touched since ancient times. Don't you want to poke it to see what happens? Any consequences can happen, and it also includes the possibility of us successfully revising history and saving human civilization!"

Ahem... Mr. Burton gave a dry cough: "In fact, as a physicist, I am also very curious about the strange results of changing time. This will undoubtedly be a witness to a major event in the history of physics. However, as the head of the Ministry of Science and Technology, I chose to agree with the decision of the head of state. You are a scientist and he is a politician. Take a step back, even in terms of scientific feasibility. The chances are also very small, and your current behavior does not make much sense..."

Lin Tao smiled coldly: "The theory you talked about was already familiar to me when I was in high school. It is just under the premise of traditional physics theory. It is indeed impossible to achieve time reversal. However, it is not There is no other way!"

"Oh? Please speak!" Mr. Burton was interested and asked after him.

"Have you ever thought that in your hypothesis, one basic element is ignored, that is, what is time?" Lin Tao Zhenzhen asked a question remarkably.

Standing aside, Wang Yanke smiled slightly when he heard this, "What is time? No one asked me, I know very well, once I asked, I was lost..."

"The Director of the Science Department, I never thought you knew this famous saying," Lin Tao nodded approvingly. "In fact, Mr. Burton's assumption seems to be correct on the surface, but it ignores this important key point—— Is time a real thing, or is it matter?

If it is an unmoved objective existence in the universe, then it is right to compare it with people who are also material, and what if time is only a physical space attribute?

The universe has a point in time when it erupted, and a certain time when it will eventually end in the future. Before the birth of the universe, time does not exist, and after the universe is destroyed, time will also end.

Then, from birth to death, a person's time has a beginning and an end. Before birth, time has no meaning to him. After death, time disappears in his world immediately.

Derivatively, a planet has existed in the universe for billions or hundreds of millions of years, and an antiproton is born to annihilation, and it is as short as one billionth of a second. Any matter in the world has its own time attribute. Time It cannot be separated from the substance and exist alone.

So if we can break the time attribute of a particular object and slow it down, we can make it stagnate in other time torrents that are advancing together, and this stagnation can become an actual time backward! "

Wang Yanke was the first to understand Lin Tao's words, and his eyes lit up: "You mean, if time is not a speed attribute, but a spatial attribute... it's like a moving flow of people, as long as it maintains the same speed. A person in the flow of people will always live in a time perspective. If his own time attribute does not speed up, he will not be able to reach the future in front of the flow of people. If you want to go back to the past, you only need to slow down his own time. Attributes, let other substances that maintain the original speed flow forward, and they will retreat back to the past...

In fact, we don’t need to work hard to surpass the speed of light, just let time surpass us! "

"Hey!" Old Burton sneered at this new theory. "It's just a conjecture for no reason! How can there be any theoretical basis in classical physics?"

Lin Tao also raised his voice: "In fact, when the theory of relativity was first proposed, it was just a conjecture. Distorted light was also confirmed in later observations. Scientific truths never need to be determined when they first appear. That's correct! I won't stand still on the theories put forward by people over a hundred years ago!"

"You! Typical speculation!" Burton replied bitterly.

"Hmph!" Xu Zhe also sneered half-heartedly, "You think you have a good plan to win the game, but you have overlooked an important factor. Will that party agree? Hao Zhi disagrees, can you fly back by yourself?"

Hao Zhi was taken Why did things turn to him again? Blame this **** ability!

"Hao Zhi! Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Even if the time travel is successful, what kind of changes will happen to your revised history is unpredictable. As far as I know, you and Ke Ke have decided to get married, and if you Now that the past has changed, then, for the girl you have been pursuing hard for these years, all the happiness that is about to be achieved will immediately vanish!"

"Shut up!" Lin Tao knew that Xu Zhe, like himself, was originally a political commissar in the military, and he focused on scientific and technological capabilities. What Xu Zhe is best at is psychological offense and defense. His remarks finally made his own for Hao Zhi. Decision, there is a lot of lethality!

Indeed, Hao Zhi began to hesitate. The choice difficulties and hesitations that were inherent in his bones began to waver again. On the one hand, he really could not judge Lin Tao or Xu Zhe to make more sense. It seemed that they were all for the sake of A common goal is just a different method of choice. Anyone to help may be wrong.

On the other hand, since choosing anyone may be wrong, naturally maintaining the current status quo is the safest way. Xu Zhe has worked so hard to lead the remaining humans to work hard day and night to rejuvenate civilization, which seems to be a more reliable way. Lin Tao's method is similar to gambling. The bet is too big to lose...

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