Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 277: Technology is dead

?? The three people are facing Guan Yunchang on the altar of the altar. The majestic image, the red face and the long beard, is extremely mighty. Now, Zhenghu stares at the three: "Please ask questions!"

"I'm here, I have something to ask you..." He Gang said.

There was a soft buzzing vibration in Guan Yunchang's idol, and then slowly organized into an orderly audio: "What do you want to ask?"

"Yesterday, a very strange thing happened to us here. There was a person who mysteriously evaporated in a closed space. Also, at the same time, several other countries on the earth also had similar incidents one after another. I want to ask you... …Do you just know who did it?"

Elder Guan Yun was silent for a while, and the sound of the switch and the computer program was running behind him.

"I don’t know this, and I’ve told you time and time again. Although I’m talking to you, I’m not here with you. I’m just an artificial intelligence that simulates the wisdom of our planet. In other words, it’s only equivalent to that on your planet. It’s just a slightly more sophisticated computer. I can only perform related calculations and answers based on our scientific knowledge, but I can’t think about and predict the answers to questions.”

"But aren't you talking to us?" Deputy political commissar Lin Tao couldn't hold back the question he had always wanted to ask, and finally asked out.

"Yes, I am talking to you, but this is just feedback based on the knowledge reserve in my database. It's as if you enter a calculator that is equal to one plus one, and it will also tell you by voice. You are two...

I'm just countless levels higher than it. I can easily tell you the answer to even the incomparably complex mathematical operations... But you ask me, what did you eat this morning? I can't tell you! "

"That's..." Lin Tao replied quietly, "Science is not theology."

"The creation of my high-tech civilization is 500 light-years away from your earth. If we communicate in real time, even if it is transmitted at the fastest speed of light in the universe, it will take 500 years for my words to be transmitted to you, and your words are transmitted. It will take the same time to come here. In theory, it is impossible to proceed...

So we have packaged our cutting-edge technology into an information integration system, which is randomly released into the universe in the form of phototrinos. As long as a civilization with a certain wisdom receives it, we can use the knowledge in it to restore it into a computer like mine. supercomputer.

And this artificial intelligence can teach you the most cutting-edge technology and help your development.

Take your current technology, for a simple analogy, we can’t fax a computer to you, but we can pass you a set of instructions for making computers. "

"Then..." He Gang pondered for a moment, and then changed the question, "Do you know what kind of power can make a person disappear instantly in a closed space without changing the surrounding environment?"

"I can't answer this question accurately, because our communication with you is limited to basic physics and common sense of cosmology...

You humans refuse to share your basic biological information with us, and I cannot figure out how to make humans disappear out of thin air from my database, because I don't understand your basic physical characteristics!

For example: a 4-year-old child knows how to make a piece of ice disappear from his eyes, he only needs to give it a temperature, but you ask him to answer how a piece of iron disappears, it is impossible, his knowledge storage does not include the iron block The composition, internal physical properties and so on, cannot answer you. "

"Indeed..." He Gang was silent.

"If you humans are willing to provide your own biological basic information and genetic map, I can calculate the result within ten seconds and tell you everything about your earth human beings... even in a very short time. The inside will elevate your biotechnology to an incredible level.

For example, don't you want to live forever? "

He Gang shook his head: "Indeed, everyone who has ever lived in this world has longed for the answer to this question, but we only want to achieve this goal through our own efforts."

"That is impossible in the short term!

The backwardness of your biotechnology is not what you can imagine. Moreover, I have repeatedly warned you that if the human beings on earth only unilaterally improve your knowledge of physics and mathematics, even with the help of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations like ours, they can only provide you. After about 50 years of rapid development, beyond this time limit, there is nothing we can do!

At that time, your technology will be in a period of stagnation, progress will be slow or even backward..."

"This is the prediction of Tianhe that you and Lin Tao said?" Hao Zhi couldn't help interrupting Xu Zhe again and asked loudly.

"Yes, Wang Yanke's theory about the stagnation of human science and technology was predicted by Tianhe Computer nearly 30 years ago, and it is currently being realized step by step!"

"Then, did Tianhe say what caused this stagnation? Is there any solution?" Wang Yanke asked thoughtfully.

Xu Zhe nodded approvingly at her. Lin Tao also asked your question...

"I don't understand that our technology has now exploded in the past 30 years. Since ancient times, there has never been an era like today. We are in the golden age of rapid human development! Technology will follow our efforts. And continue to develop steadily step by step, isn't it? Why do you say that we will stagnate? I don't think there is any force that can prevent human beings from continuing to progress!" Lin Tao retorted loudly.

"Half of what you said is right, but you have overlooked one thing...

The speed of your technological development should have been synchronized with that of biological gene technology, just as it did a century ago, synchronized and slowly developed.

But because in the past 50 years, you have been in contact with an advanced extraterrestrial civilization like ours. It is like a primary school student who has made up a lesson outside of school, so his grades have improved rapidly. This has resulted in the technology of the earth in the past 50 years. explode.

If this is not the case, with the natural development speed of your human beings, you will not be able to do something as simple as setting foot on a near-Earth satellite like the moon before the arrival of the next century! "

"This we recognize that all human civilizations, no matter which corner of the earth developed, ancient Egypt, ancient China, or all countries in the Middle Ages, after two thousand years of development, the level of productivity has always been struggling with food and clothing. Maybe It was your help that made us make such great progress...

However, we are like a baby who is supported to walk. Now we have the ability to walk. Even if we throw away an adult's hand, we won't fall over. Running and even flying in the future... It's just a matter of time! "

Lin Tao gets more and more seems to be full of confidence in the future of mankind.

He Gang sighed without interrupting.

The electronic sound in Master Guan was silent for a while, and then a cold voice replied: "You see the essence of the problem right, but what if this kid...died before he learned to run?"

Lin Tao was shocked and did not speak.

"This is what I keep warning you,

You humans have only developed physical technology, but biotechnology has been almost stagnant. Humans could live to 100 years old half a century ago.

But now that the new century is coming, your life expectancy is still less than 100 years old, and even due to factors such as environmental degradation, your average life expectancy has not increased but decreased! "

Wang Yanke's eyes widened when he heard this, and he screamed excitedly. Yes, I didn’t expect that the bottleneck of science and technology will ultimately be the bottleneck of people who study science and technology. The only hard condition that can restrain the development of knowledge is human beings. Longevity!

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