Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 287: destroy

?? "So that night you just took off your clothes and blended with your surroundings. Later, when they moved the police car and rechecked the vehicle, you took the opportunity to open the door and escape!"

"Run away? A joke! I still stood next to the captain named Old Wei for a while, listened to their conversation, watched them work for a while,

In fact, if they pay more attention, they can find me. When the light of the flashlight hits me, it will illuminate a rough outline of a human figure.

Although I can change color, but it is not transparent, I still block the light, and there will be shadows behind me as well, but the night is too dark, they didn't notice it..."

"What is the purpose of you people? Are there any political demands?"

"We are just a group of special human beings united freely. Each of us has different special abilities. As for the purpose, of course it will not be a friendship.

I can tell you responsibly that, similar to me, there are many ‘us’ that permeate the minutiae of your life, in various industries, in various fields, even, including the most advanced government centers,

Our organization is extremely confidential and does not have a specific organizational form, so you can't spy on us. After each of our members has undergone strict long-term tracking and review, they must be recommended by more than two organization members to join.

Therefore, for ordinary people, supernatural beings are just a looming legend. In their eyes, we do not exist at all! "

"What is the name of your organization?"

"The name of our great organization is written on the note:'Dawn'!"

"Dawn Organization?"

"Yes, we are the first light on this earth and the direction of human evolution in the future. However, it is cruel to say that you are a race that will be eliminated by history sooner or later. It is only a matter of time before we replace you..."

When the man talked about emotions, he instinctively stood at attention, and at the same time looked up into nothingness, as if he had seen the beautiful and magnificent future he had imagined.

According to Lin Tao's years of experience in political work, such people are often ideologically manipulated and brainwashed by a smarter person, but they do not use instruments for brainwashing, but beliefs.

"Said Dog P has no organizational form. Judging from the performance of this person, it is just a small pawn. There must be a huge organizational system behind him. If he can find out more information, then wait for Xu Zhe. When I come back, I can tell him the news,

The rest is how to track and arrest the rest of the organization members. As for the person in front of him, he is not terrible. Apart from being able to change the color, he is no different from ordinary people. In this tightly closed underground, he is closed. It’s not easy for a dog to catch a turtle! "Lin Tao thought secretly.

The other party seemed to see through his thoughts, and stood up with his lips: "Seeing you are so pitiful, I wanted to talk to you for a while. Unfortunately, my time is also very limited. Although Ultrain’s maintenance is complicated, it doesn’t. It lasts too long, well, I'm going to start working!"

He walked out of this glass room and turned into the room on the side marked "Original Data Analysis Room". Lin Tao tried his best to twist his head and watch the man's every move with his eyes slanted. There are no secrets at all. The glass house allowed him to witness the whole process.

There is only a large workbench in the original data analysis room with four or five computer screens on it. Under the table is a huge and complicated computer cabinet and cooling equipment. Several fluorescent lights are flashing alternately, marking the work of the computer. state.

On the side of the workbench, there is a glass box similar to a jewelry display. It is a moisture-proof and high-temperature glass cover. It is illuminated with a spotlight. It is a shabby notebook. That is the manuscript of "Naduo Notes". !

Although it looks tattered, Lin Tao knows that that is the cornerstone of this laboratory and even this country's science and technology!

Zhang Yu sat down in front of the computer, shook the mouse, then took out a 3.5-inch floppy disk and inserted it into the computer, and began to perform a series of extremely skilled operations on the screen. About three minutes or so, a popped out on the computer screen. The progress bar, the dark green progress is slowly advancing: 1%, 2%...

He stood up, looked at it with satisfaction, then turned around and walked to the display stand, opened the glass cover, took out the "Naduo Notes" inside, and walked back while looking at it.

"Okay, my work is finished, maybe we will meet again in the future, but by then, you probably don't remember me anymore!" He sneered, reaching out and turning on the switch on the console. The prepared amnesiac program started to run according to the original input instruction, and a fiery infrared ray accurately irradiated Lin Tao's forehead...

But at this moment, the elevator door in the distance opened, Xu Zhe led a group of technicians out, Zhang Yu noticed something was wrong, and sneered again, and then disappeared magically in front of Lin Tao, that's it. In front of the console, the elephant is only standing in the air in overalls!

The clothes hanging in the air began to take off one by one. In less than ten seconds, his clothes had been put on the back of the side chair, and Lin Tao was being tortured by the memory cleaning procedure, dizzy.

Xu Zhe took the lead and walked into the laboratory. He was talking to the people around him about a lot of speculations about the failure of the Ultrain computer. He suddenly looked up and found that the staff guarding Lin Tao had disappeared. His heart sank, and the computer screen showed, Amnestics work is in progress!

Xu Zhe's thinking instinctively made a judgment at that moment: someone started the brainwashing program without his own order, and this person must have something to hide!

In contact with the series of abnormal situations that occurred here recently, he immediately shouted: "Who started the brainwashing program? Quick! Stop the computer operation!"

A technician said "Ah" before he understood what was going on. He rushed to the computer, quickly tapped the keyboard, paused and shouted: "Report! The computer program cannot be terminated. Someone has locked the program!"

"Save people! Save people!" Xu Zhe shouted angrily to the guards around him, "Take people off first!"

The operator ran up and unlocked the ring lock on Lin Tao's neck. The guard took out the key to the handcuffs and opened the handcuffs on Lin Tao's hands and feet as quickly as possible, and then pulled him off the console. Due to excessive force , The two fell to the ground together.

Everyone took a sigh of relief, and the computer screen showed that the brainwashing process had just started 5%, and there might not be any serious Just when everyone's nerves just relaxed a little. , On the computer screen of the original data room next door, the virus wake-up procedure has been completed. In an instant, all computer screens in the entire underground laboratory turned red. A huge warning prompt appeared at the same time, and then a line of clear Chinese prompts appeared: "Urgent The self-destruction process is complete and all computer data is deleted!"

Xu Zhe was silly on the spot. He rushed forward and picked up Lin Tao who was in a semi-comatose state. He attacked and slapped a few times, and shouted, "Wake up! What happened?"

Lin Tao was awakened by this severe pain. His brain had just been strongly stimulated, as if a person who had just woke up in a deep sleep, smiled stupidly: "Huh? What did you say..."

"You!" Xu Zhe was so angry that he could not speak. He grabbed a glass of water on the table and poured it on his head. "Lin Tao, you were here just now. Tell me what happened? Who deleted everything in the computer? data of?"

Lin Tao finally woke up now, but his memory seemed to have a large area of ​​disorder, like a U disk that was unplugged without stopping at all. The emergency disconnect operation made his mind go blank. At this moment, far away The elevator door on the fourth underground floor opened silently, and then closed again...

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