Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 306: Past future

? Hao Zhi did not tell Song Xiaojia about the two experiences he had traveled back home, because he began to worry about a problem that made him sleep and eat

On the plane of the Apocalypse Conference, another "he" once came back to rescue Wang Yanke at the time, and now he went back to rescue another Wang Yanke. Everything is like a rehearsed script on time, precise, and continuous. He didn't know whether **** was broken or filled.

If "Hao Zhi appeared on the plane and saved Wang Yanke" is something that is destined to happen, then whether he will return to this point in time from the future is also destined.

So, what content is destined for the future? Is there any meaning in human struggle?

If everything is destined, and history is still advancing at its original pace after all, then all these efforts I have made are destined to be destined


But destiny also has its jokes. After working hard for so many years, I finally hoped that I entered the bridal chamber with Wang Yanke and was disturbed by Thunder God. In a blink of an eye, I returned to this era with Song Xiaojia. However, Professor Nadu only arranged a room for them, possibly, treating them as a pair.

Hao Zhi and Song Xiaojia didn’t bring any luggage. Professor Naduo was very thoughtful. During dinner time, the orderly soldiers ordered some meals from the cafeteria and brought them in, filled with old aluminum lunch boxes full of braised pork and Two of the rice ate their mouths greasy.

After dinner, Song Xiaojia sat on the bed cross-legged, arguing that the room was hot. The weather in Beijing in May had indeed begun to become sultry. Although this old room was clean but very stuffy, there was only a shaking head fan trying to tremble. At the same time, a warm wind was blowing towards the two people.

On the chest of drawers, there is a 24-inch color TV. In this era, this is already considered a very high-end thing, but Hao Zhi seems to say that the TV is a little worth watching it, and the screen is not as good as his own. When I was in high school, the computer screens in the Internet cafes were big.

What's more pitiful is that there are only five or six channels after opening, and there are no overwhelming variety shows. At eight or so nights, almost every room’s TV broadcasts the same TV theme song. A monk in a tattered shirt shook his head. Fanzi triumphantly strolled over the path in the distance.

This is the spiritual life of this era. There is no internet, no mobile phones, and family planning restrictions are not allowed to make children. So bored people began to gather in the compound to play cards, and under the street lights, they made up to three or five card tables. The men held them in their mouths. Smoke, women sit in a pile, gnawing sugarcane and watermelon, chatting about homework, groups of children chasing and playing around under the dim background

An extremely real world.

Hao Zhi strolled out with his arms folded, raised his head, and saw the moon hanging above his head. It was so peaceful and bright. It didn't know that billions of years of existence was about to end, just like these people who didn't know the end is coming. Before disasters fall from the sky, indifference is the commonality of mankind.

Wang Yanke didn’t know what was going on. Hao Zhi never dared to think about it. The dome of Crystal City collapsed, and the entire underwater world was instantly destroyed. Perhaps, the only ones who survived were himself and Song Xiaojia.

Thinking of this, his heart jerked into a ball

It is said that the husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and the catastrophe is imminent, and they really flew away, leaving behind their newlyweds. What a thing is this?

Blame that Thor

By the way, Thor, didn’t it mean that guy has been alive for hundreds of years, he should be there in this era, as long as he finds him out and kills him at this time, he won’t have a chance to destroy the dome.

Hao Zhi was excited for a while, but then he wilted again. The vast world was unaccompanied. It is not easy to find someone.

I can only go one step at a time

I was in a daze, when the car lights flashed in the distance, Professor Na Duo opened the car door and got out, smiling and saying hello to himself: "Don't go to bed so early at night, and walk with me to the base."

The base Hao Zhi guessed right. It was the underground palace base. He greeted Song Xiaojia, who was sitting on the bed with a pillow and leaning forward and laughing, and got into the professor's car.

There are so few cars on the street. This is Beijing. Hao Zhi was surprised by the earth-shaking changes in the motherland over the past few decades. Now he can only feel the difference between the front and the back when he personally returns to this era. No wonder some people say that in the 21st century. The biggest thing that happened in the early world was the rise of China. The giant of the East suddenly woke up, causing the whole world to panic.

"Tell me about what the future will be like at that time" Professor Naduo asked with interest.

"I'm rich" Hao Zhi thought for a long time and didn't know how to sum it up. He only expressed it in three simple words.

"Oh" Professor Naduo looked very happy, "Are there 10,000 households everywhere?"

"I made a song," Hao Zhibai glanced at him. "Let’s tell you this. By 2010, all beggers will be 10,000 yuan, and they will earn so much every month."

Professor Naduo's eyes widened in an instant.

"In your era, the so-called wealthy means upstairs and downstairs, electric light telephones, in our times, the telephone is handed one by one."

"Whoever has a phone installed?" Professor Naduo couldn't imagine how inconvenient it would be for everyone on the street to hold a phone the size of a mooncake box.

"Well, the wireless phone is only as big as a TV remote control"

"The TV can also be remotely controlled"

"" Hao Zhi slapped his face, "Are you not a scientist"

He grew up, and for the first time felt his own advantages in terms of knowledge stock. As a scumbag, he even had the opportunity to popularize these with scientists known as Einstein in China. It was an unexpected thing to kill.

Professor Duo stopped talking. He leaned on the back of the car with a little pride. After a long thought, he muttered to himself: "Xiao Zhang, look, I have told you countless times. Our motherland will definitely become stronger and the people’s life will become prosperous. No, the evidence is in front of you. What a fascinating world it will be."

Hao Zhi did not answer. He knew in his heart that no matter how beautiful the world was, that professor would not be able to see him. He would die in a murder thirteen years later.

Although the city has changed a lot, the Ming Tombs have not changed much. They are still ancient tombstones and overgrown with weeds. This era has not yet been fully developed into a tourist area. Many tourist facilities are still under construction. Of course, with The simultaneous construction of the scenic spot is the development of the underground base of Wanshou Mountain behind, bypassing the north of the mountain, the car drove into a secluded mountain road, and there was only the shadow of a car lamp on the dark asphalt road, stretching alone to the distance

Hao Zhi was already quite familiar with the underground palace. It seemed to him that he was going home. The various terrains and passages were very familiar. The professor also felt this and made him even more convinced that this boy really is. From the future.

"Look at this." In the unbuilt underground laboratory, Professor Naduo called up a picture from the original 486 computer screen to show Hao Zhi.

Hao Zhi almost put his nose on the computer screen before he could see that the surprisingly low-resolution photo was taken on a satellite map: "Here it is."

"Oh, the East my country Sea, didn't you say that there might be submarine structures there? We sent satellites to sweep the area and confirmed that there is nothing unusual about the submarine."

"Oh" Hao Zhi was taken aback, "Could it be that the Dawn Organization doesn't exist before the construction of the Japanese Undersea City has started. It is even more difficult to find Thor."

"Who are you looking for?" Professor Naduo asked curiously.

"Oh, an enemy, capitalist villain" Hao Zhi smiled.

"Oh, then I should prevent a little capitalism from dying, and my heart will not die. Don't neglect to become a rich country and a strong soldier." Professor Naduo said two slogans.

"By the way, how is the construction of the Ultrain prototype now?" Hao Zhi suddenly asked, looking at the dilapidated and backward 486 in front of him.

"Oh, you even know Ultrain." Professor Naduo became more interested. He got up and took Hao Zhi to the Ultrain research and development room on the third floor of the basement.

Obviously, the prototype of the supercomputer Tianhe-1 has been built. It is exactly the same as the dusty one he saw at the beginning. He saw the iron plate embedded in the Tianhe computer: Tianhe, China's first-generation super brain. Computer, founded in 1956, project leader: Naduo, master plan: Chinese Academy of Sciences

"I've been holding back on this question for a long time. According to your age, 56 years shouldn't be much old, right" Hao Zhi asked, pointing to the iron plate.

Professor Nadu smiled: "Yes, I was only 17 years old in 56 years. In fact, the research and development of supercomputers has been on the agenda since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The first-generation leaders of the country have long seen the future world. The trend of development, otherwise, you really think that the science and technology that is used by the announcer every day is just a joke."

"So you are not the creator of the underground palace base"

"Well, I just inherited the legacy of my predecessors and carried forward this project."

"Hey" Hao Zhigan laughed twice. How many young people don't know that these secrets are buried behind, and after years of hard work, how many generations of people have accumulated a happy life afterwards, they still don't cherish it.

"That's I also chat with the aliens inside" Hao Zhi suddenly changed.

Professor "Alien" was also taken aback. "This is a computer with a slightly faster computing speed. How can there be any aliens?"

"Ah" Hao Zhi was surprised. Xu Zhe recalled that a large amount of extraterrestrial information was hidden in the Tianhe-1 computer. Doesn't even the professor know about this?

"I did have such suspicions," Professor Naduo said, and ordered someone to turn on the Tianhe-1 system. After some operations, the huge blue screen was suddenly covered with strange symbols.

"I built this computer according to the computer construction method in the knowledge system I have mastered. From the first day it was built, the memory has retained these strange information. We tried it with a linguist, but translated it. If it doesn’t come out, there is a lack of a common cognitive point between our language and this mysterious text. In other words, without a good translation direction, do you know how to solve it?”

"Oh" Hao Zhi frowned and pretended to discern those complicated and messy symbols seriously, saying in his heart that you really regard me as a scientist, and it would be nice if Ke Ke was here now.


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