Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 337: Jing Shi Hong Zhong

The underwater temple is quiet and serene, like a giant sleeping in the center of the world. On the empty steps of the hall, Hao Zhi guards the prophet like a devout believer, quietly listening to ancient stories about human history.

The long scroll like a history book unfolds in front of you little by little. The process of the rise and fall of civilization is as magnificent as flowers blooming, but after a short peak, it fades into fragments.

Lament, the impermanence of the world, the emotion, the powerlessness of life

Perhaps it is not just a mortal like Hao Zhi, even if he is like a great man, standing on the top of the world, out of inner helplessness, he will say such words as "ask the vast earth, who is responsible for the ups and downs".

The 500 million years of civilization, like a castle built on a beach, looks majestic, but in fact it is vulnerable. After a wave of time comes, there is nothing left.

Fortunately, the civilization of the first season left thirteen crystal skulls.

The civilization of the second season also left a little bit of fire, that is, the Mu continent civilization that emigrated to the bottom of the sea. After the nuclear pollution, the world on the ground is no longer suitable for life to live in for 10,000 years. Therefore, the remnants of the Mu Empire after the end are on the bottom of the sea. A huge pyramid was built, and the local seawater was saturated with dissolved oxygen by chemical technology. Like Hao Zhi now, he can breathe freely.

As a result, these people survived, and under the protection of Mother Ocean, they restarted the difficult way of survival.

Facing a completely unfamiliar environment and carrying the guilt of the decline and death of civilization, they struggled a little bit. At first, they could only survive in an environment with mixed saturated oxygen. Over time, some people’s cardiopulmonary functions have changed. The structure of each part is also more suitable for submarine life.

So, the first group of people began to get involved in the underwater world outside the oxygen-enriched zone. Although they will come back to supplement the oxygen soon, but slowly, the process gradually becomes longer. They can be between the oxygen-enriched zone and normal seawater. Living in a fuzzy area, this range gradually expanded after thousands of years.

In the end, those people swim into the deep sea and never look back

They have forgotten their previous civilization, they have forgotten that they used to live on the vast continent. Even after 40,000 years of natural purification, the land is already lush and sunny, and they no longer need to return to the land.

The undersea people split into two groups, some of them guarded the ancient temples of the Mu Empire, inherited the legacy of their ancestors from generation to generation, and waited for the day to return to the land.

The other species began to adapt to the natural life on the bottom of the sea. They gradually degenerate, lose their thinking ability, their skin becomes thicker, and they are filled with fat to keep warm. Their bodies gradually change their shape, and their legs are combined with a tail fin. Due to the lighter gravity in the water, they The body began to grow bigger and bigger, eventually becoming the world’s largest marine mammal

"You mean whales" Hao Zhi's perception of the world was once again refreshed by the prophet, "Whales were also advanced from human ancestors."

"Yes, in contemporary human archaeology, there has always been an important link missing between terrestrial four-legged animals and marine mammals. This link is the period when ancient humans entered life under the sea."

"Then, is the other population the same as yours" Hao Zhi asked carefully.

Yes, our ancestors strictly guarded the legacy of the ancient civilization and waited for the day to return to the land. We live in this small area. In order to prevent degradation, we began to build palaces to exercise ourselves, but marine machinery The biggest limitation of civilization is that it can never develop a thermomechanical era.

Steam engine, gunpowder, these technologies that can never be used on the seabed, have become a line that cannot be broken through. We can only keep the original mechanical civilization and pass it on from generation to generation.

Although we hold the crystal skull in our hands, we cannot return to the land again. Our body structure has undergone serious evolution. Even if we return to the land, we cannot live for long unless we experience another tens of thousands of years.

So, we began to mix our genes into the terrestrial ancient ape populations, so that they could evolve rapidly and possess advanced wisdom, and then use the knowledge in the crystal skull to help them. After 20,000 years have passed, yours The ancestors walked out of the forest and began to live on the plains. As you know the rest of the story, human beings have spread their branches and leaves on this new continent until today.

The civilization of the third season, that is, the "new spiritual civilization" created by your human beings, was born. In the early days of the wild, you also had the same development path as the previous two seasons of civilization.

However, there is one thing that you are luckier than us.

"Oh" Hao Zhi came to the spirit.

The reason why you are called the "new spiritual civilization" is because the development of human civilization this season, you no longer simply develop science and technology like the previous two times. You have already received God’s help in the early stages of civilization. Philosophical thinking has been added to the bottom layer, which makes you smarter and more sensitive.

This time, philosophy took the lead and took the lead in science. For the first time, it is possible for mankind to learn tolerance and self-restraint.

The root of all this is that after 100,000 years of long universe exploration, the five elders of the Gendaya civilization returned to the earth.

In 570 BC, Li Er was born in an ancient country in the East and wrote the famous philosophical masterpiece Tao Te Ching.

In 565 BC, Sakyamuni was born in India, established Buddhism, and became an ancient Buddha in the West.

In 551 BC, Confucius was born in an ancient country in the East and founded Confucianism, which influenced the development of Eastern civilization for two thousand years.

In 469 BC, Socrates, the founder of Western philosophy, was born in Greece and opened up a territory in the history of Western philosophy.

In 384 BC, Aristotle came to Greece and developed Western culture with important ideological guidance, such as logic, metaphysics, natural philosophy, biology, ethics, political science, and artistic aesthetics.

Looking at the scale of one hundred thousand years of long-distance travel, the five elders returned to the earth in almost the same period. Their long-distance travel in the universe made them realize the importance of the upper limit of civilization. As long as the development of a civilization blindly Fast, then you will never be able to break through the bottleneck of self-destruction.

So they became saints and began to guide you forward from the spiritual world.

In the eyes of human beings, this is an incredible coincidence, an unexplainable phenomenon, so this great era is called the "Axis Age", also known as the "Sage Age". They couldn't figure out why. At that time, the Eastern and Western worlds, where civilizations were not yet interlinked, would arrive at their spiritual mentors at the same time and at the same place.

However, after hundreds of years, human beings did not listen to the teachings of the saints as they thought They still began to expose the characteristics of arrogance and conceit, so Satan once again descended into the world, and he appeared in a human form. In the West, a covenant is made with the people there. If the human world continues to fall, it will bring a doomsday cleansing.

Satan walked barefoot across the water to declare his miracles. He fabricated the story of a whole system of ancient myths, just to guide people to good, not to repeat the same mistakes. In the end, he was buried in the ground a long time ago for sublimation. Similarly, crucify yourself and be born again, telling people not to despise their prophecies.

He named a **** to the laws of nature in the universe, called "God", and then declared that he was a child of God, and he also took a new name, Jesus

"Oh my God, Satan and **** are the same person, not God"

Yes, a **** is a devil. What is the difference? The prophet smiled bitterly, thinking of heaven and hell. The ending in almost all religious stories points to the final demise of civilization. Mankind will fall, and the world will cause a flood and cleansing. After all sins, civilization regenerates and enters the next cycle.

These are all warnings left to the world by the predecessors about the lessons of previous rounds of civilization.


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