Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 427: Ultimate Thor

I am a person drifting outside the world, a lonely soul who has always known only to rely on myself. Only by gaining greater strength can I gain a sense of security in life.

Thirty years ago, a group of people in black found me. They wanted to use my power to form a new organization to welcome the arrival of "God". Later, I learned that the group of people belonged to a civil organization in Japan. They intercepted the news that the blood moon was about to invade the earth, so they spontaneously organized a group called "The Adventers."

They are a group of timid cowards, slogan "eliminate injustice, the world belongs to the gods" slogan everywhere to contact available talents.

And their purpose is nothing more than fear of absolute power, hoping to receive charity and sympathy like dogs after the end, and continue to live in this world.

I joined them in order to use their personal connections to find people with special abilities in this world like me. More importantly, I can become the leader of the world of supernatural powers and obtain the most unique and supreme rights in this world!

For the first time, I have my own home, which belongs to our Dawn Organization base camp, the East China Sea Base.

What happened later, everyone knows, the organization was betrayed by the blood moon, and the descendants were scattered like birds and beasts. I became the deceitful organization and the one who weaves the biggest lie. So I broke away from the dawn, found Lu Fang, and became a homeless tramp again. .

All changes began with Wang Yanke’s arrival. Her warmth and beauty are like a ray of clear sunlight shining into the hearts of others, clean and pure without impurities at all, even for me, who was an enemy in the past, she also Always take a sincere attitude.

Once, she suddenly asked me curiously, is your real name Thor?

I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly I couldn't remember what my original name was. It was like a long buried seed, covered in soil and rotted away, and a piece of my memory was missing.

She looked at me in a daze, so she chuckled. I don’t think you are scary at all. You should have your own name. I will give you one. Only my own name is allowed. Your name is dumb...

Then she laughed haha.

So, for her, I don't care about anything, I can do anything for Koko, including killing anyone in the world, even myself!

My life is worthless, as long as you can save her, take her away, take her to a bright future, I bless you!

Raytheon finished what he wanted to say in one breath, and suddenly took out another C cell injection from his pocket, and put it on his neck fiercely. With a bang, all the alienated viruses entered the body. He gritted his teeth and threw away the empty syringe, shaking his feet...

"Perhaps, finally becoming a half-orc who only knows about acquisition and occupation is the punishment for my previous actions and the true portrayal of the predation of my life for half of my life. Someone kills me to stop my madness!"

Please remember, if there is a beast in the world in the future, it has seriously loved a woman!

Anyone who hasn't seen it with their own eyes probably doesn't know how much damage to a person's body is due to the three intensified viruses before and after.

The thunder **** screamed and rolled all over the ground, and the intense pain was like countless ants gnawing his bone marrow. The violent body mutation quickly appeared. The bones on his back began to twist, and two huge bone wings grew out of his skin. There is a thin fleshy membrane between the slender and sharp bone spurs. The other parts are also bony spurs. The tops of the head, shoulders and the ends of the elbows all have long spikes, and the whole body has become a deep blue-black...

"Howl--!" The mutated Thunder God's eyes were red, his muscles were strong, and his hands became extremely large. He supported his body with his forearms, his head raised and howling sound shook the sky!

"Hey, this time he has become Thor!" Hao Zhi sighed, shaking his head.

Shura was about to walk towards Hao Zhi and the others, and the Thunder God behind him flipped his wings to catch up with him instantly, grabbed Shura's leg, and slammed it over, flipping his wrist and falling to the ground.

Shura struggled to get up. Before turning over, Thor had jumped on his back like an enthusiastic Tibetan mastiff, and pushed him into the ground fiercely. It screamed to the sky, and once again showed two rows of sharpness. The fine teeth were just a bite on Thor's shoulder, and half of his body was torn off with the shoulder!

"So fierce!" Deng Xiaoyu sighed quietly, standing beside Hao Zhi.

"Isn't it, such a powerful Conscious Clan, coupled with being bitten by a zombie, with zombie genes in the body, these two things plus the enhancement of C cells, he is now omnipotent!" Hao Zhi stared at the situation on the battlefield intently.

In less than a minute, Shura had been dismantled by Thor, and torn to pieces!

"God! If this is a big living person, it might hurt more!" Lele said, sticking out his tongue.

"The problem is that Shura may really not care about this. Physical damage is nothing to him. Thor is like this, he can't beat Shura!" Hao Zhiwu added regretfully.

Ah? What to do then?

Just wait and see! Hao Zhi seemed to have no bottom this time. He also felt a little bit tricky for such a guy who couldn't get in the way.

Sure enough, as expected by Hao Zhi, Shura had stood up again, appeared in front of Thor in his body, rubbing his wrists, beast, you are fierce enough!

Like Thor, he stared at the enemy in front of him with a pair of crimson pupils, suddenly lowered his head, and the wings on his back stood up. The fleshy membrane between the two rows of long bone spurs resonated with a buzzing sound. , Shura's body standing in the distance took a step backwards!

A piece of skin fell on his face like broken glaze ceramics!

Magnetic field waves! Professor Nadu slammed the table and stood up. Yes, after Thor finally strengthened, he raised his magnetic field ability to the highest level. That pair of wings is the weapon that transforms the electromagnetic waves in the magnetic field into the highest energy manifestation and launches!

"The highest energy form of electromagnetic waves?" Hao Zhi looked up and searched for a long time from his knowledge reserve and finally turned to that word, his eyes widened in disbelief, "Professor, that thing can be made by anyone. ?"

Professor Duo smiled bitterly. For a supernatural race like you, conventional physics rules don’t work!

gamma rays! Hao Zhi turned his head and looked at Thor in front of him. I made a tune. This thing destroys the structure of matter from the atomic level. It seems that Shura cannot escape death today!

Finally, Shura felt the threat of death. He raised his hands and crossed his face to block the gamma rays bursting out of Thor's wings, but what could be the gamma rays that could be blocked by his hands?

Hao Zhi knew that the lethality of a nuclear explosion is mainly composed of four factors: shock wave, light radiation, radioactive contamination and penetrating radiation. Among them, the most lethal is the "penetrating radiation" that erupts in the later period, which is mainly composed of strong gamma rays and neutron flux.

In other words, the nuclear explosion itself is a process of gamma-ray explosion, and now Thor has become an individual gamma-ray source!

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