Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 433: The truth of life

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One year later, calm

The moon is still hanging high in the sky, the stars are devastated, the deep space of the universe is quiet and peaceful, without the terrible aliens invading the earth as Hao Zhi said, the plots like those science fiction movies have not happened.

Hao Zhi's so-called superpowers did not appear, and he still lived a boring life, trapped in the "real" life, unable to escape.

He even went to the Ming Tombs to find the underground palace base. There was nothing in the open scenic area, everything was just a dream.

There is no elevator, no accident, no destruction of the earth, he has not even found a trace of evidence to prove that the things he has experienced are real, except for the ability to jump and the names of people that can appear in life, and the connection with that fantasy world. There is no evidence at all.

How to do

Hao Zhi repeatedly asked himself what to do

The doctor said, live a good life and find your sense of accomplishment in this world. Only the losers will cling to their illusions, right?

He felt that he was divided, completely divided in spirit. On the one hand, he was a fanatic who experienced the destruction of the world at the age of thirty-two. On the other hand, he was a scumbag facing the college entrance examination at the age of eighteen. And real events come.

Time is the most ruthless thing. No matter how tangled and struggling you are, it still moves forward slowly, faster and faster.

After failing the college entrance examination, Wang Yanke got his wish and got admitted to a prestigious university. The two said a lot in the garden of the community, and finally parted ways. Hao Zhi returned home and cried. A lot bigger.

His parents paid him to go to a pheasant university, smoked and played cards with people in the dormitory every day, and played games online when he was bored, and formed a team.

He began to indulge in this kind of life gradually, and since there is no way out, he had no choice but to do so.

But everything in the virtual world stagnated, and a bunch of brothers were still in the central laboratory waiting for their return. Lele and Diandian, the dead Keke, were all stuck at that point in time.

He tried his best not to think too much, because it was useless to think. He also tried countless times to mobilize his abilities, but the fact turned out that he couldn't go anywhere unless he opened his legs.

He began to write letters to Wang Yanke, writing out the stories in his fantasy, writing them into chapters, and showing them to her like a novel. When she replied, she seemed very happy and liked his stories very much.

This online love relationship lasted for more than two years, and then one summer vacation, Wang Yanke went home, and Hao Zhi secretly completed the first transformation of their lives in the hotel near the previous school.

Three years later, Ke Ke graduated. The two broke up several times, separated and reunited, noisy, Hao Zhi devoted himself to the advertising industry, opened a small advertising company in the city, and was in a social and economically transforming market. It was difficult to survive the competition, and Ke Ke entered a high school to become a chemistry teacher.

After another two years, the two of them were both twenty-five and sixty-five. Although they were still noisy and broke up in the middle, Hao Zhi talked about two girlfriends again. Ke Ke also went to kiss several times, even with one of the men. The child lived together for half a year, but eventually broke up because of feeling wrong.

This is real life, there is no romance and passion, even incomplete, full of all kinds of imperfections, but incomparably true

Hao Zhi often recalled the past painfully with his cigarette in his mouth, and missed the victorious era. He stood at the center of power and pointed the country to save mankind.

The two people walked their own lives. Eventually, because of the phone call Ke Ke called him at midnight after he was drunk once, Hao Zhi drove the car across the city again, and the two of them returned to the old half drunk and half smoked. good.

Both were tired, and they were both at a fairly young age, so the two of them got married the next morning when they were still drunk.

The wedding was quite grand. Although compared with the dream white wedding and the specifications of hundreds of war cats, the long list of rented Audi cars is really nothing, but after all, it is a beautiful home, Hao Zhi I also feel that I have gained something, but after the first night of the wedding, after uncovering the hijab, Wang Yanke's unfamiliar movement on the bed disrupted the rhythm.

It was obviously a technique learned while practicing with other men, which made Hao Zhi instantly distracted. The bridal chamber was so dazzling that the two of them lay back to back, making the air in the bedroom gradually become abnormally cold, no one else. Talking, no one knows what the other person is thinking

From this, Hao Zhi was even more convinced that those fantasies about the future were fake, and any unforgettable love and brilliant achievements were just a person’s fantasies. In real life, he should be so ordinary that he has no special features. Living a life similar to others, when I was young, I was so good at fantasizing, haha, really crazy

After two years of dull and tasteless days, the first child came to this world, washing diapers with firewood, rice, oil and salt, and quarrels gradually appeared between the two. Keke became more and more secular in that **** school. Laiyue likes to compare and show off. Her **** can’t even be put on the table, an expensive dress, a mobile phone that everyone will buy, and even a small bouquet of roses in festivals, as long as it can be used by others. She likes all the things she casts envious eyes on.

Hao Zhi never thought that Ke Ke would become like this, but she couldn't think of any reason why she would not become like this in such a boring life.

Ideal is the idealist's paradise, and reality is the realist's hell.

Everything is more logical after that. The child needs to raise, save money, buy a car to buy a house, install installments, and pay for all kinds of cram school money for the child. In a blink of an eye, he is old and needs to save him a wife, looking forward to it. Help him find a suitable daughter-in-law and live a happy life.

Thirty years have passed since the dull days, and the world has not become what the future looks like. In addition to faster life is more convenient, prices are as high as ever, and pressure is as high as ever.

Hao Zhi is getting old. He is no longer diligent in exercising. He doesn't even have the ability to fight opponents. Now the society is determined by the police. His illusionary ability to fly into the sky has become a dragon slaying skill, and occasionally practice a few times. I would be laughed at by my son, and then he would just lie on the sofa every day, watch TV and smoke, and become a fat man with noisiness.

When brushing his teeth before going to bed at night, he often stared at himself in the mirror in a daze, his temples were gray, wrinkles had crawled to the corners of his eyes for some time, his hair was thinning, his old body began to lose weight, and fat accumulated on his stomach. It's like a nightmare that I can't get rid of.

And Wang Yanke sitting on the toilet behind him mumbled about the high cost of property, the reform of the water and electricity policy, the girlfriend that his son recently found was not very reliable, and other boring topics, which made him a little upset, like being stuck in a closed window. I couldn’t breathe in anyway


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