Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 453: What is civilization

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What is civilization

Hao Zhi actually thought about this question before. After seeing many life forms such as Blood Moon, Prophet, Ice Leechworm, etc., he often thought about it when he couldn't sleep at night.

Civilization, what is it?

Is it a bunch of living people standing together called civilization?

Or advanced technology and complex culture

It’s as if humans now learn the knowledge of Gendaya and Mayan civilizations from the crystal skulls. Does this civilization belong to contemporary humans or ancient civilizations? Or in other words, civilizations can be inherited, communicated, and even reproduced. A living thing

Civilization seems to be a very vague concept. It has no clear boundaries. If human beings exist, human civilization will exist. If humans are extinct, will civilization disappear?

If civilization depends on a civilized group, then if one person dies, civilization will not suffer. Obviously not. If 100,000 people die, if six billion die, there will be the last person on the earth. Can he represent the earth’s civilization? Is the last living fool or stupid, like myself, an ordinary-minded person, how can he speak on behalf of this civilization?

Perhaps the form of civilization should be more advanced, just like the leechworms. One person is enough to represent their entire civilization.

Thinking of this, Hao Zhi shuddered suddenly. He realized that the Sky Hermit actually wanted to make a decision from the answer to this question. What kind of form of robot civilization should be?

Is it a group civilization close to humans, or an individual civilization close to the leechworms?

Therefore, whether mankind will have to face thousands of troops or only one super-intelligent Sky Hermit depends on the answer to this question.

Wang Yanke did not answer the question first this time, but turned around and cast a surprised look at Hao Zhi. She heard all the things Hao Zhi had calculated just now.

Hao Zhi, I found that I really wanted to take a look at you. You thought about this question so thoroughly and far-reachingly, leaving me almost speechless. Wang Yanke’s eyes shot with joy, almost like worship. Looking at Hao Zhi.

Everyone also felt the complexity of the problem Pan Huan had in Hao Zhi's mind. It turned out that this guy still has such a profound side.

Deng Xiaoyu also felt a kind of grandeur and broadness because of walking into Hao Zhi's inner world, a kind of sophistication and vicissitudes of life after thousands of sails.

Indeed, when it comes to the bizarre experience, who among human beings can compare with Hao Zhi, the heavens, the underground, the sea, the various forms of civilization and the high-level wisdom, have had a profound dialogue with him by chance.

He is the only one who can compare the characteristics of these civilizations horizontally and radiate such deep thinking.

"Does his answer count?" Fu Mi asked urgingly.

Wang Yanke turned his head firmly, counting that he represents the ultimate view of civilization of our human beings

Hao Zhi opened his mouth wide, and I dropped my mother. I represent the point of view of human beings. I have a **** point of view. I have questions that have no answers at all. I don’t know what I’m thinking, Koko. Isn't this teasing me

So, what is your final answer, civilization,

Wang Yanke carefully recalled Hao Zhi’s thoughts, then looked up and concluded: “Civilization is the distance between a group of life and the truth of the universe.

Like the personal self we mentioned before, the civilized self also has its versatility. The personal self is characterized by universality, facing different individuals in the horizontal direction, while the civilized self is a kind of facing the truth of the universe. Climb longitudinally.

If the truth of the universe is an infinitely high tree, and the truth is high above, the civilization from ignorance to development, from basic to complex, is a process of growing and climbing from the root. Civilization may only have one form, but there are countless faces.

When it climbs to the stage of industrial civilization, it shows fiery vigor. When it climbs to the height of the information age, it shows agility. When civilization grows to be able to colonize other planets, it will show ferocious fangs. And when civilization has the ability to resist foreign enemies, it will show a firm smile"

Fu Mi pondered for a moment, and seemed to be sending these important information to Tianyin again, and then getting its feedback. Tianyin must be thinking about it. These questions are a very important part of the establishment of his robot personality.

He raised his head and shook his head again: "No, you are wrong"

Civilization is not the distance from the truth of the universe. The height of the truth of the universe is a height that a civilization can never touch. Therefore, it has no meaning.

Civilization should be the ultimate pursuit of technology.

As we have seen, many advanced and complex intelligent extraterrestrial life forms have far more advanced technology than your human beings.

For you, they are civilization. On the other hand, for them, you are not civilization, but ignorance.

Therefore, civilization is based on the existence of strong ability as the guarantee. Weakness means being ignored. Will you humans recognize their "civilization" because ants are far away from the truth of the universe, even if they are working **** your so-called tree of truth. crawl

No one speaks anymore, and Tianyin's theory once again has the upper hand.

"Then, for your mechanical intelligence, where is the position of our human civilization" Wang Yanke asked carefully.

Tian Yin habitually pondered before answering the question again. This seemed to be a process of his calculation, eliminating all possible wrong answers and finding the most correct one.

"Ant" Tianyin simply uttered two words.

"Oh, it's okay" Ke Ke pretended to let out a relaxed sigh.

Fortunately, she has become a humble ant, how do you understand Hao Zhi muttered behind her dissatisfiedly.

Wang Yanke smiled slightly. Tianyin’s thinking system is very rigorous. It does not make this analogy at random. For them, human beings are large in number, but individuals are weak, and civilization itself is very strong. The cohesive force of humanity can create unimaginable possibilities. On the other hand, relative to the position of self, human civilization has useful value to him, but it also has the possibility of letting it go and bring destruction. Therefore, he himself is also very Contradictions, how to treat our human civilization.

Isn't this very ant-like?

Tianyin wants to coexist with However, he is very entangled. He has no sense of security. What needs to worry most is the **** of a thousand miles, the future collapsed in the ant's nest, and there is no human beings at all. Loneliness can be imagined

"So, based on the questions you answered earlier, I decided not to destroy mankind in the end." Tian Yin used the brain waves of Corruption to announce to everyone.

It’s great that Hao Zhi wakes up and can live peacefully together, so that he doesn’t have to attack himself and leave the aliens with the possibility of reaping the fisherman’s profit.

No, you have misunderstood what I mean. What I said does not destroy mankind does not mean coexisting peacefully with you. I will continue to use mankind as a breeding product in the future and continue to provide my existence with objects for thought experiments. Mankind must be disarmed , All enter the virtual world through external lines, I will guarantee your reproduction and survival, but your civilization will come to an end here


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