Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 528: Negotiation

?? In 2103, the National Crescent Base, the military headquarters "surveillance" network control center.

It seems that he is still a young man in his thirties. The head of state "Li Weigong" stands on the high platform of the huge central control center with his hands upside down, watching the thousands of busy strategic calculators underneath. They are mobilizing data and manipulating hundreds of thousands of spacecraft in the outer five-star survey military network to operate in an orderly manner.

Beside him, there are two rows of National University officials on the left and right. On the left are officials from the five major departments of agriculture, biology, culture, justice, and finance. On the right, there are energy, space, science and technology, military, and newly established officials. The chiefs of the interstellar department.

The original power department has been banned in the process of annihilating the power people in the land country.

"When did you receive the news?" Lu Fang slowly opened his mouth and asked quietly.

"Report, the news received three hours ago, the Blood Moon Fleet has entered the outer orbit of Pluto, and its speed has dropped sharply!" Below, a correspondent reported in a loud voice.

"What does the telegram say?" Lu Fang asked calmly in his voice.

"The enemy's supreme commander-in-chief Zero requests an instant communication with you!"

Oh? Lu Fang raised his eyebrows, Zero? IM...

This is the first positive talk between the top military representatives of the two sides. It seems that the Blood Moon Man really wants to say something.

"Can a connection be established?" Lu Fang asked.

"Yes! It's just that the call efficiency is slow, you need to wait patiently!" the correspondent reported.

"Slow efficiency?" Lu Fang frowned, and the chief of the Ministry of Science and Technology next to him explained quickly. Even if the distance is close, it is as far as 30 astronomical units. Even if the radio wave communication is transmitted at the speed of light, a single call will take 240 minutes. In other words, it will take 4 hours for what you say to reach the blood moon person. It will take almost 8 hours to receive a reply from the leader of the blood moon..."

"Hemp, it's so troublesome!" Lu Fang cursed.

"Yeah, no way, the universe is really too big, so this is no way!" The Chief Technology Officer laughed helplessly.

"Then pass the first sentence in the past, warning them to stay near Pluto's orbit and not to move forward, otherwise the space fleet of our country will regard it as an act of aggression and immediately carry out military strikes! Also, ask them, How do you plan to deal with the current situation?" Lu Fang waved his sleeves and ordered decisively.


As a result, the first paragraph was sent out. Eight hours later, Lu Fang took people back to the survey network control center again, and a reply message from the leader of the blood moon, Zero, came on time.

On the display platform of the control center, a holographic three-dimensional image is projected. This is a message sent by the blood moon people. It is their leader Zero, wearing a black cloak, tall and mighty, the blood moon people’s features are similar to humans, but He had lizard-like skin, gray-green complexion, eyebrows covered with scales, no hair, and a long neck that quirkily flexed, shaking slightly with the rhythm of speaking.

"Dear head of state, I am very happy to be able to communicate with you. After all, this is the first formal meeting between two highly developed civilizations in the vast universe. It has important historical significance for you and us.

Regarding your warning to our fleet, we have received and are working hard to slow down the speed of the spacecraft, but you should also know that the inertial force formed by the acceleration of a hundred years cannot be easily offset. We need a period of time for taxiing. In order to fully brake, that is to say, our earliest stay area is probably somewhere between Uranus and Neptune... Please understand this!

As for the current embarrassing situation of the military confrontation between the two civilizations, we sincerely ask for peace for the third time. After all, war is something that both of us don’t want to see. In the future cooperation on the road of civilization development, we insist that the living space possessed by one earth is sufficient for our two civilizations to coexist and coexist.

So here, we make the following requests:

First, after the blood moon men enter the earth, they will not affect the living space of human beings on the current earth at all. Our entire fleet will sink to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, establish an undersea city-state, and promise to submit to the earth-state system and accept military dispatch and management.

Second, in return, the blood moon race will provide advanced knowledge of interstellar space development and a series of basic physics techniques to help the earth’s civilization prosper and become stronger.

Third, the blood moon race promises not to infringe and exploit any earth resources and to protect the current state of the earth's environment. Except for the necessary water resources, most of the energy for our lives will be obtained from sunlight.

Fourth, we will find a new livable planet in the next 100 years, and move away from the earth as soon as possible after the race has been rehabilitated and energy reserves have been restored.

Please consider the above items carefully. The blood moon races ran for 10 light years, not for war. It was only because our homeland was destroyed and out of helplessness that we embarked on the journey. We have no way of turning back, only Wandering or fighting, if you hold your hands high and leave a way for peace, I think we can live together and seek common development. "

After a video was played, the holographic Commander Zero flickered and disappeared, leaving a room of silence and silence. Lu Fang did not speak for a long time, the atmosphere in the air was frozen like ice, and everyone was thinking about what the other party had just said in their hearts.

The Four Proposals and the Regulations seem to be very reasonable and very humble. To be honest, it is indeed rare to be able to show such sincerity when soldiers approach the city, and many people can't help being moved.

"You...what do you think?" Lu Fang finally asked.

The director of the Interstellar Department, Wu Yusen, a Chinese mixed-race, pushed the glasses on his face: "According to the other party’s suggestion, it seems feasible. The earth has a vast ocean space, such as the deep sea area of ​​the Pacific Ocean, which is what we currently have. What can’t be developed and utilized, even if it’s rented to Blood Moon people for a while, it’s enough to accommodate more than 20 billion Blood Moon people..."

The head of the Ministry of Space, the black Samuel hurriedly picked up the words: "I also think that the place is enough. Give the area that we cannot develop for the time being to the blood moon people who may be more advanced in science and technology to etc. When they fly away from the earth in the future, all the hardware facilities and resources will be left to us, which can also alleviate the congestion caused by the future population explosion on the earth.


Lu Fang was noncommittal and turned his gaze to the other senior officials.

The head of the Ministry of Energy hurriedly laughed and said: "The other party said that they would not grab the earth's resources and only use solar energy. It seems unreliable. After all, the synthesis of materials also requires water and some other elements. However, a certain degree of resource sharing is still affordable for us. Yes, after all, we don’t need oil for a long time, so the other party didn’t run so far just to gain this little profit..."

But the question is, can we trust the promise of the blood moon people? Lu Fang's voice was not loud, but he asked an unresolved question in everyone's mind.

Finally, Italian Robert Beni, the current Minister of Culture, came forward: "Have you found that the other party’s wording is very in line with our psychological needs? The proficiency of this set of official language is an analysis and understanding of our earth’s human civilization. Thorough and in-depth, it makes me feel creepy!"

The other party has touched us thoroughly, and we almost know nothing about each other...

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