Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 556: Repair ②

?? "Gyro Calibration!"

Cao Xiongyuan slammed his feet off the ground, his head slammed on the ceiling, and then fell down in an instant, and then fell a long way out. After falling a lot, he didn't forget to get up for the first time and spoke loudly to the cabin. The controller shouted.

Fortunately, the starship navigation rules require that the pilot and system operators performing the task must wear seat belts throughout the entire process, so the main pilot, co-pilot and mechanics are still sitting firmly in their positions. They quickly Adjust the gyroscope to keep the position of the center of gravity of the personnel stable.

Hao Zhi was also thrown out at the moment of the explosion. His whole body smashed into the console. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. He swept the ground and disappeared into the air before hitting the fragile electronic instruments. Quickly appeared on the other side of the bridge again, decisively grabbing the railings of the bridge with both hands to fix himself.

In less than two seconds, the bridge had stabilized again. Hao Zhi knew in his heart that this was due to the special "liquid cockpit". Duan Mutong explained to him that the main control center of this warship was a suspension. The hollow ball in the transparent liquid, so when fighting or sailing accidents, no matter how the outer hull rolls, the cockpit can be kept level under the control of the gyroscope.

Therefore, although he was standing firmly on the floor, he saw the world outside the porthole tumbling violently!

"Re-stabilize the hull, system self-inspection...reporter!" Cao Xiongyuan exclaimed.

"Yes!" The three crew members, each in charge of different systems, replied loudly.

"The hull direction proofreading, the bridge deflection angle, Y2.33, continue to recover!"

"System self-check... Atmospheric hyperthermia! We have already deviated from the course and are falling towards the surface of Uranus!"

"There is a small amount of damage to the outer side of the hull, the main thruster side has failed, and the mechanic is forcibly restarting!"

All kinds of data gathered for a while, and Cao Xiongyuan sat back on his command seat again, showing strong stability. At a critical moment, the captain of a ship is the reassurance of all members. During the training process In the middle of the world, they have already cultivated the will to fight hard and the quality of seeing death as home.

They are not afraid of death, but it does not mean that they have no fear of death.

"We are falling, the relative height is meters, the falling speed is 38 meters per second!"

"Hemp, how could it suddenly explode?" Cao Xiongyuan cursed loudly, "Could it be that the enemy's sneak attack failed?"

"The report captain was not a sneak attack. It was a gas mixture of hydrocarbons and methane gathered below the outer periphery of Uranus's atmosphere. The airflow explosion caused by our high-energy laser was ignited by our high-energy laser. "

"It's numb! I caught up with the nuclear explosion! Fortunately, we are in an open space. If we focus more, we will be smashed!" Cao Xiongyuan muttered and asked loudly, "The thruster has not been repaired yet. What is the mechanic doing with him?"

"Report, the electronic system of the mechanical cabin was damaged during the shock just now, and it was difficult to restart!"

"Using a single-sided thruster, let's resume lift-off first!" Cao Xiongyuan commanded loudly.

"Report, if the single-sided thruster is used, it will only speed up the rotation of the hull. We are already at the critical value. If we speed up, I am afraid that the hull will fall apart!"

"What about the anti-gravity system?"

"Synchronous restart!"

Although Uranus is more than sixty times larger than the Earth, due to its low density and slow rotation, its gravity is slightly smaller than that of the Earth. Under such a gravity environment, it falls from an altitude of 60,000 meters, even if it hits methane. On the sea, there is only one result, and that is torn to pieces!

"Order the mechanic to restore the power system to Lao Tzu immediately, or I will go and kill him personally! The entire ship has a thousand lives in his hands, dare to drop the chain for Lao Tzu when it is critical?" Cao Xiongyuan shouted loudly. , Then thought for a while, and said to the main driver, "Try to use the atmosphere to glide, don't sit and wait for me to die!"

"Sorry Captain, I have tried my best to glide against the wind, but the atmosphere of Uranus is full of ice and sand, there is no convection and wind at all, it is too difficult to borrow! Moreover, our starship is designed to fly in space, not It is a low-altitude ship, so the wingspan is very small. To put it bluntly, it is an ornament and cannot drive such a large hull at all!" The main pilot reported with a sad face.

"Grandma's, is there no other way?" Cao Xiongyuan deserves to be a general of the Northeast, and the mantra in his mouth has not stopped since the beginning.

"The deflection of the hull has stabilized, but the fall is still going on. According to the current situation, we will crash the captain in less than 20 minutes, so please evacuate all the crew!" the data calculator shouted desperately.

"Put P!" Captain Cao Xiongyuan cursed loudly, "Do you think it was on Earth? Evacuate after saying evacuation. This is Uranus! More than 200 degrees below zero, I will try to throw you out first? Your kid froze into a stick! There are still twenty minutes left. How about you? There is time. Tell the engine room to open it for me to fix it. As long as the anti-gravity device is restored, we will still have a chance!"

Slowly, except for the person whose body was fixed on the chair, the only standing Hao Zhi was weightless and floated up. He pulled on the handrail beside him and watched nervously at the world where the white smoke flew outside, the atmosphere in the atmosphere. The crushed ice and white fog formed vertical lines during the high-speed landing, and there was a blur in the distance and nothing was clear.

"At a height of 40,000 meters, the temperature of the fuselage is dropping rapidly!"

"Grandma's, at such a low temperature, we can't be a meteor. Fortunately, the shell will burn through!" Captain Cao Xiongyuan is still a little bit cold and humorous. He can still laugh at this moment of life and death. Come out report! The anti-gravity device restarted successfully! "With an exclamation, everyone felt a lot of relief in an instant. They just felt that the hull suddenly fell into a ball of cotton, and the huge buoyancy was like a big steady hand, supporting the falling battleship and ship. The two rows of blue electromagnetic levitation lights on the underside of the body burst into golden light, like a huge stadium falling from the sky.

"The altitude is stable at 35,000 meters and the absolute temperature is K!" the data officer yelled, "The hull is freezing! We may not last long!"

"What temperature is K?" Hao Zhi was a little puzzled by this common-sense question.

The data officer turned around and said: "The degrees Celsius we usually call is used on the earth. K is the absolute temperature scale invented by Sir Kelvin. It is universally used to calibrate the temperature of the universe. 1K is equal to 1 degree Celsius plus 273..."

Hao Zhi silently converted it, and it was less than 3 degrees Celsius, which is okay! Fortunately, the system is restored!

"Report, due to the failure of the main thruster, we cannot fly away from Uranus now, the mission may not be completed!"

All the crew members were surprised, huh? Can't leave?

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