Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 234: snatch

With the rapid ascent of the flame bird, Xu Yi was getting closer and closer to the peak.

After suddenly rushing out of the mountain, his eyes suddenly became bright.

Mount Everest, 8844 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the world and is known as the third pole in the world. It is the place where countless explorers are dreaming and finally stepped on by Xu Yi.

Looking around, there are vast seas of clouds all around, and the air is cold and clear to the extreme.

In the distance, the top of the Himalayas covered by ice pierced out of the sea of ​​clouds, one after another, shimmering under the sunset glow.

Clouds of rain and mist woven into thin light shas, ​​covering the sky and surrounding the mountains, revealing only a white mist.

The clouds accumulated layer by layer, becoming thicker and thicker, and finally merged into a sea of ​​clouds.

Mount Everest has become a small sea island, and the surrounding mountains and Mount Everest are connected together to become a huge group of islands.

In the sky, the elemental light belt that resembled the Milky Way shot out countless points of light in all directions, and the dizzying artifacts were scattered all over the Himalayas.

Over the top of the earth, Xu Yi suddenly felt that his consciousness seemed to be away from him.

It was swayed from the body, from the mountain, from everything.

Standing on the back of Flaming Bird, Xu Yi closed his eyes and leaned forward slightly, as if he was about to jump off the summit.

The wind is gone, the fog is gone, the air and snowflakes are gone.

Xu Yi just emptied his spirit and melted himself to the top of the mountain.

In the spiritual world, Xu Yi saw several people who were climbing to the top. They were holding ice axes and climbing hard step by step.

Seeing the corpse under the ice, the expression is still lifelike, but it is buried here forever.

I saw the snow boy playing in the snow in the distance, and the ice rock monster was strengthening the ice on his body.

It took a long time for Xu Yi to recover from this feeling.

Susu's worried eyes were greeted him.

"What's the matter? Don't chase those light spots?" Susu stared at Xu Yi, and Kirulian's telepathy also showed concern, "The light spots seem to be scattered randomly around Mount Everest."

"My superpower seems to have broken through."

Xu Yi, who had exited from a strange state, scratched his head, a little uncertain.

It has been less than two months since the awakening of super powers, he actually broke through the barrier again, should he be an elite level now?

Are superpowers so easy to upgrade, how can they upgrade faster than the elves.

Susu had to suspect that the man in front of him was favored by God.

Elite-level superpowers can be regarded as extraordinary strength on the elves.

And if you put it here in humans, then you are almost at the top of human evolution. You must know that even if the Dean of the Palace of Chen, who is the peak of the super power system, the power of his own mind is under the influence of his own natal elves. .

Now, it took Xu Yi only two months from awakening to breaking through the elite.

It took more than half a year for Kirulian to break through to this stage!

"No matter what, grab the baby first!"

Xu Yi shot the flame bird, and the huge flame bird spread its wings and rushed to a higher sky.

At least thousands of elite trainers have gathered in the base camp. There are even more powerful kings and even grand masters. Everyone has identified their goal and flew toward a certain light spot.

More than that, after the light group scattered, countless foreign trainers from Nibor came to join in the snatch.

For a time, a large number of flying elves appeared in the sky around Mount Everest.

You may be able to restrain yourself when you are with your home country trainer, but when you compete with a foreign trainer, the fierce battle begins immediately.

The rays of various attributes began to converge and explode in the air, and from time to time someone screamed and fell from the sky.

These light spots cannot be contained in the air. At this time, it is still an overflowing law or elemental mist. Only when it falls on the ground and contacts the ground will it condense into its proper form.

Xu Yi's gaze searched in countless light spots, what he wanted now was the secret treasure of the super power system.

Ram and Lem have not used the curved spoon yet, so take this opportunity to try your luck.

It's a pity that these light spots are too far apart, and Xu Yi's golden finger identification technique can't see them all through, so he can only try to chase some light blobs that emit blue light.

Blue, the color of super power and water.

After identifying a certain target, Xu Yi quickly approached the blue light cluster.

Of course, there must be someone guarding the light group, waiting for it to fall to the ground and collect it directly.

For example, next to Xu Yi's target light group, there is a foreign man riding a bidiao to follow.

Seeing Xu Yi's flame bird approaching, he shouted: "Fuckoff!"

There was no need for Xu Yi to issue instructions at all, the Flaming Bird opened its beak and shot out the huge pillar of fire that could drown the opponent.


The blond man was drowned in flames with only one curse.

He sat down on the quasi-kingdom level Bi Diao in front of the flame bird, unable to hold on for three seconds, and took his charred master directly down the mountain.

"Will you die?" Susu asked.

Xu Yi shook his head: "I don't know, if his natal spirit is Bi Diao, that would be unfortunate."

The natal elf loses the ability to fight, and he himself is burned by the flame bird, and the consequences may be serious.

But if this gringo’s zombies were not like the eagle, then if the zombies took this trick to spray flames for him, he should be able to survive.

After all, he is a trainer at the quasi-tianwang level, and he should have self-protection means when he falls from a high altitude.

Without paying attention to the foreigner, Xu Yi patted the flame bird's wings close to the light ball that was slowly falling towards the ground.

Take a closer look: [Water Stone (Condensed State)]

"It's not from the super power system, go, change one!"

In the strange eyes of the trainers behind, Xu Yi sat on the flame bird and quickly rushed towards the next blue light group.

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