Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1015: The gains of annihilation

Based on the remains of the Seagod, Du You determined that the level of this world was at least seven, which was one level more than his previous guess. A higher level indicates that the development potential of this world is much higher than I thought.

A higher level of the world means greater benefits to oneself. It's just that this world has very few ranks 7 and is not dangerous, indicating that this world is probably rank 7 and it is difficult to reach rank 8.

Du You doesn't know the specifics, but from the gossip, the world of the eighth rank may not have the power of the eighth, but the seventh is definitely not less. So the scale of this world is roughly certain.

The next day, Salia arrived, and Du You took Salia to a special prison. Inside there is the King of the Vast Sea, who is bound by a chain of five flowers. At this time, the king is extremely miserable. He lacks arms and legs, and can't move. His own power was completely disintegrated, but Du You was worried that the power related to the seventh order would give him the ability to explode, so that's why.

"This is the King of Hanhai, hand it to you." Du You handed a knife to Saria.

Saria's eyes were a little red, and she took a deep breath and said: "Remember me, the man who was destroyed by you, now comes to you for revenge." Saria said tremblingly.

"Haha, I have too many enemies, who knows who you are?" King Hanhai glanced at Salia with disdain, and he looked down on this defeated general even if the circumstances were special now.

Du You sneered: "Put away your arrogant face, your calculations will not succeed. I will only put away the wreckage and will not continue to study it. It is useless to me."

King Hanhai, who had never looked panicked before, finally changed his face when he heard Du You's words. He didn't expect that someone could endure the temptation to become a god. Judging from Du You's expression, Du You was not lying to him.

But without waiting for him to say anything, Saria suddenly pierced into the heart of Hanhai Kingdom. "Go to death with regrets, you don't need to ask about the next words." King Hanhai didn't expect that Saria would cut herself so simply at this time. With his current physical condition, he couldn't bear it at all, and his vitality quickly faded.

Finally, the last words were not asked, and King Hanhai could only die with unwillingness and incomparable regret.

Salia fell into Du You's arms all of a sudden, tears streaming out continuously.

Du You whispered comforting: "It's alright, don't be sad. You have revenge now. Just work with peace of mind in the future."

Salia just sobbed for a while, then calmed down. "You are right. From now on, I will belong to you, Lord Lord. And I still have Corgis. I won't be depressed." Sharia lay in Du You's arms, without any taboos. Let everything that is soft and close to Du You's body.

Who is Corgis? Du You was a little puzzled, and she explained it herself before asking Saria.

"Corgis is my younger sister. I really didn't expect that I still have a younger sister. She hid at the beginning. My younger sister has a very good management ability. I will also trouble the Lord Lord in the future." Is this looking for a job for my younger sister? Not afraid to eat them all by myself.

Saria was soothed, but in the end nothing was wrong, no way, there are still many things now. The subsequent finishing of the Hanhai Kingdom and the final ending of the war will take a lot of time.

Du You didn't care about these specific things, so Saria and Luo Jia were very tired.

At the same time, the destruction of a country is not a trivial matter. As a new country, Shenghai Kingdom is also a landlocked country. It needs various diplomatic activities and notes, and there are a lot of troubles.

Du You returned to the territory with the two sisters. On the one hand, he came back to sit in town, and on the other hand, he was to evolve his new skills so that he could only advance. I don’t know if it’s because of the special material that this evolution took an extraordinarily long time. Even with a Tier 5 skill hall, the time spent is still calculated based on ten days.

Fortunately, the coin cost did not increase that much, which made Du You breathe a sigh of relief.

A few days later, the war in the Hanhai Kingdom ended, and Du You directly submitted the task of destroying the Hanhai Kingdom. First of all, the blue treasure chest gave Du You 100,000 aquamarine coins all at once, which was more than the previous aquamarine coins combined. Of course, this refers to the original crystal coin, and ordinary crystal coin Du You does not lack this.

Next, Du You saw a drawing. This drawing was of Tier 5, the Sea Serpent Tower drawing (Tier 5).

"Is it a defensive type of blueprint? This requires a lot of resources, and it also requires a water environment, which is a bit troublesome. There must be a lot of water environment, at least a large inland lake. It seems that this kind of defensive building cannot be built locally. Too much."

While talking, Du You took the drawings to the City Lord's Mansion to record, and then planned to build a hundred on the sea. This is a Tier 5 defensive tower. There are one hundred Tier 5 defensive towers on the sea, so the safety of the coast will not be a problem in the future. As for the ship, it has received research data left by the vast sea kingdom, and it has developed rapidly.

The treasure chest did not disappear. Du You continued to look through it. At the end of the treasure chest, there was a blueprint, but this blueprint was a drawing of a unit building. Frogman Wharf drawings (fourth order).

"Finally there is a drawing of the underwater combat great." Du You's eyes lit up.

This type of underwater combat troops can not only protect the sea of ​​the Kingdom of Shenghai, but also release part of it to protect the waters of the city of the archipelago and even the city of Yaohe, as well as the opening of the sea route.

With the frogman, it will be easier to control the murloc with these units. The most important thing is that although this frogman doesn't know what's going on, it shows that it is actually a human-type building, and the construction of its own territory will not affect the output and quality. This time, the harvest from the extermination of the Kingdom of the Sea is really delightful.

"Go, build a frogman wharf, just build it on our coastal location." Fortunately, the edge of the fifth-tier territory has enveloped the sea, otherwise the wharf has not been built yet.

In fact, the prerequisite for the construction of the wharf is the sea, which is not even suitable for inland lakes. Your own fishing ground can be built in an inland lake, but your own wharf must not be built here. This is due to rules.

The construction of the wharf was very fast, and the construction was completed in just two days. This is due to the unfamiliar construction of the marine environment, otherwise the speed can definitely be shortened by more than half, after all, this is only a fourth-story building.

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