Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1030: Means of the Dark Demon

After determining the plan, a few people did not start immediately, but observed the nearby terrain around and worked out various strategies. Because once they encounter a Tier 5 enemy, they will definitely not have the ability to fight, nor will they have the opportunity to escape.

   So they have to make a plan from the beginning to hide themselves.

   After observing the surrounding situation, Du You and the two sisters began to do it. "There are a lot of animals in this canyon, so we use it as a breeding ground. Next, we will leave some corpses here and pile them up in this place."

   Du You was talking, and at the same time they had already started, poaching and killing some creatures from some places. Because they were worried that it would cause too much movement, the creatures that reached Tier 4 did not move at all.

   When the accumulation of corpses reached a certain number, Du You waved his hand and threw a carrion cloud, and then quickly moved away from this place with the two sisters. Several people stopped in a safe place they had observed before.

   Then, Lin Yucha opened the invisibility cloak, hiding the three people. As for the optical stealth of the photon elves, Du You didn't want to use it, because facing the fifth-tier masters, optical stealth, a very shortcoming skill, is easy to expose.

   As time passed, gradually, the number of dark carrion beetles increased. After eating the corpse, he began to enter the valley to devour other creatures. Du You could feel that although the level of this skill has not improved, as his own strength has improved, the strength of the beetle released by this skill has also slightly improved.

  Single beetle promotion is of course nothing, but it will be different when the number is large. People above Tier 4 are not afraid of this dark carrion beetle, because they can easily block it with their own power.

   Unless it is a profession that can only explode like a Tiangang martial artist, most professions will have no problem fighting with the dark scavenger beetle. Of course, if there are too many, or if the enemy insists on attacking the beetles, it is not impossible to kill a Tier 5.

   Of course, this possibility is too small, Du You only has a little expectation, not too much expectation.

   With the passage of time, a large number of beetles gradually formed. Finally, when it reached its peak, the beetle flew overwhelmingly in the direction of the city. The Dark Demon is not good at making defensive buildings, so there is no energy barrier on the walls. The beetle has no way to stop it, it can drive straight in from the air.

   "Look, how come the sky is suddenly dark, is it going to rain?"

   "No, the situation seems to be bad, the dark elemental aura is constantly rising, please report it as soon as possible."

   They didn't sound the alarm, because they didn't know if it was an enemy attack, so they could only report it. But before the situation was reported, the Dark Beetle had already flown over. The overwhelming scene directly scared countless people.

   "Ah, what the **** is this, kill me, kill me."

   The beetle rushed over and bit it. Many people were attacked on the spot, and the beetle bit through the skin and entered the body. It didn't take long for the soldiers and the civilians in the city to die, becoming a warm nest for beetles.

   Du You's expression did not fluctuate at all. Although there were many innocent people who died, they were the same as Du You's thoughts. Since these people were in this city and were affected by their own attacks, it was not their fault. What's the use if you know that the war is on and you don't know how to hide. If you have to take this into consideration, don't promote yourself at all.

   Along with the screams, more and more people in the city were eaten up, and there were more and more dark beetles in the sky. Feeling the more and more intense dark aura, Du You's eyes fluctuated a little.

   Is there really no Tier 5, in that case, I would lose a lot.

  Because of the fourth-order dark demon, he can use his own power to escape against the dark beetle. There is no Tier 5 Dark Demon, although he can destroy this place, but there are probably not a few Tier 4 Dark Demon inside.

   In this way, my own benefits will shrink by half. It seems that it will hit the enemy even harder, but he is not here to participate in the war. Professionals like them are all here to reap the benefits.

   Just as Du You pondered, thinking about whether to take action, the situation suddenly changed.

   On a high tower in the central city, a faint light suddenly radiated out. This brilliance is white, with a strong luminous power. At first it seemed like a candle in the wind, but then the light became stronger and stronger.

   Suddenly, the light burst, covering all areas of these cities, and at the same time encompassing a large area around them.

   The beetle that Du You cultivated was completely wiped out and disappeared completely.

   "Unexpectedly, there is such a method." This is the first time that Du You has been directly cracked down on this skill since he learned the Corruption Cloud. And it was cracked after the formation of an overwhelming beetle swarm.

   Under normal circumstances, a dark demon who is not good at large-scale purification skills, even if it reaches the sixth rank, it is difficult to crack this skill. What happened to the purification skill just now, was it used by the Dark Demon or some other means. Or, there may be professionals in it. After all, it's not surprising that there are professionals in such a big city.

   But in any case, Du You realized for the first time the flaws of his own skill, and the single beetle was too weak.

   "The place was found before, let's be careful, don't move, and don't stare at each other."

   Suddenly, a Tier 5 master flew across the sky, flying towards the place where the beetles were flooded before. Du You quickly reminded the two sisters that if they directly look at the fifth-order dark demon, it is very likely to be detected by the other party.

   The three lie on the ground cautiously, with the help of the invisibility cloak, hiding their breath, without daring to move at all. At this moment, even the breathing slowed down a lot, for fear that the movement would be too loud to attract the other party's attention.

   This time, three fifth-tiers were dispatched at once, and one of them was definitely a veteran master. If this were discovered, they would have absolutely no place to bury them.

   It didn't take long for a few people to discover where the beetles originated. Several people said something in the air, and then three people released various wide-range skills towards the surroundings. The golden light shone, and a large area around it was destroyed.

   Moreover, the three people immediately attacked many places suitable for hiding. Many places were calculated by Du You and the two sisters. Fortunately, I had a mindful eye before, otherwise I might be bombed now.

  After attacking in the forest for a while, the three finally stopped. "Damn it, I should have ran away, let's go back."

  :. :

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