Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1040: Brainless push

Before coming here, Du You had bought all the equipment used to transform the environment, which was in his personal space.

   is really an item that transforms this kind of asteroid, which is not worth any money in this world, or the price is not high. Du You didn't even use his aquamarine coin reserve, only spent some citrine coin to buy it.

   Of course, now is not the time to install, you have to wait until it is completely occupied.

   The environmental equipment installed on this asteroid is not high-level, because they don’t take this place seriously. In fact, now this asteroid is just a transit point for the **** empire to mine.

   And because it is close to the Starlink Alliance, this is considered to be stealing mines, so there are not many troops here.

   Otherwise, Du You would never dare to go to such a place easily. This place has Tier 4 troops, and there are not too many. According to intelligence, there are at least a dozen Tier 4 spacecraft and large land tanks here.

   There are still a lot of firepower that has reached the fourth level of artillery and other combat power. It is too difficult to lay down an area with one person, at least half of the country.

   "According to intelligence, we have only one battle orbit around the asteroid, and there are not many. Only the central base on land is the largest, and this base is parallel to the orbit and used to form a protective net for each other."

   "Then master, what are we going to do next, go straight to Huanglong?" The two sisters obviously knew Du You's style very well. Especially in the case of photon sprites, this method is the easiest.

   "No, if you hit the central base directly, the people who hit other places will definitely be scattered. It will be more troublesome to deal with them, and it will take too much time. The first thing we need to do is to get them to gather actively and then kill them all at once."

   "How to let them gather together?" Lin Yushi asked in a low voice.

Du You pointed to the air and said: "It's very simple, just push it all the way. As long as they find out that the combat effectiveness of these upper orbits and ordinary bases are not our opponents at all, they will definitely gather, because only in this way is it possible. Win. At that time, I will be able to take this place one by one."

   Although Du You wants to come here to build a territory, he doesn't want to waste too much time. In the star ring world, wasting time means looking for death. Du You has a deep understanding of this.

   If you want to occupy any asteroid, you must end the battle in the shortest possible time.

   After the battle is over, the enemy may not send reinforcements to attack. But once the battle enters a state of anxiety, the enemy's reinforcements must return. The biochemical technology of the **** empire is very strong, and it is not afraid of consumption in battle.

   "Well, with our strength, we can still push the past." Lin Yucha nodded.

   "Then let's start now." Du You took the two sisters and came to the circular route area. Although it is only a circle, the width is not small. Du You directly released all the summoned objects. "Go around and push forward in this area."

   With the increase in level, the summoned beast can now leave Du You very far away. Moreover, the special circumstances of the summoned beasts caused these guys to not have to breathe, even if they fly into outer space, it doesn't matter.

   So it was not someone else who did it first, but three flying creatures. The Zidian Golden Eagle flew to high altitude and appeared directly in the outer space environment of the asteroid. Before the floating turrets reacted, Xiao Zi launched a paralyzing aura. There is an electrostatic field around it, destroying a large number of technological objects around.

   Then a piece of lightning ball was released, destroying all these objects from a long distance.

   The Black Jade Griffin King did not show any weakness, and flew into the air. With the control of the wind, the speed is faster. It's true that the air in this place is thin, but the dark elements are as strong, and there is no problem with the wind used to evolve the dark attributes.

   Black wind blades and whirlwinds formed in the air, and the turrets and satellites were swept in and destroyed.

   The third one is the dark dragon in the sky. The speed of the dark dragon is a bit slower than the first two, but not too slow. A dragon's breath was sprayed out, and everything within that range would be burned.

   And the attacks launched by those aerial turrets had no effect on the dragon at all, and they couldn't even break the skin. After all, most of the attacks of these turrets just reached the third-order destructive power.

   "The sky has already started, let's start too." Du You said with a smile.

  The ghost pattern crow can fly, but its destructive power is not very strong, so Du You sent it out for inspection. As long as there are **** war dogs or other biochemical soldiers, the ghost-stripe crows will be dispatched. After all, this guy is already Tier 4, and dealing with these ordinary biological weapons is of the battlefield slaughter level.

   On the front, the natural disaster giant dog directly rushed out and forced it forward, destroying the past directly no matter what it encountered.

   The two sisters on the side flew at low altitude with their own methods, and their arrows attacked each target one by one. The death orangutan and the death scorpion pushed sideways further away. Even the two-headed Hellhound was sent out by Du You, and its function is similar to that of the ghostly patterned Except that the photon elf was hidden by Du You, even the bubbles were released. Of course, Du You was riding the bubble at this time, and one person and one unicorn were walking at the back leisurely, wherever they needed help.

   It's just that a special satellite hidden in the sky is observing the ground. "It's no wonder that Major Du You does not allow live broadcasting. It turns out that he has hidden such a big secret. It's a pity that I have signed a confidentiality agreement and I have to help him keep it secret."

   This was seen by the service staff who sent Du You here through a special reconnaissance satellite. Originally, if it were to be broadcast live, it would be very helpful for Du You's reputation. Not only could he get a higher military rank faster, but also expand his influence, allowing his territory experience to accumulate faster, but Du You refused the request for live broadcast.

   Now he understands that Du You definitely has a special treasure that can obtain a large number of summons. If this thing is exposed, the consequences will be serious. Speaking of which, he will be moved by himself.

   But after signing the contract, he must keep Du You a secret. Once exposed, the first person to die is himself.

   Fortunately, there have been layers of investigation around this area, no one knows except myself. "No, this satellite can't be used anymore. It must be destroyed. It's not good for people to find out."

   The service staff thought of something, and suddenly pressed a button, and then the screen went black and there was nothing left. The information seen before, as the satellite is scrapped and the equipment is cleaned, it can be said that nothing will be left.


   Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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