Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1041: 1 sweep

"Encountered an attack, base 6   was attacked, request support."

   The alarm sounded cyclically, and inside a huge base, a gorilla was doing damage everywhere. The size of this orangutan is not too big, just over three meters, not even comparable to most weapons of war.

   But this orangutan is so powerful, the attacks of various weapons seem to be itchy, completely indifferent.

   By the way, every time the orangutan attacks, it will release a powerful shock wave, even a hard land battle tank will be shattered by one blow. Some hard buildings were shattered in one blow, leaving nothing behind.

   All kinds of weapons and mechas around it are useless. On the contrary, this seemingly slow orangutan will teleport, always disappear in an instant and then appear in another place. Every hit can achieve great results.

   But the base that just issued a support request received news that other bases were under attack. There was chaos everywhere, and support requests continued to be issued.

   Not far away, in a special biological base, a large number of **** war dogs and big bees flew up one after another, as well as some other types of biological weapons, but these things could not come out at all now.

   In the air, a weird crow slowly flapped its wings, and a large halo spread out, and the power of these combat units was suddenly weakened to the extreme. The weaker ones will not even move directly on the ground.

   Then, a large number of feathers appeared out of thin air and fell from the sky. The flesh and blood mecha that could still fly in the air was pierced by feathers in an instant. Although the injury was not very serious, it was bleeding all the time.

   Although these flesh and blood mechas are the fusion product of machinery and flesh and blood power, machinery is only an auxiliary, and flesh and blood are the fundamental. After a lot of blood flowed, the fleshy mecha that had lost the blood quickly lost its power and fell from the air.

  The ghostly patterned crow saw that there was no enemy that could pose a threat to him, so he spread his wings, a large amount of grayish aura spread out, and then the ghostly patterned crow flew away. Soon after flying away, all the biological weapons did not recover, but became weaker. The plague brought by the ghost-stripe crow turned these biological weapons into diseased seedlings.

  Perhaps, this is the first time I feel sick since the birth of these biological weapons. Moreover, this kind of virus is still the kind that can cause them to die directly, and there is no way to treat it.

   If it weren't for this kind of disease ability and there was no way to spread it on a large scale, just relying on a ghostly patterned crow would pose a huge threat to the **** empire. The ghostly patterned crows flew past bases one by one, specifically selecting such bases.

  In the beginning, the floating turrets in the air can also attack the ground to assist in combat. But in the end, the attack on the fort slowly stopped. When the people below saw this situation, they continued to send out angrily signals.

   "The air defense circle, what's the matter with you, why there is no attack support, and I will send you to a military court if you don't provide support."

   "Request ground support, request ground support, this is the air defense circle, we were attacked by unknown creatures."

   This is an automatic reply, a statement on all ground military bases. Many people looked into the air angrily, the asteroid is not very far from the ground. But when they looked into the air, they looked terrified.

   Because at this time, there is not nothing in the sky, but the dots of light are constantly lit up, like fireworks. But everyone knows that this is not fireworks at all, but the air is really hit.

   Even the headquarters is now in chaos, and many branches have been destroyed.

   "Give me the aerial view, I want to see what they are." The commander of a central base yelled, and soon he saw the three flying creatures rampaging.

   "The commander is not good, our base is under attack." Suddenly, a voice came in.

   The commander looked outside, but saw a huge, incredible large canine creature suddenly jump into his base. The surrounding artillery continued to attack, but the other party didn't care at all.

   As for those fighting creatures, they don't need to attack after they get close. It didn't take long for these creatures to lie on the ground one by one, looking as if they were dehydrated for a long time, and they were about to become corpses.

   The huge canine creature had one paw, and destroyed all the surrounding buildings.

   "God, what exactly is this? Has the Starlink Alliance also begun to study biological weapons."

   Biological weapons have always been the most powerful in their **** empire. This is their signature. When will the Starlink Alliance be able to produce such powerful biological weapons, it is simply incredible.

   But no matter how incredible, their current situation is not very good.

   "The investigation is clear, this time the thing is done by a supernatural person under the starring company. The identity of this person is being confirmed."

   "What I want is not the identity of the other party, what I want is to block him."

   At this moment, the rear headquarters suddenly sent a message: "In three minutes, the flesh and blood warship will arrive at the front line and continue to insist." The order was simple, but the commander was relieved.

  The battleship is the most powerful combat power on this If you can't even do this, there is no way.

   Three minutes passed, several more bases were destroyed, and most of the bases in front of them were also destroyed. In the air, black dots finally flew. They were two warships with a special layer of flesh and blood on their surfaces.

   The battleship had just arrived, and aimed at the giant natural disaster dog in the middle, the red energy cannon condensed and suddenly shot out. The speed of technological weapons is simply not what ordinary people can react to.

   But after the artillery fire hit the natural disaster giant dog, only a black light flashed on the canine creature's body, and the attack was actually blocked. The Tier 4 Dark Spirit Armor, which is also a defensive skill, has a defensive power much higher than that of an attack.

   "What's going on, why didn't it work." The commander's eyes widened, his face full of incredible.

   As a remote asteroid, if it weren't for the current situation, one such Tier 4 warship would be good. But now, his warship is not even qualified to injure the opponent.

   "Come on again, the other party can't fly, it's definitely not our opponent."

   The people on the battleship were also surprised when they saw the scene at this time. When did their energy cannons be so useless. So the energy cannon adjusted, ready to attack again. But they didn't notice that there was one more person around.

   Just received the news of the arrival of the opponent's battleship, Du You directly used teleport to speed up and rush over.


   Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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