Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1153: White Fox Altar

When Aisha walked in front of the white fox, her figure had changed back to the shape of a child.

Aisha gently stroked the huge white fox's head: "I'm sorry, this time I'm wrong, I will live with your share in the future." After speaking, Aisha supported her strength and quickly walked on the white fox's head and patted. few times.

   The white fox monster who had no defensive ability on his body whimpered a few times and died completely.

   Seeing the fox die, Du You quickly flew over and hugged Aisha's body. At this time, Aisha's body was abnormally weak, and Du You's spirit scanned Aisha's body, feeling the serious injury on Aisha's body.

   There are cracks in the internal organs, and there is a powerful force spreading on Aisha's body. This power comes from a Tier 5 monster, which is much stronger than Aisha's own power, so this power is the most troublesome.

   Du You quickly drank a bottle of medicine to Aisha, feeling that Aisha's injuries began to recover, and he was relieved. "Look at you, you have to mess around, the injury is serious enough now."

  This kind of injury, even if it is a professional like Aisha, don't even want to recover without a few days of cultivation. This is because the fox itself is not good at attacking, otherwise Aisha will be dead. In front of the fifth-order beast, no matter how powerful the fourth-order, it is almost the same as the fragile bottle. Du You had a deep understanding of this back then.

   "I succeeded, big brother." Aisha showed a bright smile on her face.

   Du You felt as if his heart was being pulled, this girl, what made her insist on so much.

   In retrospect, although I had a desperate time, most of them followed the truth. Knowing that the enemy is strong and taking the initiative to fight this situation, Du You has never done it.

   "Wait." Du You picked up Aisha, and just as he was about to leave, Aisha suddenly spoke.

   "What's wrong? I'll take these foxes home."

   "No, no, these are white fox monsters after all. Let's forget about the things on them. I want to bury them. Besides, I didn't slaughter all the white foxes. I still left a few small ones."

   Du You was taken aback, then walked to a hidden place behind the col, and he found a few little foxes here. The youngest is probably just born and has not opened his eyes yet, and the biggest is just staring at Du You with his eyes open. There is no impurity in his eyes, and he doesn't know what is in front of him. It's just that the size and the appearance that he has never seen made the little fox a little scared .

   "Five, well, this is not a big one, it is useless to kill it, then take it back and raise it."

   Raising a white fox beast is a very sacred thing for the white fox clan. Aisha didn't have much sense of belonging to the fox people, but after all, this kindness that originated from the depths of the soul could not be erased.

Du You summoned the dead orangutans, first controlled the earth to bury these foxes and the blood on the ground into the ground, compacted them, and prevented other animals from discovering them, then packed the foxes in the box, and flew back with Aisha all the way. To the side of Saint Fox City.

   In the next few days, Du You took care of Aisha in Saint Fox City, and did not go out. Three days later, Aisha recovered from her injuries and only then handed Du You the things she got that day.

   "The white fox altar? It is actually a military building. Looking at the name, I thought it was a special building or territory equipment." Du You looked at the drawing, this was something Aisha desperately obtained.

   And this altar is not only Tier 4, but there are a few words that can be upgraded, which means that this altar is between Tier 4 and Tier 5. As long as the territory reaches Tier 5, it can be promoted to Tier 5 with very few resources, and a Tier 5 unit can also be obtained at that time. You don’t need to work hard to produce it yourself.

   Du You didn't even think about it, and immediately gave the drawings to others for construction. As the upper lord, although Du You's words in Saint Fox City are not as effective as Aisha's words, their authority is higher.

   The Saint Fox Altar was built in a day, and at this time Aisha was restored to her former liveliness, and her bouncing behavior became like before. The development of the entire Saint Fox Canyon is getting faster and stronger.

   Now in the depths of the Saint Fox Canyon, many cleared areas have been built into new shapes. Continue, I am afraid that it will not take long for these foxes to leave the canyon or leave the territory to survive.

   "Open it and let me have a look." Aisha looked at the altar that had just been built with excitement.

   It’s just that Du You saw that the altar was a little weird. It was a hemispherical object with a huge fox statue on it. And this hemispherical thing is hollow inside, which seems to be a place for fox breeding.

   After the construction is completed, it seems that the fox is going out from the inside.

   White Fox Altar (Level 4, upgradeable):

   White Fox Warcraft only/month, full price of 200 green crystal coins/piece

   White Fox Warcraft only/month, full price 200 topaz/only

   "Sure enough, it's upgradeable, is it the quality of Tier 4 Peak and Tier 3 Peak? Let's make it and see."

   Du You waved his hand to let the altar create this month's troops. It's just that something that Du You didn't expect happened, and the column of military strength changed, directly increasing by 700.

   "What? These foxes are not combat pets, but units." Du You really didn't expect that this white fox would be considered a unit, and the white fox was actually recognized as a member of the civilians by the territory.

   It seems that the status of this white fox in the fox clan is really extraordinary, and such a strange situation will actually occur. The fox, which will be treated as a battle pet in any territory, is a formal unit here, and its status is the same as that of a normal fox unit.

   "What's so strange, we are the same as the White Fox Warcraft." Well, it seems to be a matter of cognition.

   "Forget it, let's test the combat effectiveness of these guys first."

   Du You let the White Fox Monster begin to experiment. These white fox monsters themselves are not very powerful, but they are not very weak either. There are spells, most of which are for auxiliary use. In addition to a defense, the combat skill is only to spit a ball of light to attack from a distance. The offensive power is not strong, barely able to match the standard of Tier 4 monsters.

   "How does it seem to be a mixture of a bad warrior and a half-hanging sacrifice." Du You looked at her and his expression changed. This fox can't compare to warriors in close combat, and spells can't compare to sacrifices, but it can.

   This kind of feeling is like a traditional magic warrior. Fighting alone is more difficult, but the combat effectiveness is certainly not very strong, and perhaps the power to be exerted on the battlefield will be stronger.

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