Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1164: 1 wave first

The team entered the Red Fox Plain with great strength, and then the Red Fox clan did not contact them.

   "I see, they have already come in. Tell the people of the red fox that they don't lose the chain later. Hmph, I can't handle my own affairs, but we still need us to help."

   These werewolves didn't realize that they were interfering in other people's internal affairs, and they looked down on the weak fox in their bones. Perhaps in the hearts of many werewolves, they are the masters of the Red Fox family.

"Be sure to hide it, don’t let them find out. Humph, although those King Kong griffins are powerful in combat, but they are not magical, they are very poor in detection ability, and they will definitely not be able to discover our existence. The King Kong griffins that haven’t been flying yet, even One-on-one is not necessarily our opponent." They were talking about the wild King Kong Griffin.

   These King Kong Griffins, which have been specially trained and manufactured, are not weak on the ground. Of course, the detection ability is indeed the weakness of the King Kong Griffin, and there is nothing wrong with it.

   After the group had advanced a certain distance, Lin Yucha suddenly said to Aisha: "I have found their ambush, and the number is really large. I need to go and check it carefully."

Aisha shook her head: "No, since they dare to ambush, they are absolutely sure to deal with a hundred King Kong Griffins. The strength is definitely not weak. Sister, you were too dangerous in the past. But there is not only one way to detect. Use the arrow of the eagle to give them a look, and it happens to be able to use this opportunity to see their power structure clearly."

   "Use the arrow of the eagle, are you sure you won't be surprised by this?"

   "It doesn't matter, just let them be dispatched in advance, otherwise when we take the initiative to approach the ambush, it will be difficult for the Red Fox family to keep their hands. This is our first battle, and we must do this thing well."

   This is an example, and the power of an example is infinite, so this time you can't let the red fox lose too much.

   "Okay, I see." After speaking, Lin Yucha shot an arrow into the air. The whole team was his own, and the people outside did not dare to approach, and they didn't know who made the shot.

   Some people just heard an eagle chirping and didn't see anything clearly. The arrow rushed up to the cloud and circled for a while, and soon Lin Yucha could see the situation clearly. Next, Lin Yucha chose a guy with a garish look. This should be a wolf tribe sacrifice. Among werewolves, sacrifice is a very precious species.

  With the existence of sacrificial rites, without pre-defense, its own defense power is not high. The combat effectiveness of the sacrifice is not strong, and the spell release is slow. Now in the process of hiding, naturally it will not prepare defensive spells in advance.

   A black shadow struck in an instant, although the priest felt the danger, but when he discovered that something was wrong, it was too late to dodge. The speed of the arrow was too fast, surpassing his ability to cope.

   "No." The werewolf sacrificial yelled in horror, but he could only watch the arrow sink into his head, his power exploded, and his brain was crushed instantly.

  The other werewolves and red fox masters saw this scene, their faces became horrified.

   "Damn, they still have such a powerful archer, when did the foxes actually excel at archery?" Soma, the leader of the werewolf to this place, said with an angry and shocked expression.

   "General, what are we going to do, are we waiting for death here?" The werewolves were arrogant and obedient. Although they were very obedient to orders, they were less polite, especially when the leader made mistakes.

   "No, you can't wait here. Since they have found us, then we will take the initiative."

   Soma got up and shouted loudly: "The sacrifice is added to the state, and the others will follow me."

   So the priests began to bless, but the fox people kept making mistakes. Either he mispronounced the spell, or he failed to cast the spell under tension. It's good to be able to successfully use the less powerful spells.

   A red fox suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground, looking almost dying. Was it backlashed by a spell?

   On the other side, a red fox's spell was unexpectedly released. So the wide range of blessing spells can still be biased, where is it going to be biased? The most serious one actually released a debuff spell, which made a group of werewolves glared at this guy. Then the red fox master hurriedly proceeded to release.

   "Damn red fox, you wait for me, you can't count on them, let's go."

   More than two hundred Tier 5 werewolf masters swarmed, and they still thought they could win. Besides, they are the wolf clan, and the obedience of the wolf clan's orders is the best. No order was given to them to leave, they must fight.

  Unless they finally find that they are not opponents at all, they will choose to withdraw.

   Now, they have more than two hundred Tier 5 masters, if they leave like this, then they would be ashamed.

What makes them depressed is that they were discovered in advance, not to mention that the Griffin lifted off, there is still such a group of big problems, obviously the red fox masters who do not work make them feel very excited. irritable.

   "Half of the people went to the sky to contain the Griffin, and the others rushed with me to kill their saint." As long as there is no saint, they won't have so many griffons to use. In Soma's view, the saint would definitely not teach the secret to others. As for the situation that they want to, but obviously can't get it, then destroy it.

   A hundred werewolves stepped on the air and instantly lifted off. They are not the opponents of the King Kong Griffin in the sky, but it is still possible to contain them. On the ground, those werewolves were faster.

   "Hmph, let them see our strength." Aisha said coldly.

   "I'm sorry, my sister can't take action this time." Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi expressed their apologies.

   Aisha waved her hand quickly and said, "Why, that arrow has already played a big role. If it weren't for that arrow, they would definitely not run out so obediently."

   The werewolf in front ran wildly, and the fox in the back "run" slowly, stopping when casting the spell. At this speed, it might take more than an hour to run over.

  The werewolf has completely ignored these red fox masters now, but Aisha is still a little wary, and the two sisters are also a protection by their side. When the werewolf rushed over, he found that the other one hundred foxmen also rushed out.

   The priests of the temple in the rear released spells one after another, and the aura of these masters of white foxes became stronger and stronger.

   "Damn, how come there are so many Tier 5, when does the white fox have this kind of strength?"

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