Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1173: End of semester 2

Du You, who had condensed his own skills, took the two sisters, and after bidding farewell to the others, he returned to Earth again. After coming back, it will take a while to clean up the breath of law.

But after reaching the fifth rank, Du You's body law aura dissipated very quickly, and it only took a few days.

"Oh, I didn't expect this semester to be over." Suddenly, Lin Yushi said loudly.

Du You looked at the calendar, and then checked the watch information. Sure enough, this semester was over. It's just that any competition in the academy has nothing to do with Du You, whether it's internal or external.

At the same time, Du You's strength is too strong, and the people who originally criticized Du You for not going to class have now closed their mouths. If Du You goes to someone's course, it is simply an honor.

With his current strength, no one dared to say that he could teach, and the result was that Du You had to check the information himself.

Fortunately, Du You originally did this, and now he has less trouble.

Du You looked at the information, a frustration flashed across his face, too strong is a troublesome thing. At the end of the semester, although I did not have myself, there were two newly promoted Tier 4 powerhouses, Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue, so my class performance was still very good. Even his performance in the second grade is very good, and he deserves the first place.

But without his own participation, in the joint college competition, Capital University lost this time. It can be said to be a reluctant defeat, it is almost a bit. Nowadays, people are constantly chattering on the Internet, and they can't stop.

It was the Mage Academy who won, and they didn't even expect to win. Now it is all kinds of propaganda, all kinds of advertising. The people from the Mage Academy stood outside, also looking aloof.

The Capital University is not happy because they also have a Du You who has reached the fifth rank. As long as Du You participates, Tier 5's strength can definitely sweep the audience.

However, someone at the Mage Academy said that the different world in this competition is Tier 4. If Du You chooses to enter forcibly, he can only suppress his strength to Tier 4, otherwise he will be sent away. There is not much impact on the game.

The Capital University said that they can prove their strength if they have a fifth rank.

Someone also said that even if it was suppressed to Tier 4, it was Tier 5. With Du You's original fighting videos, they believed that Du You would win. As a result, the two sides started arguing with each other, and none of them has stopped.

"Hmph, if the host participates, they are definitely far from our opponents." Lin Yushi muttered dissatisfied.

Du You waved his hand: "What are we doing? This kind of thing has nothing to do with us. We just need to improve ourselves. When we reach Tier 6, we will be the top figures on the earth."

Today, the highest level on the surface of the earth is the sixth order, and those who exceed the sixth order will not show up at all. No one knows how strong the true power on the earth is. When it reaches the sixth rank, I believe no one dares to despise himself.

Of course, even now, Du You is a figure of the star of tomorrow.

Suddenly, Du You's watch rang, it was someone contacting him. Du You opened the watch and found that it was Xi Qianxue who contacted him on the other side. Looking at the communication records again, I have actually found myself many times.

"Finally let us catch you." Xi Qianxue's face of the iceberg also showed resentment. How could it be possible without finding Du You for such a long time without any complaints.

"Haha, didn't I have something out of this."

"Is it an upgrade? How many levels have you reached now?" Xi Qianxue glanced at Du You and suddenly said.

Du You smiled and said: "Haha, it's really Xi Qianxue, you can see through the screen, I have reached level 46 now, after this time, I will prepare for the upgrade to level 49."

Of course Xi Qianxue knew what the level threshold was, but Du You's increasing speed made him sigh, how can he catch up? Du You almost seemed to be on the hook, the speed of this strength improvement was getting faster day by day. There is no sign of narrowing the gap between them.

With a sigh, Xi Qianxue said, "Come to the Central City when you have time. We need your approval if we have something."

"I can't get through it now. It will take several days for the breath of law to dissipate."

"Then we will go and find you." Xi Qianxue turned off the video with some annoyance.

As a result, it didn't take long for Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao to arrive at Du You's residence, and Li Minglu was also pulled over. Li Minglu now has become the president of Du You Company.

Although Li Minglu didn't dare to behave like Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue, he was also the highest power holder of the company in name.

"What happened? Why did you even come." Du You was very strange. Bringing Li Minglu, it's not just looking for myself to retell the old, but there is a real business.

"Boss, our company now has two things for you to decide."

"Let's just listen." It's definitely not a trivial matter that needs to be decided by yourself. Li Minglu can no longer decide.

"The first thing is two investments. We are optimistic about the two newly established territories. Although that world is not exclusive, it is a Tier 7 Outland World. Now they need outside help, and I want to provide them with a better one. Conditions, used to obtain investment I am sure that in the next two years at most, we will be able to recover from this."

Du You looked at the information Li Minglu gave him. The information contained two very good territories. To be honest, this is the model of normal territory development. Let others invest and then separate some of the benefits.

It is very rare for Du You to rely entirely on himself, not to let people invest, and to let many people come in to help. Being able to develop on one's own strength is simply a miracle.

"Very good, both territories are good, I agree. You are more familiar with the specifics than I am, so you can talk about it." After Du You signed the document, Li Minglu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then the next thing is the second thing. Our Harry asteroid is now more and more influential, and it is very likely that it will reach the level of Tier 6 territory. We now need some preparation."

Du You nodded and said, "Just leave it to me. I've been preparing."

Du You muttered in his heart that the development speed of Harry's asteroid was far slower than that of his own Shenghai Kingdom, and it was not even as fast as the development of Saint Fox City. Is it necessary to be so anxious? Of course Du You wouldn't say it directly.

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