Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1196: Destroy the castle of the undead

"It seems that they don't have many undead creatures. We should attack next. Don't waste time. First send those demons who are about to reach their limit." Du You said to Lin Yushi.

Because the spirits of demons have a time limit, they must be as fast as possible, they cannot wait until the end. TV update is the fastest //

Du You regretted it a little at this time. If he knew this way, he shouldn't itch his hands and turn all the Demon Flame Bones into Demon Flame Bone Dragon. As a result, there are not many demon flame bones that can be used.

As for the Demon Flame Bone Dragon, although the strength is strong, it is only Tier 4 and can't reach Tier 5. Du You believes that those undead castles definitely have special weapons against powerful creatures.

If your own bone dragon dares to approach, it must be lifeless. And the most important thing is that the cost of killing a bone dragon by the other party is definitely much less than the cost of killing one hundred thousand demon flame bones, and the price is not enough.

Lin Yushi nodded slightly, and then adjusted his demon-killing spirit to adjust the team, changed the situation of constant defense in the past few days, and began to attack instead. Speaking of which, the Demon Slayer is not good at attacking, but good at defense. But this kind of defensive method is very effective here, because they can consume more power of the enemy.

"My bloodthirsty demon wolf should also be sent over, the cooling time has come, there is no need to waste this time."

As Lin Yucha spoke, she also sent out her own bloodthirsty demon wolves. These bloodthirsty demon wolves had reached level 46, and there were 46 in total. Although the individual strength is not very strong, the strength displayed in the army is definitely not weak.

And under the cover of a group of golden light, these same golden magic wolves are very inconspicuous.

Seeing a large number of monsters start to attack, the anxiety of those necromancers began to change into fear. "Damn it, stop them, you must stop them, not let them break our castle."

"Don't talk nonsense, use any means as soon as possible, don't hide it. Also, the remaining undead, try to get them close to the castle, if you can attract the enemy, it would be better."

The Necro Castle built by the fifth-order Necromancer, even if the sixth-order master approaches, they still have a way to injure the opponent, or even directly severely injured it is not impossible. Of course, this world does not have Tier VI combat effectiveness.

In their eyes, the weapons they deployed in the castle were released at full power, and no creatures in this world could stop them. But Du You is not stupid, why should he approach the enemy's castle.

A large number of demon-killing spirits began to approach, and those necromancers also experienced the uncomfortable feelings of others facing the sea of ​​undead.

This is really a waste of magic power by killing, and you will be unlucky if you don't kill yourself. Those guys stacked like Arhats one by one, and they will soon be able to cross the city wall. Even some castles built on cliffs face great pressure.

Even if those monsters were beaten down, they wouldn't be able to fall to death, much stronger than the defense of the undead. When the demon-killing spirits below the cliff climbed up with the stone, the dense ants attacked, making them more restrained. TV mobile terminal/

A gray ripple spread out, passing by the golden monster, with no effect.

"Don't use death-type attacks. Those monsters have no life at all."

A necromancer reminded others loudly, so everyone changed their attack methods. On the ground, pieces of bone spurs pierced the ground, piercing the spirits of demons one by one.

Then other demon-killing spirits began to attack these bone spurs, smashing them in a moment.

It is an unchangeable fact that the power of the Demon Slayer restrains the undead. Some undead creatures began to appear on the ground, and they were summoned out of thin air, but faced with a large number of demonic spirits, they couldn't hold on for long. Curse and death spells are useless, so most of the methods of the Undead Castle are useless.

When they discovered that the plague toxin and other methods were of no use, all that was left was a direct attack.

Some people with complex knowledge started to use various elemental types of attacks. Some ordinary ones can only summon bones or continue to summon undead creatures to resist.

The battle is like this, the speed of advance is very fast. After only two days of attacks, when the last batch of Demon Slayers were left, the opponent's spell attacks finally began to soften.

The foremost castle is now exhausted, and a large number of demonic spirits crawled in along the wall and launched an attack inside. "Damn damn, you don't come to me, I won't play with you anymore."

With that said, the Necromancer suddenly discharged the undead who had guarded him. Several Tier 5 undead creatures, of course, these are not the strong ones among Tier 5. The Necromancer himself also ran out and was breaking through.

"Do we need to intercept it?" Lin Yucha said.

Du You shook his head: "I'm not sure about the traps from time to time. It just happens that the bloodthirsty demon wolves are useless, so let them attack first. Also, have the undead in the surrounding mountains been killed? Ship it out."

The previous attack was not only aimed at these cities. Many demon-killing spirits rushed in directly along the openings where the undead appeared before, and began to slaughter the remaining undead creatures. As for some complex terrain, the Demon Slayer is the nemesis of evil creatures, and naturally has the ability to find and locate evil creatures.

This ability is usually useless, but it is very useful has not been killed yet, but the corpses have been obtained a lot, piled up in the back. "

Du You nodded: "I'll summon some skeletons, and wait for the demon-killing spirits to run out so that the skeletons can continue." Du You could see that these cities did not prepare too much magic power reserve.

Perhaps, they didn't think anyone could kill them all the way, destroying so many undead creatures. As a result, now, they regret and have no chance.

The attack of the bloodthirsty demon wolf made that mage unable to parry at all, plus the large number of demon-killing spirits around it, and there was a quantitative advantage. It didn't take long for that mage finally couldn't help it, and used his back hand.

A crystal ball exploded on the ground, and then a cloud of gray mist spread, and the three bloodthirsty demon wolves were directly killed, and the others were also weakened a lot. Unfortunately, after using this trick, the Necromancer seemed to consume too much.

It was too late for other people to rescue, so they could only watch the necromancer die. The demise of the first Necromancer opened the prelude to the demise of the necropolis here.

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