Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1266: The brood group of the Black Mist Grand Canyon

In order to accommodate the speed of the Skeleton Soldier, the destination that could have been reached soon, this journey took more than two days. When Du You arrived at the destination, the distance time was almost up.

"These **** undead are too many, if you just hurry, you can get here without even a day."

Lin Yushi looked at the undead on the road and said with some annoyance. There are always many undead creatures blocking the road and need to be killed before they can move on. When encountering some powerful ones, Lin Yushi and Lin Yucha have to deal with them, so as to speed up the speed. Even the corpse was only partially converged.

Those who are better to transport, just take them along the way, gather to a certain extent, Du You casually a king of bones, and then let the newborn skeletons continue to follow. Throw it away if it’s not easy to transport.

If this is not the case, Du You will not be able to reach the destination at all before the plan begins.

After arriving at the location, Du You and others floated in the air, looking at the Black Mist Canyon from a distance. There is a mist of undead in the Black Mist Canyon, which makes people look at it. This piece of the Grand Canyon is the shortest path from here in the past.

But farther away, Du You saw some sporadic broods of the undead. Even among them, many of them are Tier 5.

Fortunately, most of the undead broods will not move, and those Tier 5 can only fly slowly with their own power. It is really rare to put oneself directly in the body of an undead.

"There are so many undead broods here, and the undead's fog is very thick. Do you need me to go in and check it out."

Du You shook his head: "No, anyway, it's okay to attack at that time. These undead broods have come to realize that we have arrived." Du You refused to let Lin Yucha go in and take the risk.

Although Lin Yucha's strength is strong, it is not completely dangerous to face an unknown number of Tier 5 enemies.

Even Du You didn't dare to enter this kind of place rashly, because he didn't understand the situation inside.

"It's okay. These undead broods are fighting on their own. Although they can cooperate, they are still self-centered, and their thinking is not very sensitive. When they fight, they will definitely take care of each other. The pressure on us will not be Too big."

While talking, Du You felt through a long distance.

Lin Yucha suddenly said, "But we can't avoid investigation at all. In this case, let's put a little pressure on them."

With that said, Lin Yucha drew an arrow and directly launched the eagle's arrow in the air. With a bright cry, an arrow quickly crossed the remote area and entered the black fog canyon.

After entering, relying on the spirit of Lin Yucha attached to the arrow, he couldn't see what was around, but he could see a little bit. So I chose a Tier 5 enemy who was not very strong, and the arrow fell directly.

As arrows flew out, the canyon really became chaotic. It didn't take long for the undead inside to gather and protect next to their brood. At the same time, many undead creatures rushed out of the canyon and took the initiative to attack Du You's army. Under the hunted and killed by the army, these undead will not become a climate at all.

It can be said that Du You does not have a Tier 5 undead creature, but the average strength is stronger than the opponent's undead.

Lin Yushi flew in the air, blocking all the fifth-order undead, then the remaining army was not their opponent at all. On the contrary, with the action of the large-scale Demon Slayer and Du You, their army will be larger and more numerous.

This world does not have a large number of creatures to create forces for the brood of the undead, so the brood of the undead can only use a large amount of absorbing materials and plants to synthesize, and the creation of the army will be much slower.

In this way, Du You's subordinates added a lot of demon flame bones and sacrificed several bone dragons.

When the time was about to arrive, a senior academy appeared in front of Du You. There is also a strand of red among the white hair of the visitor, which is very conspicuous. "Deputy Dean, why are you here?" Du You was startled.

This is a big man. In the entire college, each branch has two deputy deans. It seems that there are many, but in fact, these are all Tier 6 masters. Although the incoming person is not the deputy dean of his branch, his strength is not fake.

"I'm here to provide you with protection, and the task will depend on you later." As he said, the vice president read the spell. The spell that can make a sixth-order strong man chant the spell is definitely not trivial.

After preparing for a while, the deputy dean waved his hand, and a white egg-shaped barrier immediately appeared on Du You's body, and then disappeared in a flash. Then the deputy dean continued, releasing a defensive shield on Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi respectively.

"Remember, this shield can only last for two days, and it can only block one attack from the enemy. If it is an ordinary undead, you can block it with your own means. This is to save your life."

After speaking, the deputy dean looked at Du You and nodded: "You are very good, and the college is looking forward to your future performance."

After speaking this time, the deputy chief's figure disappeared in a flash. With Du You's eyesight and perception, he could barely capture a trace. This is not teleportation, this is a performance that is extremely fast.

It seems that the deputy dean is not an ordinary sixth-order, at least it is also the kind that has very special skills in the middle of the sixth-order.

"Okay, it's up to us next," Du You said.

The two sisters nodded and released all the summons they could summon. Then, Du You waved his hand, and a large number of demon flame bones began to charge toward the canyon, densely packed, so that people with dense phobias could be stunned.

In the air, those bone dragons went backwards. After all, the main purpose of bone dragons was to control the skeletons. Although their combat effectiveness was good, they were not good compared to those Tier 5 undead.

The fifth-order undead were the main force of the opponent, and these enemies were also the targets of Du You and the two sisters.

Du You summoned Xiao Zi and the ghost pattern crow, and the two auras spread. Although the curse is not effective on the undead, it is still effective. Under the weakening of the fifth-order pet, the power of the undead has been greatly weakened.

Then Du You released the natural disaster giant dog, the huge figure that looked like a hill, even shocked the vice president who was hiding in the dark. After learning so many weird skills, I really don't know how Du You got to this point.

To transform these skills into skills suitable for oneself, the required coins are not a small amount. Du You doesn't care about this now, the general attack has already begun. Finally, the bubble was summoned, but the other summoned beasts, Du You, were not released for the time being. Those things, it's better not to let too many people know about them, and wait until you break through.

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