Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1343: Demigod who destroys the world

After spending more than half a day, when several people returned to the outside of the first asteroid, Du You was finally ready to start fighting. Not far away is my first goal.

   "Master, how do we do it, can we fly over now?" Lin Yushi was eager to try.

Du You shook his head: "No, this first asteroid is too small. There are only two Tier 5 battleships on it. The others are Tier 4, so you don’t have to be so troublesome. I will just erase it later. . Let’s hurry up, there are four more behind, and we’re going to make them completely irresistible.”

   After finishing speaking, Du You's figure flashed and appeared in outer space. Out of these five asteroids, this one is the smallest, like a large meteorite, with a lot of troops on it, and there are many combat satellites in space.

   But for Du You now, it's nothing. Opened his hand, a total of 530 magic circles appeared in outer space, and the entire meteorite was wrapped up, leaving only a few gaps inside.

   The sudden change made the natural people in the base shocked, and I don’t know what happened.

   "What the **** is the situation? Could it be that the enemy has come here? Quickly, check all the information."

The people inside    got busy, and it didn't take long before they discovered Du You in outer space.

   "What? You told me that there is only one enemy, and who has such a powerful strength."

   People in this world basically rely on weapons. High-level professionals have basically no other aspects except for the technology side. Therefore, people in this world rarely see a situation where their personal strength can reach that level of horror.

   This kind of thing can reach Tier 6, and it's still a monster. They didn't believe it before. But today, Du You appeared here, destined to remind them of the horror of those high-level abilities.

   When they found Du You, Du You had already completed the preparations. It didn't take too long, only ten seconds. Speaking of which, the other party can find that he is already fast, but he is still a step slower.

  Neither the spaceship nor the mecha has yet to fly, and the fireball in the air has already hit the middle from all directions.

   A fireball hit the ground, it was a big pit in an instant, and it was still a huge pit. A fireball hit the Tier 5 battleship, smashing the battleship's head to pieces on the spot, and the high temperature distorted the metal.

   Fireballs came down one by one, and the entire base seemed to be facing the end of the world, with no resistance at all. Except for a few places, people and machines in most areas were either directly blown to pieces, or surrounded by flames that swept across. The black flame soared into the sky, dyeing the entire asteroid black.

   In the flames, the Destroying Dogs formed one by one, and the formed Destroying Dogs began to walk aimlessly.

  Because the enemies were all killed, naturally there was nothing to do with them. Of course, if there is someone who has escaped from the dead, the Destroyer Dog doesn't mind going forward to send the enemy off.

   As the fireball continued to fall, a huge crack suddenly appeared on the asteroid.

   This crack traverses up and down, and it gets bigger and bigger with the falling fireball. Finally, the crack spread in a circle, the asteroid split from the middle and became two, and the structure of the entire asteroid became more fragile.

   "It's not good, this planet is going to be destroyed, let's run."

   "Where to run, this is the end of the world, it is the end of the world, all people are going to die, only believe in evil gods can get salvation." A cultist shouted with a tycoon who didn't know anything.

   It's a pity that these people will be covered in flames in the next moment.

Under this devastating attack, no one can escape. Even various technological weapons have been dissolved and burned, and the asteroids shattered into two halves, which turned into four pieces under the attack. Block, keep splitting down.

   In the end, a complete asteroid turned into **** and cosmic dust in Du You's hands. The planet in front of me has completely turned into a meteorite block, a space junk.

   Du You looked at the scene in front of him, feeling inexplicably shocked in his heart. It turned out that he was already so strong.

   Demigod level, Du You had this experience for the first time. Yes, in many worlds, Tier 6 is also called a demigod. It's just that there have been too many Tier 6 soldiers under him, so Du You didn't realize this.

   Now that the battle has moved to outer space, there is no special force to suppress his own power and cause damage. All the power has erupted completely, and Du You finally realized how terrifying his power is.

  A spell that is not released with full force can split and destroy a planet, and it is this kind of frontal forcible destruction. The scene of the end of the world was created entirely by oneself.

   Du You understands a little bit, why the people on the earth side will not let the seventh-order people take Once the seventh-order strongmen fight, it may cause huge damage to the earth. Even if the earth can suppress their power, there are problems with them. Sure enough, every rule is reasonable, not completely unreasonable.

   An asteroid was destroyed in Du You's hands in this way, without even a single splash.

   Even, even the signal for help was not sent out, and the asteroid behind discovered that the planet suddenly shattered, and only then discovered that something was wrong. However, at this time, they still did not connect this matter with the enemy attack.

   In their view, to produce this effect, how can it be done with a Tier 6 battleship. And how big a Tier VI battleship could not be discovered. They don't know that the enemy is a person.

   They believe that someone can live for a short time in outer space, but they can't believe it at all if they can do it by themselves. As for weapons, the bigger the weapon, the bigger it is. Isn’t this common sense?

   When they detected that the power erupting here was not a conventional power, Du You had already brought the two sisters to the position of the second asteroid behind.

   "This asteroid is a lot bigger, but one-time destruction can be done." Du You moved to outer space again, so his skills were repeated. As before, a large number of magic circles encased the asteroid.

   Then, countless fireballs formed, and these people finally knew what happened on the previous asteroid. Du You's handsome face was no different from the devil in their eyes at this time.

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