Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1347: Dive into the interstellar fortress

"It's not necessary, are you sure that we can still have such a big attraction to join the skill hall?"

"Of course, except for the academy, it is only here for us. It is precisely because other people will not invest, we will have a better effect. Tier 6 is the ultimate goal of regular technology professionals. ."

This Du You knew that the type of technology was at the same level, and it could be said that as long as the weakness was not grasped and restrained, it was almost invincible. Even with Du You's current strength, he might not be able to fight against a battleship of the same level as him. Even if technological weapons can do one thing with one hundred shares of power, they will win.

Because the energy of these technological weapons is above the order of magnitude, it is not comparable to other professions.

But similarly, technological weapons have no way to use the law, and technological professionals cannot understand the law, so Tier 6 is basically their limit unless they make a career change.

But this kind of career change is not so easy. First of all, it is unlikely. Few people have this opportunity.

Even if there is such an opportunity, forcibly changing jobs will reduce the level and star rating, resulting in a decline in potential. If you want to go further, the possibility will be lower. In addition, the skills learned before cannot disappear.

These skills will become skills that do not belong to one's own profession, occupying the skill position is useless, and will cause one's own drag. Before they changed their jobs, they didn't understand the various rules of other professions, which also took time.

For various reasons, even if they change their professions, the possibility of being promoted to Tier 7 in the future will be even lower.

Of course, even the seventh-tier technological weapons are actually controlled by those sixth-tier technological professionals. If you don't have any hope of advancing to the seventh level, then the future development of the sixth-level technology professionals may be better. It seems that this kind of seventh-tier technological fortress, really against the seventh-tier enemy, may not be unable to win.

Of course, only Tier 6 Du You would not know specific things.

But think about it, it seems that Corgis is right. Corgis is much better at developing territories than herself. "Well, I agree, do you have the drawing, if not, wait for me to send it back to you."

"No, we just got it on our own side, and I will start construction now."

After speaking, Corgis smiled, and then closed the communication. Okay, Corgis, an iceberg beauty who is even worse than her sister, is really charming when she smiles, and Du You feels amazed.

Forget it, don't care so much now, wait for the time to come. The three people started the shuttle and flew towards their territory, but the three were not on it. This created the illusion that the enemy thought they were going back.

In fact, Du You had misled other people from the very beginning, making them think that they couldn't move in space without the shuttle. In fact, Du You is enough to rely on the space coordinates left by him. Although the range of space caused the distance to be very far away, with Du You's current magic power, it was still very easy to go somewhere.

At least, in a small galaxy, Du You's magic power is enough to allow him to move back and forth freely. Even in places like the Starlink Alliance, if you have to walk around, as long as there are coordinates, it won't actually take many teleports.

Time flickered, and after a few days, Du You finally vaguely felt that the coordinates he left behind appeared on the side of the interstellar fortress, so that he could act.

It was just when Du You acted that he suddenly felt resistance.

"What's the master? Why did it suddenly stop." Lin Yucha said strangely.

"I felt a resistance in space. This should be the space protection of the interstellar fortress." Du You frowned, and his next actions were based on the possibility of being able to sneak into the fortress.

If you cannot enter, then the next plan will be impossible to implement.

"Space protection? Doesn't it mean that those technological types of space protection capabilities are very rough." Lin Yushi is also a little strange, it makes no sense that large battleships and military bases have poor defenses, and the interstellar fortress suddenly improved.

"No, their protection is equally rough, but after all, it was transformed from a planet. It is a whole. The overall protection is too strong. This is a quantitative change that has produced a qualitative change. I can't survive with this kind of space protection. Wait, it seems still have a chance."

Du You said while feeling it: "I feel that this space protection is not always on, but with five minutes as the limit. Turn on once in five minutes, and then gradually weaken, there will be a one-minute blank period in the middle."

"I understand, this is still for other warships. Those warships have to move in space, and at least five to ten minutes of preparation time. Even if it is a shuttle or other weapons, the preparation time is more than one minute."

Lin Yucha got this conclusion very accurately. The use of space for technological weapons is different from that of professionals. The use of space by professionals is similar to instinct, while the power of science and technology is subject to a lot of calculations.

During that one-minute blank period, they simply had no way to accurately calculate. This level of protection is enough to prevent any space weapon from entering its interior, and it is also the most energy-saving approach.

"Okay, we are ready to enter, we will go in when I find a gap."

Du You smiled As long as there are gaps in the thick space barrier, he can enter by himself, not to mention the one-minute blank period. Du You pulled the two sisters, closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

Suddenly, Du You opened his eyes because the time had come. In an instant, nearly one-third of the magic power of Du You's body evaporated, and the three of them were instantly wrapped in black light, and then they broke through the space and disappeared in place. When they reappeared, the three people appeared in a very narrow space, which seemed to be a lounge.

Du You left the coordinates in this lounge at the beginning, and no one would usually show up here.

"We're here? What do we do next, attack directly." Lin Yucha said.

"No, test it first. I will let the photon wizard see if I can get something. If I can directly control this, it will be easy." After all, the Star Fortress is rated as Tier 7, and Du You is not sure whether it can be done.

After the photon elves appeared, they entered the battleship for the first time. This battleship is not as good as the Photon Elf in level. As long as the level cannot exceed oneself, the photon elves are the nemesis of electronic items.

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