Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1404: Get this guy done

When the target appeared, Du You and others would naturally not wait any longer. The two sisters shot directly, but did not attack the Dark Vine Demon Emperor, because Du You was going to use it to make a summoned beast, so it's better to do it yourself.

Although the two of them have little effect, they will have a little effect.

The arrows of the two sisters kept pouring, accurately piercing the cores of the fifth-order magic vines, and the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed dramatically. The loss of the Dark Vine is getting faster and faster, and the Dark Vine Demon Emperor is anxious.

It's a pity that the Dark Vine Demon Emperor can't leave at all. The dead orangutan controlled the power of the earth and forced the ground to roll over, squeezing all the water out, leaving a hard foundation underground.

A part of the ground was created by the death scorpion into a desert environment, and the sand was more flexible than vines. Although these quicksands cannot entangle other enemies, it is easier to entangle vines. Moving like this, the Dark Vine Demon Emperor had no way to escape, and could only stay in place. The other summoned beasts around looked at him, and they had no chance to escape.

Du You had already flown to the sky, looking at the Dark Vine Demon Emperor, he became happier as he watched. Even if so many powerful summoned beasts of the same level attack at the same time, this guy can barely hold it.

Perhaps the combat power is not very strong, and the attack power is even more messy, but the ability of the Dark Vine Demon Emperor to entangle the enemy is really terrifying. If there is an enemy of the same level, it may be able to be entangled to the end.

Let them continue to fight, and the time will not be known. Du You didn't have so much time to waste.

As soon as he raised his hand, a huge magic circle appeared in the air, and a fireball brewed in it.

Destroying the flames, this time only used a fireball, but Du You spent a long time condensing. The Dark Vine Demon Emperor who felt the danger wanted to escape, but he had no chance at all. He was firmly fixed in place by the dead orangutan.

Even in the face of the fireball smashed down in the air, the dead orangutan turned a blind eye.

With a loud "bang", the black fireball hit the Dark Vine Demon Emperor's body, and the terrifying shock wave impacted in all directions. Moreover, under the flames, the Dark Vine Demon Emperor himself could not hold it.

In the process of the fireball explosion, most of the vines of the Dark Vine Demon Emperor were directly burned to ashes, and the toxins were burned and dispersed. This is to crush people with force, the force is extremely powerful, and no means are used. Even the root system has been shattered for most, and the core inside can be vaguely seen, the exquisite core, like a black gem.

It is very similar to the core of the ball type of other magic vines, but it is completely different. This is already a change in texture.

"Not enough, let's do it again." Du You didn't even look at the dead orangutan who was injured but still persisting. Du You didn't hesitate to see another fireball. The Dark Vine Demon Emperor, who was already injured, was even more helpless now.

The fireball smashed down, and with the second attack, all the vines in the body of the Dark Vine Demon Emperor were burned, and there were not many roots left. But the **** did not leave a trace.

"Forget it, don't kill him, show me the root system and let me see." Du You found that this thing was really hard. So after thinking about it, he didn't simply kill the Dark Vine Demon King, to see if the living could be controlled. Recommend to read TV//

The surrounding summoned beasts worked together to smash the vines and roots in a moment.

Du You stepped forward, experimented, and found that this thing was really usable. As long as he can completely control his current strength, the magic circle can be effective. It is even possible that the final result will be better using this kind of living creature modification. But after all, this is the first time that he has transformed plant monsters, and I don't know how it works.

"Forget it, let's experiment like this." Du You finally made a decision.

Look at the two sisters again, the battle has completely suppressed those magic vines. Because the Dark Vine Demon King was not dead, the Demon Vine had no way to escape, so they could only come to rescue desperately.

And this kind of unorganized swarming style will not have any effect at all. After the two sisters cleaned up all the powerful magic vines, the remaining low-level magic vines could not play any role.

Suppression from top to bottom, and finally all the dark magic vines are completely controlled. But because there are too many, looking like this, even if you try your best, I am afraid it will take a long time to clean up.

"Master, what are you?" Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi walked over and looked at the Dark Vine Demon Emperor in the hands of the dead orangutan.

It is the black core the size of a basketball, like a black gem. A woody layer continued to grow on this gem, some began to grow into vines, and some grew into root systems. TV mobile terminal/

It's just that these things didn't wait to grow up, they were rubbed by the dead orangutan and all fell off.

The dead orangutan kept rubbing, this thing kept growing, and finally turned into a very strange scene.

"I want to try my life. I have a hunch that this will definitely succeed, and the summoned beasts will be strengthened more, and the most important thing is that the IQ will be increased. After all, this is a plant, which is already similar to other summoned beasts I’m afraid I’ll turn this guy into an idiot if I do it after I die.”

Anyway, now I have the opportunity and I am capable, so why not experiment? The big deal is a failure, and it doesn't matter if you have a useless skill. In fact, many people have the practice of cultivating waste skills.

Useless skills are just not very useful in normal times does not mean that they are useless. Because of raising, you can increase your own background and increase the possibility of your breakthrough. If you don't raise it, it will become a drag.

"It's fine if you are happy." Lin Yushi and Lin Yucha looked at each other, feeling a little weak.

There is no way, the owner of my own house often acts very willful, and I don't know what is going on in his mind.

Du You didn't care, and asked the two sisters to direct the battle, while his family cleared the place where they had just been fighting, and then took out the materials and began to arrange the magic circle. The magic circle is still the same, but as one's strength improves, the materials that need to be used will become more and more advanced. These are all deduced by himself.

At the beginning, the person who left the inheritance to him was far from reaching the level of Tier 6, and that guy should be Tier 5 at best. Fortunately, there is a skill hall that can help Du You perfect all the skills he wants.

The skill hall is not only used to evolve one's own professional skills, in fact, as long as it is a skill, it can help in deduction. It's just that this kind of function is generally rarely used by other people except for a lord like Du You.

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