Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1411: Reunion in the college

The next day, Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao appeared together in the academy. Unlike Du You, a low-key guy, these two people are the most famous stars in the academy. TV mobile terminal/

Just arrived, it was like a celebrity meet-and-greet, and most of the people in the entire college were shocked. Many people gathered at the gate of the academy, it was unstoppable, and it was difficult for two people and their team to move forward.

There are still people around who are constantly using various camera equipment to record videos, so there is no need for a flashlight.

Of course, there is no such thing as a flash in this era, and there are more secretive devices that will not affect people.

In the end, the academy sent someone to pick up the two, which prevented the students from continuing their craziness.

"It's really the two of them, the iceberg snow lotus like iceberg, and the daffodil like fairy temperament, or our college is the best. If you are in other colleges, you can't see such a brilliant person."

"By the way, why did the two of them suddenly go back to school? Haven't they been doing missions in the world of the undead?"

A person next to him touched his glasses: "I heard that it was because of the blood lotus. The blood lotus occupied the city of loess and massacred it. Everyone already knows about this. Now many people are moving towards the city of loess. Entered. "Recommended to read TV//

What they understand is only the surface, but the general mobilization of the entire society has been issued.

"That said, I can see the two goddesses on the battlefield over there, no, I have to sign up as soon as possible."

"Cut, it's as if you can get close to the goddess when you go. For so many years, except for that person, I haven't heard that the two goddesses have any close foundation with other men, and the people in their team are the same. "

Of course they knew who they were talking about, wasn't it Du You the monster? Although that guy is a student like them, no one takes this matter seriously. Because Du You's level is too high, and they are not people on the same level.

On the other side, Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao, who just got out of the car, had lingering fears. "It's strange, how did they know our situation." Only two people came this time, and their team did not follow.

Xi Qianxue shook her head: "I don't know, although there are usually many people watching, but not as many as this time. They are here waiting for us this time. Could someone have revealed our whereabouts?"

At this moment, an old voice sounded: "It's not a leak, but someone has guessed it. There are five places in our college. Du You counts one. Besides, how can you also count the two of you? ."

The two raised their heads and saw a group of people coming here. "associate dean."

As a student of the student union, how could he not know the deputy dean, and Du You, who most school leaders do not know.

"Du You, you are here too. It's been a long time since I saw you. I knew you must be here too." The two said with a smile. This time is not an ordinary thing, so it is impossible for Du You not to participate.

"It's been a long time." Du You smiled. The time on the earth is different from the time in other worlds. I haven't seen it for a while. I don't know how long it will be in another world.

Li Mengyao said very happily: "The last person in our team has just completed the Tier 4 advancement task. After finishing the professional advancement, we will be able to go to your world, and we will be able to see each other often then."

The vice president is here, so there is no need to avoid anything. Du You's hidden world can be thought of as long as he thinks about it.

Du You was a little depressed: "Perhaps." No way, it is impossible to meet frequently.

Because his strength has reached the late stage of the sixth stage, if he wants to continue to improve in the future, he must find enough opponents. And the place in the world of Arran obviously doesn't have enough opponents.

The world of melee undead is good, but that world is too dangerous to suit Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao.

Even this matter, Du You couldn't disclose it in advance. Because of some things on the dark web, two people who have not joined are not qualified to know. Even if they went to the blood lotus base camp to encircle and suppress each other, they just thought it was the blood lotus to encircle and suppress each other. There is something behind the blood lotus, that is not what the two of them are qualified to understand.

"Okay, you are all familiar with it. Let's talk here. I have to prepare some things. We will leave in two days."

The deputy dean confessed and left, leaving Du You to chat with the four women. Fortunately, everyone is very active, so Du You didn't feel too bored and embarrassed.

It's just that Li Mengyao's gentle eyes, like water, made Du You feel quite unbearable.

"By the way, this mission will be very dangerous, so you'd better be careful not to go to the front from the rear. If you encounter force majeure, hide first. You have something to save your life."

"Don't worry, I'm already ready. Although our family can't own everything like you, it can still provide us with some help." Xi Qianxue said indifferently, without showing anything.

Lin Yucha noticed the secret eye contact, but Li Mengyao didn't feel it.

"Why, is there anything special about this mission?"

Du You shook his head: "It's something special, but I can't say it. After you reach Tier 6, I will tell you. I can only tell you is a matter for all mankind. "

The two looked at each other. From what Du You said, the two had already analyzed a lot of things.

Du You said that he couldn't say it, so he definitely couldn't say it. As a smart woman, he would not be allowed to do things that embarrass men. The sixth rank, although they are impossible to reach in a short time, it does not mean that there is no such opportunity.

With the current abilities and development of the two people, sooner or later they will reach the sixth level.

Soon, the time is up, even faster than they thought. On this day, the vice-president suddenly found them and told them that the World Ship was ready, and the next step was to prepare to set off.

Five people were the representatives of the college, and only five of them entered that place this time in the entire college. Others can sign up to participate, but it's just a task against the blood lotus in the city of loess.

In the Loess City, there are not too many enemies, and they are not too strong, and there will not be much danger. And there is also for the people to see, ordinary people don't even know what is hidden in secret. It is impossible for even low-level professionals to know.

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