Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1428: When the combined fortress meets the elders

Because of the emergence of a combined battleship, people from all walks of life moved.

Inside the combined battleship, it was also busy at this time, and they were like this every time they battled.

"Commander, there is a no-air zone ahead. According to our previous exploration, this place should have been a place where Tier 7 died before, so it is very difficult to fly here."

"Tier 7 death? Isn't that the land of the gods. Turn on the anti-matter force field, anti-gravity force field, and turn on the rule jammer."

A series of orders were issued, and the combined warships spread out rounds of special fluctuations. That regular jammer is something they use specifically to deal with the powers of rank six and below.

Once turned on, even the rules contained in the skills of the sixth-tier strong will be strongly disturbed, resulting in a decline in the power of the skills, and even failure to release the skills, and the threat to the battleship will be infinitely weakened.

At this moment, Du You felt that the surrounding rules were being disturbed, and he was flustered.

Fighting in this environment, the opponent is not unable to threaten oneself, but has a huge threat to oneself. Unleashing the skills here will consume more mana, and the effect of the skills will be reduced a lot.

What Du You didn't know was that he was already doing very well. Most of the sixth-order powerhouses, under the interference of such rules, even their skills may not be able to be fully released, and it is very likely that they will directly collapse.

It's no wonder that the people of the American League dare to say that this thing is infinitely close to Tier 7. With the exception of monsters like Du You, no matter how many other Tier 6 warships are, there is no way to threaten this combination warship, and the combat effectiveness displayed on the battlefield is definitely not worse than a Tier 7 battleship. Of course, if you encounter a real seventh-order powerhouse, this thing is actually like that.

The huge battleship flew up, and it seemed that gravity had changed. The ground was constantly shaking, and small stones flew up from time to time. On the way, some people from the blood lotus couldn't even hide it.

The light flickering in the air was some laser cannons with relatively small power. Every flashing meant that a blood lotus person or a local native was killed. As for whether there was any accidental injury, who knows.

People in the U.S. League are used to being domineering, and even if someone is accidentally injured, it doesn't matter to them.

The people of Blood Lotus also saw this huge flying machine at this time, and their mentality became even more depressed.

"What to do, are we going to take action? I'm afraid this thing is not so easy to deal with."

"How can we make a move? Didn't we unite to deal with Du You."

"But this thing is obviously more threatening than Du You. If left alone, this combined battleship is enough to destroy all the gathering places in our entire mountains, and then it will be our turn."

An elder pondered for a moment: "The power of the combined battleship is so great that we can't be opponents at all. The leader must personally come forward. Is the leader still in retreat?"

"Yes, the leader began to retreat three days ago, saying that it will take a month or so to come out and nothing can disturb him. Even, they don't even know where the leader is retreating."

This team can be called the elders group, because most of the people in the team are blood lotus elders, and a few are other strong people. Now I didn't meet Du You, but met such a thing first. Under the influence of this rule jammer, they can't exert any strength at all, and they will be slaughtered when they go up.

"We can't sit and wait, otherwise we will all die here without waiting for the leader to leave."

"Then you have a good way, anyway, I don't want to go up and die."

"I do have a way. I have a Sky-Splitting Blade in my hand. As long as we concentrate all of our strengths to open it, this sword can tear through the force field of the battleship fortress and severely damage it. As long as we will If the rule jammer is destroyed, we will be able to exert all our strength, even if the warship is not our opponent."

"You still have such a good thing. Really, take it out as soon as possible. We can't delay it."

As soon as the elder spoke, the man obediently took out the Blade of Sky-Splitting. This thing is a blood-red dagger, but it is not a weapon, but a special sacrificial equipment.

Everyone quickly arranged an altar, which only took a few minutes.

In just a few minutes, the combined battleship caused huge damage to the entire mountain area.

After a series of devastating beams of light hit, it can be said that people below Tier 4 will die on the spot. There were only a few people of Tier 4 who were lucky, and they didn't attack and die at one time, but they couldn't escape after making up the knife.

The fifth-tier people have a little ability to escape. As for the sixth-tier blood lotus members, they haven’t seen any of Not long after, a gathering place was directly submerged by fierce artillery fire. It was even more straightforward than Du You's destructive flames. It's a pity that the sixth-order powerhouse inside has already escaped long ago, and even the fifth-order and fourth-order ones have ran away cleanly.

In terms of privacy, the combined warship and Du You have no way to compare. Following the people who came to see it, they kept discussing the advantages and disadvantages between the two. Now that I see this thing, no one dares to directly say that the power of science and technology is not enough.

It has to be said that before the seventh rank, scientific and technological power really occupies a very huge advantage, extremely strong.

"Discovering a powerful energy response, it should be the sixth-order powerhouse of the blood lotus."

Important, the radar shows what they want to see. The commander sneered: "Very well, fly over and kill them. As long as this batch of Tier 6 enemies is killed, our goal will be accomplished."

The spacecraft continues to fly forward, but the environment here is special, and it can't get up quickly. When they saw the opposite scene, the commander's heart began to have a bad premonition.

On the ground, an altar was surrounded by Tier 6 blood lotus masters, constantly pour the power in their hands into the altar. Their power passed through the altar and finally injected into a blood-red dagger. This dagger is facing the direction of the aerial combination battleship. A very dangerous feeling hit everyone's hearts.

Even though it is only a technology-type occupation, but their level is displayed here after all, there are still some things that can be felt.

"Attack with all your strength, no matter what they are going to do, stop them for me." The commander said as soon as he felt bad. Almost at the same time, all kinds of cannon fodder on the battleship were aimed at the altar.

The next moment, countless beams of light shot out, and Du You felt that his magical barrier might not be able to block it with the momentum of the scene.

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