Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1455: 2 consecutive hunts of 3

Similarly, for Du You's arrival, although the Guardians of the Water clan didn't fully believe in it, they were very enthusiastic about Du You because of the previous events. Just come here, it is directly the banquet.

   In order to follow the customs, Du You has no choice. After the banquet, Du You explained his intentions.

   "Go, follow me, we will directly use the rune of Destroying God."

  The Guardians of the Water are very bold, without any hesitation.

   Later, Du You wanted to understand, because although the environment here is very bad, the people here can still survive. No matter how severe the floods are, at least there are still crevices that can survive.

  Unlike the desert side, the wasteland on the edge of the desert although people live better than them. But once it really becomes a desert, there is absolutely no way for that person to survive. A few people are okay to live a few days, but don't even think about it.

   So even if it fails here, there is no problem in waiting another ten years.

   Plus Du You has succeeded once before, no one is more suitable than Du You. They hadn't found anyone who dared to deal with the giant of water for decades, so they left it alone, so they used it.

   After getting the second god-destroying rune, Du You didn't mean to stay at all, and set off after the banquet with the two sisters.

  , like the giant yellow sand, came to the middle of the inland sea. Before Du You himself waited for the attack, he just exuded his aura, and the currents on the entire sea gathered. The size of this water giant is much larger than that of the yellow sand giant.

   Of course, the rigidity of his body is also much weaker. But this does not mean that this guy's strength is weak, because there is water everywhere, the other party can easily cause huge tsunami waves.

   This is a wave of divine nature, his own summoned beast has no way to persist, and it will be directly involved.

   In this environment, the death scorpion, which controls sand as the main combat method, is basically useless.

   Du You was not in a hurry, allowing his summoned beasts to keep attacking, constantly looking for weaknesses, and at the same time adapting to the opponent's fighting methods. After fighting for more than a long time, Du You also understood the methods of this giant of water.

   "Come on, trap him for me, don't let him run away." Du You gave an order.

   The dark dragon directly made a big move, a pitch black ball formed in its mouth, and the water giant was sucked into the air by suction on the spot. The next moment, the Dark Vine Demon King hidden below made a move, and the vines spread all over the water and began to **** water crazily.

   Now, the giant of water was temporarily separated from the current, and there was no way to escape. Du You couldn't let it go, and he inspired the blue God of Extinction rune on his arm.

   Under the action of the God Destruction Rune, the opponent's core was condensed, and this time appeared on the right chest.

   just broke away from the gravity, before the giant of water returned to the water, Du You's shaped energy magic cannon fired. To deal with this guy, the gathering time of the energy-charging magic cannon can be less and faster. Because this guy is not as hard as the yellow sand giant. A black beam of light flashed in the air, and the core of the water giant was penetrated.

   The huge body still fell down, but this time it was not the feeling of the entity hitting the water, but the feeling of a large basin of water falling on the water. The giant of water was finally killed.

   Du You wiped a cold sweat, these natural disaster giants are really difficult to deal with. If it weren't for the god-destroying rune, he wouldn't even be able to kill one. Even if there are runes of Destroying God, it takes a lot of energy to deal with it.

   "From then on, this place is safe."

   Du You nodded, yes, this place will not rain heavily in the future, and the waves will calm down. Even with the passage of time, many streams here will disappear, and this huge inland sea will shrink a lot.

   There is no shortage of water in this place, and there are also a lot of nutrients in the soil, and production will soon resume.

   Saying goodbye to the guardians of the water, Du You is ready to go to the next place.

   "Let's go here this time. If we don't go now, then we will come further in the future."

   "The Gale Giant, the one with the greatest influence. But as long as you can find it, you can deal with it."

   A group of people went to the south. The area affected by the squally giant was a special storm zone. The lowest wind force in the center is also level 8, and ordinary people can't survive at all. The surrounding area is often visited by tornadoes and hurricanes.

  The reason why the impact is so large is that hurricanes often form here, and then the hurricanes will sweep towards the surrounding area. This thing will not be consumed in a short time, and the route is very long.

   The surrounding countries are all within the hurricane's range. It can be said that both ordinary people and nobles have suffered greatly.

  The strong wind guards the family, in this place is one of the largest local nobles. Hearing that Du You and others were coming, it was exhilarating. Not only them, but also kings and nobles from various countries came one after another, and the scene was grand.

   There is no way, they are really affected by the disaster. With the extinction of the first two natural disaster giants and the proof of the local guardian clan ~ ~ they are very convinced of Du You's strength.

   "The guardian family here is really interesting. The other guardian families basically don't know about it. Everyone knows this place. Forget it, let's finish the task as soon as possible." Du You smiled and shook his head.

   also got a cyan rune after the banquet, it seems that the banquet has become the main style, it is a kind of tradition. Then the three people headed directly towards the destination.

  Because of the divine power in the wind in the air, when approaching the center, Du You and the two sisters walked away from the land and did not dare to fly into the air easily. Because the floating clouds on the platform are easily blown away in such places.

After    arrived, Du You found that the wind giant was difficult to deal with, this thing was too fast, and its flying ability was extremely strong. In the end, Du You realized that he had no way to trap the opponent. In desperation, he had to summon several Tier 6 ghost dragon knights, which temporarily trapped the opponent.

   The next step is simple, as long as you are trapped, you will put on the rune of Destroying God, and then gather the magic cannon. It was only this time that the energy-generating magic cannon was dodged by the opponent, which made Du You a little helpless.

   Finally, before the end of the God Destruction Rune, Du You let the ghost dragon knight trap the opponent, and then used the flames of destruction to bomb the surroundings like washing the ground. After the fireball passed, both his soldiers and the violent wind giant disappeared, leaving only the essence of the gods.

   "This time I lost a lot, six Tier 6 soldiers, these natural disaster giants are really hard to deal with." Du You said silently.


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