Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1466: Break through the shackles and comprehend the law

Watching the battle in front of him, Du You couldn't help but sigh: "It's really hard to deal with."

These things have divine blessings on them, and they are not so easy to deal with by ordinary undead creatures. Therefore, it must be dealt with all at once, so that it can be wiped out.

But here, apart from Du You's own energy-concentrating magic cannon, no other attack could kill him in one blow. Even the strength of the two sisters is the same. The undead with the blessing of divinity will not be restrained by the power of exterminating demons.

At least, until the two sisters have not comprehended the law, it is impossible to restrain it.

So the next battle basically relied on the entanglement of these undead creatures, and then the two sisters and their own summoned beasts helped them create opportunities, and Du You used the energy-charging magic cannon to solve the undead in front of him again and again.

When the last undead was dealt with, all that was left was the dark giant that was as high as that.

This dark giant is indeed the strongest among all giants, but it is also the weakest in its own combat effectiveness. Without the undead under his men, this giant would also be a living target for Du You.

When dealing with those undead before, Du You spent more than three hours, and dealing with this giant, only a few minutes is enough. Du You easily grasped the weakness of the giant, and then put on the rune of Destroying God.

Then there was a full-power energy-gathering magic cannon, which directly shattered the weak click of the dark giant with one shot.

Then Du You was surprised to see that the huge skeleton of the giant had disappeared like the black body part. It seems that this skeleton is not the skeleton left by the legendary **** of the elements.

But it didn't matter, at least that divine essence was left behind.

After receiving it, Du You opened the panel and submitted the task. At this moment, his shackle task was completely completed.

In an instant, Du You knew that the shackles on his body had been lost. Without this yoke, the earth's restrictions on itself will be gone, and the protection of itself will also disappear.

As for the specific protection, Du You hadn't felt it yet, because all aspects didn't feel much change.

Suddenly, Du You felt a special force from his body surge to his heart, his head roared, as if the whole body exploded.

The breath on his body was fluctuating strangely, it seemed that something had changed, but it seemed that nothing had changed. Only when Du You woke up, he felt that everything around him had changed.

The scene in front of me could not be said to be different, but it was definitely different. Even with his own magic power, Du You found it more agile and flexible. A special sentiment came to my heart.

Opening the panel, Du You was surprised to find that there were two more lines of description under his attribute bar.

Law: Law of Darkness, Law of Summoning

Law Skill: Body of the Demon God (Level 61)

"I'm comprehending the law? Why don't I feel anything, there is no description of the law on this panel, can I only feel it by myself." Du You was surprised, because he actually understood the law.

After experiencing it carefully, Du You knew that he had indeed comprehended the law. Maybe because his foundation is too strong, he reached this level just after breaking through. It's just that there is only a little bit of fur that I can comprehend, and I can't fully display it before reaching a certain height.

Therefore, I am now considered a semi-finished product.

Looking at the following, the information about the body of the demon **** of his own law skill also appeared, which was an advancement of the body of the dark night.

Demon's Body: Pre-Night Body, dark power and law power increased by (level × 5)%, consumption reduced by (level × 0.5)%, and dark law awareness speed (level × 1) times increased.

The introduction is very simple, even the superficial introduction is weaker than the previous body of the dark night.

But the strength of a skill can't just look at the surface data. The body of the dark night did have a great effect on him before, but it ended after reaching level 60, and he couldn't continue to improve.

Once oneself breaks through to the seventh rank, then these sixth rank skills all have no effect. And because the understanding of the rules continues to improve these rules skills, this is able to play the greatest role.

Because at the seventh level, one's own magic power will be completely transformed, and it will no longer be the same as before.

The body of the devil raised his own dark power and law power. Dark power refers to the divine power transformed after reaching the seventh rank, and the law, as the name suggests, directly enhances the power of the law.

This is absolutely not reflected in the previous skills. And the level above is directly 61, which means that the increase is very large, and I didn't expect a powerful skill to appear all at once.

Looking at the panel carefully, Du You rediscovered new changes. Unknowingly, his job name has actually changed, and this time he didn't do any advanced job tasks.

Du You had heard before that before he advanced to the seventh rank, he did need some means to advance his profession.

It's just that Du You hasn't exchanged this knowledge yet, and he didn't expect that his profession would have changed on his own. It seems that accumulating thick and thin hair is indeed beneficial, at least it is now reflected.

His career as a Dark Soul Constructor became a Dark Soul God Creator. This probably means that one's own summons reach the seventh-order domain, which is equivalent to an artificial god, so that's the name.

As for the profession of the Dark Soul Curse Master, it has also changed, becoming a Dark God Curse The name has not changed much, but a **** word has been added, which is completely different. Before reaching the top occupation, there will never be the word God in the name.

Even for some professions that use divine arts, the profession name is either sacrificial or certain believer.

Anyway, the word "God" is used very carefully in the name of the profession.

After looking at the panel over and over again, Du You turned his attention to the two sisters after seeing no other changes. "How are your attributes and what changes have been made."

From the beginning of the breakthrough, the two sisters have been studying their own panel changes.

Hearing Du You's words, the two sisters glanced at each other, and then nodded: "There is a little change. Some introductions in the attribute bar have changed." The two sisters opened the panel, and then spoke to Du You about the above changes. .

Du You stepped forward and took a look, then frowned, because the two were not exactly the same as himself. In other words, the degree of change is not as high as one's own. For example, the two of them didn't realize it all at once.

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