Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1473: Add 2 more generals

In the following time, Du You and the two sisters were completely settled at home. Du You is constantly studying the rules of previous skills, comprehending and perfecting them.

These skill rules were originally smelted with the help of the skill hall, and now they need to re-understand them by themselves.

Fortunately, after comprehending the law, this kind of re-understanding is very easy, very easy.

The main attention of the two sisters was on their own magic killer. From time to time, two people use spiritual communication to convey their own feelings to each other. A few days later, he also understood the fur of the rule of extinction.

Once the law takes shape, it is a world of difference, and it is very easy to comprehend the previous rules again.

After the rules are fully understood, it will become easier to understand the new rules.

While Du You and others felt themselves day by day, Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao were not idle either. After finally finding the most suitable material, completing the final skill level. The two people who had been stuck in the level for a long time finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then, the two people directly carried out the mission in the world of Arran.

With the cooperation of Saria and the help of the power of the whole world, the task was completed smoothly.

On this day, Du You received a communication from Li Mengyao: "It's been a long time since I heard from you. What are you up to." After a while, Du You found that he missed two people.

Li Mengyao was slightly sweet, and Du You still had her own in her heart, so good.

"I've been doing missions in your world all this time, and you don't even care about others."

Du You was a little embarrassed. Indeed, the two of them had always been in the world of Arran, and the world of Arran was almost controlled by him. Both of them have been in contact with Saria, and they didn't know it, that would be too much.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense with you, we are now at school, and we will find you later. You are ready for the banquet, and we have to celebrate." Li Mengyao looked excited.

"Celebrate? What? Have you encountered any good things." Du You was surprised.

"Of course it’s a good thing, but it’s not something we encountered, but the result of our own hard work during this period of time. After our hard work, we finally completed the advancement of all skills, just before we broke through to Tier 5. Now we are in The college replaces the watch with a new one, and when it’s done, I’ll go to you."

It turned out that Du You was a little bit emotional. Before he knew it, Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao had also reached the fifth rank.

This speed is not unpleasant, it's just a far cry from my own. I am now preparing to advance to the seventh level. Maybe when the two people didn't improve much, they had already completed it.

With the help of their own world, Tier 5 people should not be slow to improve, but they will only be faster. On the one hand, Du You believed in himself, and on the other hand, he had to speed up. Du You always had a sense of urgency.

The guys in the Shadow Council are dealing with themselves in secret, and can't break through to Tier 7 as soon as possible, and there will definitely be more and more troublesome things.

"Very well, when you come back, I will give you gifts."

"What is the gift, can you tell me in advance, rest assured, I promise not to tell Xi Qianxue."

"No, you'll know when you come." Du You rolled his eyes, this was playing tricks with himself. Li Mengyao didn't care either, she just acted like a baby unconsciously just now, and now she blushes a bit after thinking about it.

After hanging up the communication, Du You greeted the two sisters to start preparing for the celebration banquet, speaking of which Du You had never had such a celebration banquet himself. Even if it breaks through, it will be a breakthrough, and I never care about it.

It was also because his family was not around, Du You felt that there was nothing to celebrate.

The improvement was so fast all the way, no one who ran could keep up with him, and the result was that Du You didn't have a friend around him.

When Du You was preparing at home, the academy was blasted. Two new Tier 5 professionals have appeared again, which is absolutely unique in the history of the Academy.

In the past in the history of the college, there were only a few people who were able to break through the fifth rank during the student period, and often only one appeared after many years. But this time it was different. A monster like Du You first appeared, and he was promoted all the way to Tier 6.

According to rumors from the outside world, Du You had already broken his shackles and began to prepare for advancement.

No one thinks that Du You can enter the seventh rank during the academy, but this is the closest person to the seventh rank in the student stage.

Du You has become a legend, an existence that even an academy has to face. What I didn't expect now was that before graduation, two more generals were added to the college, and two fifth-tier students appeared.

Tier 5, that is equivalent to a professor level in the academy.

Even if it is Tier 4, not every graduated student can reach it. In other words, most students cannot reach Tier 4 when they graduate, so these two people have now become new legends.

In the same session, one monster and two geniuses were cultivated. This is the success of the academy's teaching.

Then, the college's overwhelming propaganda began. The two sisters are beautiful and very capable. Now it's only the eighth school year to reach the fifth level, which is so exciting.

It is conceivable that this year's enrollment situation will definitely be better than in previous years. The other colleges where outstanding students have been taken away are now gritted with hatred, but they just can’t do much.

I heard that they had secretly planned to train one or two fifth-tiers, even if they used a resource pile, they would also be piled up.

But the past few years have been unsuccessful. After all, professionals can't pile up with resources. One's own talents, abilities, and even luck, everything is indispensable.

Seeing that the situation at Capital University is getting better and better, I don't know what tricks they will make.

Before Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao arrived at their homes, Du You received the notice from the college, and at the same time saw the overwhelming propaganda. How long did it take to become like this.

Before long, Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao appeared in her home. The two players who seldom came with them also showed up at home this time. Is it to celebrate after all? You can't throw the players aside.

But Du You clearly felt that these people were a little restrained after seeing them, even their former classmates were the same. Du You sighed, his position was too high, which made people uncomfortable.

The two sisters also noticed this situation and hurriedly stepped forward to greet them. The two sisters themselves are also very strong, but in front of Du You, after all, it is because of a lower level of identity, so they are very grounded.

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