Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1485: The Law of Imprisonment of God's Weapons

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   The latest website: Although the situation is different from what I thought, it is indeed a trap, and Du You is also very fortunate.

   Otherwise, there is absolutely no problem in rushing to the forefront with his own strength. The seventh-order **** broke out without scruples, what would happen to the people who didn't face the accident at all, and he would really be unlucky if he rushed too close.

   Greed, really is the biggest original sin, Du You thought in his heart.

   "Since the matter is over, then I am ready to go back. For such a big thing, others will come back later."

   Du You turned around, preparing to leave, but the next moment a red fork appeared on his body. When the fork appeared, Du You felt that the law on his body was actually imprisoned, and he couldn't move it at all.

   "What is this, why do you want to do this?" Du You said with difficulty turning his head.

"Haha, what? This is of course a weapon of the Forbidden God, don't you even know this. This is specifically for people like us who break the shackles and comprehend the law. If you are imprisoned by the law, you will not be able to break through the seventh order. , And your own laws can’t be used, and your strength will drop. Don’t think about it. Any life-saving things on your body are useless.”

   It turns out that there is still this kind of thing, and yes, there are weapons used to deal with the native seventh-order gods, how can there be no one to deal with the sixth-order gods.

   "Don't waste time, he is waiting for the other two people to come." Thinking of the other two people, they didn't plan to wait any longer.

   The absolute follower who also understands the law can also break through under the explosion. As the master, there is no breakthrough, but the followers can maintain this kind of strength in a short period of time.

   But if Du You, the master, died, then the two followers would also die and would not stay.

   The people around suddenly started, Du You also went all out, using the shadow aura to attack the surrounding madly. After a while, the two sides actually fought a match.

   "It is indeed the trump card of Capital University, the strength is really strong, so I can't keep you."

   The leader of the Shadow Council said loudly. But Du You also asked with a look of annoyance: "Who are you guys? Why do you want to attack me, aren't we all from the earth?"

   "Hahahaha, what an idiot, who are we? After offending us, the Shadow Council does not know who we are."

   "Why? Of course it's because the laws in your body have crystallized. Although we didn't get anything this time, we earned the crystals of the laws in your body." Was it because of this.

   But after all, Du You couldn't win against so many people alone.

   With all his strength, Du You only wounded some people, but did not kill any of them. Being able to do this step without the blessing of the law absolutely shocked them.

   If there is a blessing by the law, wouldn't they be opponents at all when added together? Thinking of this, several people attacked more frantically. Finally, an assassin found the opportunity and cut off Du You's head with a single knife.

   Just before they were happy, they realized that the "Du You" in front of them had undergone a very strange change.

   There was no blood flowing down, but the whole body began to collapse gradually, turning into black spots of light and dissipating.

   "What's the thing, where did it go! Did you steal it." Someone looked at the assassin.

   "I didn't. Didn't you see what I just did."

Seeing that these people are about to quarrel, the headed person shouted coldly: "Shut up, now we are planted. The one just now is not Du You at all, I am afraid it is just a clone. Our actions have been discovered. Up."

   "Damn it, then we just said so much, didn't we expose it all."

   "Hmph, let it be exposed, whoever dares to deal with us." Everyone is the one who breaks the chains, even if it is difficult to break through the seventh step, they are also the treasures of the Shadow Council. Whoever dares to move them will have trouble with the Shadow Council.

   "Okay, we have to be careful next, it is not a good thing to be stared at by a seventh-order master."

   A few people turned and left, hiding in the eyes of Du You who was observing from a distance, the murderous aura filled the eyes: "So, the people of the Shadow Council are really unwilling to change. Wait, when I break through, I will find you to settle the account."

  The practice of the Shadow Council has already touched Du You's bottom line, and this kind of thing must not be forgotten.

   "Master, don't we go hunting down, the success rate should be very high for a sneak attack."

   "They have too many people. The sneak attack can kill a few to the limit, and they must not kill all of them. If some of them directly break through the seventh rank, then we will also follow the breakthrough, and the gain is not worth the loss."

   In this situation, Du You wouldn't give up his future just because of a moment of breath. He swallowed this breath temporarily and waited for revenge.

"I think this matter must be considered in the long term. The Shadow Council is not an ordinary organization. There are definitely a lot of seventh ranks in their organization. They can become one of the three legitimate underground forces, maybe they still have a higher level of existence. ."

   "Sister, you said the eighth-order? It's There are not many eighth-order."

   "Our level has not yet reached that point, so who knows how many levels there are."

Du You waved his hand and interrupted the words of the two people: "Don't say so much, let's go back first. The things collected this time are enough for us to break through the seventh rank. Next, for safety, don't run around in a short time. Up."

   "Yes, our Yalan world is also approaching the advanced level. Then you can see what the seventh-tier territory looks like." Lin Yucha also laughed, and this mission was successfully accomplished.

   As for offending the Shadow Council, although it is a headache, everyone did not take it too seriously.

   There are too many people who have offended the Shadow Council, not a few of them. Besides, if you want to improve your own strength, how can you not sin against a few people. If you can improve your strength and achieve your goal, this is the best result.

  Wait until everyone else had dispersed. After waiting here for two days, Du You appeared from a hidden state with the two sisters. After leaving the Forbidden Sea, Du You directly opened the passage, and then the three of them entered.

   After returning to his city, Du You breathed a sigh of relief. It’s the safest place here, protected by the College Alliance and Capital University. No one dares to move them in this place.

   The strength of the Shadow Council is indeed stronger than that of Capital University, but the strength of the Academy Alliance definitely exceeds them. The Academy Alliance, that is an alliance that can have equal dialogue with the Asian League, how can it work without any strength in itself.

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