Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 153: Advanced Task 2/5

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I don't know now, I will always know. According to the information displayed on the drawing, you must have your own territory. Now that you don't even know what a territory is, you can temporarily put it away.

"Watch, continue to inquire about the advanced task."

This advanced mission was something that Xi Qianxue had told herself before leaving, and that this was the reason for their layout.

Before that, there was no such information in my watch, so I had to come out and investigate again. Since Xi Qianxue can talk to herself, then there is no reason not to be found in the magic net.

Soon, the message appeared: "I found 344 authoritative articles and began to screen."

It didn't take long for the screening to be completed, and after a few screenings, only a few articles were left.

"There are so many, it seems that there are a lot of people discussing." Du You opened the article and began to look it up. "It turns out that this is an advanced task. It's interesting and interesting. It's really interesting."

Du You looked at some news in the article, but felt that something had been concealed.

Generally speaking, Du You can still see that this is what they are showing to the awakened.

In the Awakened stage, there are only ten levels in total, which means that it can only be upgraded to level 10. Once you reach the 10th level of Consummation, there is no way to continue to increase the level. This is the rule.

If you want to continue to improve, it is impossible to rely solely on Baijing Coins. At this time, there are two ways to continue to advance.

The simplest one is the leapfrog challenge. As long as you can hunt down a creature of the next level, you can break this cage directly, and then advance to become a level 11 professional.

But this kind of leapfrog challenge is very dangerous, and it is impossible for ordinary people to complete it. After all, the awakened stage can only use weapons and equipment at the awakened level, and higher-level weapons and equipment cannot be used.

This is also a hidden rule, and there is no way to violate it.

Then another method is to complete advanced tasks. The article focuses on the analysis of advanced tasks.

Advanced tasks are usually divided into two different ways to complete them. The first is to find a second-tier world. After entering, the world will automatically release an advanced task, and you can advance as long as you complete it.

However, the tasks released by the second-order world are often very cumbersome and complicated, and sometimes they will encounter some very troublesome second-order masters. Therefore, the danger and uncertainty are very large.

Many people will fail and die in such a task. However, this kind of task must be completed by yourself. If there are other people to help, it is likely to fail because of the judgment. This is the biggest problem.

So, there is a second method next, and that is to find a first-order derivative world. The first-order derivative world must be relatively large, not too small. If it is too small, it is impossible to have advanced tasks.

And the advanced tasks of the first-order world are often related to the general trend of the world. Either change the general trend, or eliminate one party, or it may be unification. However, it is generally looser. As long as this task can be solved, there will be no other problems. And such tasks are often team-based.

No matter who participates in such a task, as long as they participate, they will be able to get advanced.

It's just that different levels of participation and different contributions will get different evaluations. If the rating is too low, it may even weaken the star rating. Once you do not perform well, it will have a great impact on yourself.

But this kind of task is undoubtedly relatively safe, and generally will not encounter life-threatening.

This is why Xi Qianxue and the boss have been in the layout from the beginning. Now layout, when you want to advance in the future, you can use the layout of this world to directly complete the general trend.

"It's really a good idea, I can really think about it a lot." Du You's mouth twitched slightly. But this is good, maybe I have to use this world to complete my advanced promotion.

There is no way for advanced missions to increase their own stars, but they can lower their own stars, so you can't help but be cautious.

"It's just that my level seems to be a little bit worse than them. Could it be that they will have any way to quickly increase the level to catch up? I can't let me just wait for them, it's better to find a high-level monster."

Anyway, as long as you kill a lot and kill it high enough, you won't lower your star rating. It can even be said that leapfrog killing is the best way to advance. Generally, leapfrog kills will not weaken the star rating.

Continuing to read the article, the following things are all similar problems, but there are some examples to analyze and explain, and tell others how to layout in the first-order world.

It seems that in the minds of these experts, they are more advocates of laying out in the world of the same level.

"It's almost time, it's time to set off." Du You took out a cloak, wrapped himself up, and then chose a mask. This time it was not Bumpman, but a white-faced ghost.

After tidying up, Du You quietly called a self-driving car and headed towards the vicinity of the city center. This time I am not going to Derivative World, but going to the auction house.

In the Lin family in the city center, Lin Feng was holding his mother's arm and shaking it around.

"Mom, let me go to Capital University. If I go to those ordinary schools, I would be embarrassed to say it."

"Huh, your star is only 3 stars. What do you want to do. From a semi-awakened person to an awakened person, why do you think Capital University would accept Feng’s mother is dissatisfied Said: "Why is there no promise, my son is not your son." Doesn't Capital University have a certain number of places to spend money to enter every year, and let his second brother clear it up, wouldn't it work? The second child has been in the student union for so long, can't he even do this thing well? "

"You, okay, what will happen even if you go, everyone is better than him, will he go to make people look down on him."

"Why don't you look down on it, just give me that and let me upgrade two stars."

"You still have the face to say, how precious is that thing, can you just take it out and use it casually. If you use it, what else will do, let's use it on your body, isn't it a waste?"

Lin Feng's mother was unwilling: "Why is it wasted? Use it on her son, and other people will not waste it."

"This is the wealth of the family. I am not alone in the final say. You know how much it will cost to get that thing!"

"I don't care. If you don't care about your son, I will take him back to her family's house and will not come back."

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