Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1682: This thing ends here

The King of Shadows pondered for a long time, nodded slightly and said: "I will give you a satisfactory explanation, and at the same time I will restrain my subordinates. When I see you, the power will definitely retreat. This matter will end here."

Du You's potential is too great. After experiencing it up close this time, the King of Shadows is certain that Du You can continue to improve. But he didn't know how far it could be improved.

But Du You is not alone, but there are three people, three eighth ranks, if they can continue to improve, then they will not be able to fight it at all. Offending this guy, the future will not be easier.

If this is the case, then stop here. As for revenge, you don't need to do it yourself.

"Well, this is the end of this matter. Of course, I need your account to satisfy me."

After speaking, Du You turned and left. The Shadow King asked himself for being bored, and then turned and left here. At Tier 8 speed, it didn't take long to return to his territory. Their strength will not be dangerous on this side of the earth.

The alien beasts on this side of the earth are at most the seventh-order strength. Once they exceed a certain limit, someone will take action to clean them up, or join the human camp. It is impossible to let these monsters survive.

The reason why the earth has been so stable for so many years, even the seventh order is rarely known to the public, because of this matter.

However, Du You's breakthrough to the eighth level may not be hidden for long. It was really because when Du You broke through last time, the movement was so loud that it directly covered the entire earth.

With such a big change, many people have already started investigating overtly and secretly.

If you don't give them an explanation, God knows when this is going to happen. Besides, there are eighth-order things on the earth, they are not unaware, a few people even know who the eighth-order is, and it doesn't matter if one is open.

Many people think that it is better to set Du You as a benchmark. This will encourage later people to work hard to improve themselves, and there are still too few strong people on the earth.

Du You, an ordinary person, can rely on himself to rise to the eighth level step by step, and the speed is so fast, wouldn't other people do it? Besides, Du You has already become a legend.

It didn't take long for the Shadow Council to deal with it. Those people who had dealt with Du You before were directly pulled out and executed in public. Du You originally thought they were killing them secretly and then told him.

Unexpectedly, the King of Shadows was so ruthless, he made it public. Moreover, when they were killed, their crimes were also announced, and the top one was the previous plan to kill themselves. Although this kind of plan directly broke the rules, as long as it is discovered, their fate will not be good.

But in fact everyone knew that the reason they were pulled out and killed was because they had offended Du You.

One of them is very talented, it is very likely to enter the seventh rank, but it has not yet entered.

This matter caused a huge response in the EU society, and soon countless people discussed this matter.

"How can this happen? Isn't it just offending Du You? Why kill them. And that, the talent is very good. If you give him time, he will definitely be able to break through to the seventh rank."

They don't dare to say the names of those who died now, if they are considered to be related to them, it will be in trouble.

"Who said no, but that Du You is too overbearing, isn't he doing nothing. And what's going on here in the parliament, why is it so scared? Didn't it mean that the parliament has an eighth-tier powerhouse? ."

"You don't know, in fact, Du You is very likely to have reached this point, otherwise how could the parliament give in."

Their voices are very small, and they dare not discuss this matter loudly. The shadow parliament is an indigenous force in the European Union. If you let them know that they are discussing indiscriminately, they might be unlucky.

"Hmph, although it hasn't been announced yet, I must have reached it. You don't know yet, the two above, yes, these two have been sealed and sent to purgatory. It is said that they will be in the purgatory. Twenty years in purgatory."

"What, purgatory? Is even the seventh rank punished, then this matter must be a big deal."

What is purgatory, for people in the European Union, it is a legendary place. In fact, the so-called purgatory is a special prison. Everyone knows that this prison is built on a semi-plane.

The so-called demiplane is an incomplete plane, but it is real in itself and does not belong to a derived world. It's just that this plane, like the derived world, can only be attached to other real worlds.

Some demiplanes will be dragged back by people and placed next to the earth to be used in various environments.

This is the case in purgatory, but it is a prison. Some of the most sinful people in the EU will be sent to purgatory and suffer. As for the punishment, the outside world does not know.

I just heard that anyone who can carry it over is unbearable to look back at this matter and don't want to recall it anymore.

For those who enter purgatory, it is usually not bad that one of a hundred people can carry it down. Most of them are crazy or dead in One can imagine how terrible the punishment is.

The seventh-tier powerhouse may be able to carry it down, but after being sealed with power, it is very serious.

This kind of punishment is actually not much better than killing directly. When they come out, what will happen is really uncertain. The intensity of the punishment this time really exceeded Du You's expectations.

"Their punishment is indeed very relieved, but the intensity is too much, and it is not hidden to deal with."

Lin Yucha said with some worry: "In this case, our reputation in the EU may be very bad. Whether the company develops there in the future, or the high-level view of us will change."

"Hehe, maybe this is the idea of ​​the King of Shadows. Although it has been subdued and given us a lot of face, we still have to show us. Forget it, I said this thing is over, as long as they don't come If you provoke us, this matter is forgotten. As long as our strength continues to improve, who can do us."

The promotion of Du You and the two sisters is perfect, the foundation is very solid, as long as they are step-by-step without making mistakes, it is possible to advance to the ninth level. Now Du You's pursuit is completely different from those of the Shadow King.

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