Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1863: Prepare for nausea 1 Halong

"Master, they are here again. They are still the same as before. They want you to take action. It seems that the pressure on the front line is really great. Although the seventh and eighth ranks have not started, ordinary professionals are almost unable to hold it. Up."

There is no way, after all, it is a powerful world. Under the full attack, the effect is very terrifying.

There are many enemies on the earth, and it is impossible to put all the troops here. Coupled with the lack of the earth's background, when the dragons attacked with all their strength, they seemed a little stretched.

If it hadn't been for Du You to hold on here, once the Dragon Clan launched a full action, it would definitely be able to crush this front line. These powerful worlds will not do so excessively, but it does not mean that they do not have this ability.

"It seems that this offense is really fierce. If we don't intervene, they won't be able to hold it."

"Master, do you have any findings." Lin Yushi seemed to be very interested in these.

Du You nodded: "Yes, the other worlds around have also begun to mobilize troops to the Dragon Race. Even some of the troops created by my men have been mobilized by them. In order to avoid screaming, I will give them away. Passed."

Du You made some disguise for these troops, after all, he was also worried that he would be discovered.

With more and more troops built by himself, Du You would really suspect that he had been exposed if the Dragon Clan's mobilization of this scale did not mobilize his own strength.

There is no problem in this situation now, and I do have some losses, but the local residents of these worlds have suffered even more losses. After this incident, it will be easier for oneself to develop.

"Even the other worlds around have been mobilized? The people here really can't handle it like this. It doesn't matter whether it is Tier 7 or Tier 8, we can't let them continue."

Du You nodded gently: "That's right, after all, we still have the responsibility of guarding this place, and we can't let them lose too much. Therefore, I am going to get sick of the dragon clan."

"Does the master have any good plans? Tell me and listen."

"It's not a very good plan. After all, we are idle now and sometimes, anyway, it will take a long time to complete our plan. It's better to take advantage of this time and find something to do."

It took thirty years to set up in the orc world last time. This time the layout was even bigger, and Du You couldn't reduce the time. In Du You's view, it would be nice to be able to complete the layout within a hundred years.

Of course, this is referring to a hundred years on this side, but at least fifty years will have to pass on the other side of the earth.

Du You now understands why those ninth-tier powerhouses have not improved in such a long time. Speaking of it, it is incredible that Pluto Venerable can rise to the present level in just a few hundred years.

Perhaps because of this, the earth will become famous in the surrounding world.

Soon, Du You's messenger went to contact other people. No way, Du You's status is too high now. If you go there by yourself, you will definitely scare them to death, so Du You also found a soldier to use as an envoy.

However, the level of this soldier is not low. This is the guardian of the dragon tomb created by Du You using an eighth-order **** entity. In fact, it is an undead creature with high intelligence. This level of undead, now only Du You can make it. It is said that even Mingzun can't do it, after all, Mingzun is not a strong person with the main type of summoning.

"Did you say that the adult is going to take action, um, let us collect the corpses, I know. What else is required? Are you going to establish a territory in these worlds, absolutely no problem, we fully support it."

Of the several front-line worlds, three of them are Tier 8 and the others are Tier 7. In fact, under normal circumstances, the ninth-tier powerhouse would not establish a territory here. On the one hand, it does not conform to the rules, and on the other hand, it is of no use to them.

This time the situation is urgent, so after the report, it is also possible. After all, Tier Nine had privileges. Du You established his territory in the shortest time, and then raised his territory to the limit of the world.

Because there is no control over the world, it takes a lot of resources to make a large number of soldiers. This kind of resource investment, even Du You, has to mobilize his own company to be able to do it. With the input of a large amount of resources, soldiers began to produce a steady stream. But these territories have left everyone speechless.

This guy is obviously stimulating the dragon clan. Because the territory that Du You established was centered on the dragon clan. This is also because Du You hunted and killed a lot of dragons during this period, and was able to obtain such a batch of drawings.

Then, the army here took shape, a large number of dragon people and dragon beasts, and then various flying dragons, giant dragons and the like formed an army and entered the battlefield. Then everyone can see that countless dragons and dragon people's armies are fighting each other. I don't know, I thought it was an internal conflict among the dragon clan, the scene was very spectacular.

And seeing this scene, the dragons also felt toothache, many times, those strong dragons couldn't help but want to make a move.

But they didn't, because they knew it would be troublesome to dare to do it.

"According to information, the Dark Lord is creating a large number of Dragon Guardians, using some seventh and eighth corpses to make us look like us." Because they were all done in the frontline world, how could they not know.

They don't know where the corpses in Du You's hand came from, but to use the skill hall to create the appearance of the dragon clan, it only needs to spend some crystal but this is not much good for creating guardians.

In this way, they have no other use except deliberately disgusting. But even though the dragons were angry, they were helpless. Now that they have not received the order, they dare not move out at will.

"Reported that a large number of undead appeared on the front line, many of them are dragon undead, and some dragon tomb guardians."

"Damn it, he was absolutely deliberate." They don't know how many of them are made of dragon corpses, but they definitely do. This is absolutely taboo in the dragon clan, but what if they do it.

And what is the guardian of the dragon tomb? It is a special kind of undead who specializes in guarding the dragon tomb and is very loyal to the dragon clan.

Only professionals can make this kind of thing, and can control them to fight. They didn't expect that when they attacked with all their strength, these **** professionals would dare to stimulate themselves, which is really unreasonable. "I want to apply, I want to go to the battlefield, I must make these **** **** look good." This is too taboo.


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