Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1864: It seems that a short time can't be over

What Du You did was simple, and there was no trouble in fact. With the promotion of professional level and skills, Du You can now create up to the eighth level of undead.

Speaking of which, to be able to create a Tier 8 undead, only Du You himself can do it.

In terms of the strength of a single summon, Du You is sure that unless a summoner, no one can compare to him. Even the Undead Summoning, which he is not good at, is now the strongest among professionals.

Made several eighth-order bone dragons and dragon tomb guardians, and then Du You released his own Lich Emperor, allowing these people to help him create low-level undead. Anyway, there are some undead under the seventh rank, which is not a trouble for them.

As for the seventh-order undead, Du You collected the corpses in his hands, and when he got too many, he gathered them and made them all at once. Du You basically couldn't collect the corpses of those seventh-order enemies.

There is no way, because this kind of corpse is too powerful, basically whoever hunts it will take it away, and it won't be left to Du You. Now there is no large-scale Tier 7 powerhouse on the battlefield, so Du You can't help it.

He will now use low-level corpses to make magic flame bones, and then use the magic flame bones to sacrifice the seventh-order magic flame bone dragon, nothing more. The only few guardians of the seventh-order dragon tomb were brought by Du You from other worlds.

When a large number of undead dragons and dragon armies appeared on the human side, the battlefield seemed a little weird.

The furious dragon clan powerhouses almost couldn't help going to the battlefield. If it weren't for the order of the Purple Scale Dragon God, how could these arrogant guys endure such humiliation.

At this moment, a black dragon came out. "Well, let's play. It's not just professionals who are good at undead spells, but we are the same." Everyone's eyes lit up, and then they exchanged eyes with each other.

Yes, the black dragon is the most annoying among the dragons, because they are not gregarious and their personality is quite indifferent.

But the strength of the black dragon clan is very powerful. In addition to their physical fitness ranking high among the dragon clan, they are also good at some dark magic, cursing magic and necromantic magic.

Among them, necromantic spells are the biggest reason why black dragons are not seen. Because among the dragon clan, it was not the foreign clan who used the dragon clan to make the undead dragons first, but their black dragons. Of course, the black dragon who did this has either fled now, or has been arrested and imprisoned in a prison specially prepared by the dragon clan for his clan.

If it weren't for the Dragon Clan without the death penalty, I'm afraid these guys would have been torn apart long ago.

However, since the other party has come to disgust him, it is impossible to go back without telling him.

"Okay, but you must promise us that you can't attack the corpses of your compatriots." Many of their dragon corpses were also taken back. They will use their own methods to place these corpses and will not turn them into undead.

"Don't worry, we are a legal organization and will never risk being imprisoned to do this kind of thing."

"Very good, then leave it to you, let all of your clansmen who are good at this aspect come over. Humans use our clansmen image to deal with us, then we will use their image to fight back."

After the decision was made, the execution ability of the dragons was still very good, and a group of alternative black dragons who were good at undead spells were summoned. Then, on the major front lines, a large number of undead creatures appeared on the dragon side.

"Look, there are undead on the dragon side, but how come they use the most common zombies and skeleton soldiers."

After seeing it, some people pointed to it. "Who knows, maybe their level is low."

"It's not low, those zombies and skeletons are of very high level, and their strength is not weak." Although the strength is not bad, this form seems a bit too bad. This is everyone's consensus.

They didn't know that this was a deliberate means by the Dragons to stimulate them. They thought that human beings, like them, would be very angry when they saw their people being made into undead.

In fact, humans do have such people, but very few. After all, among the first undead created by mankind, skeletons and zombies account for the largest proportion. Human beings don't care about the undead in human form, how can they be stimulated.

But this is not useless, because the members of the dragon clan feel very relieved about it.

So a very strange picture appeared on the battlefield. On the human side, a large number of dragon armies and dragon undead are used. On the dragon army side, a large number of humanoid skeletons and zombies appeared.

This army has been mixed and matched and can't see the original appearance. If you are seen by outsiders, I don’t know what will happen.

No, it should be said that others have seen it. This world is broadcast and live broadcast every day, and the residents of the rear world are watching it every day. After all, it is only a matter of their own wealth and life.

And soon, these videos arrived on the other side of the earth, although only professionals and semi-professionals can be watched.

But because of Du You's reputation, it also attracted a large number of people to pay attention to things here. Then everyone was attracted by this strange play, and more and more people commented on it.

Even because there are too many people watching, some videos are still circulated among ordinary people, and they are viewed as blockbuster films by ordinary people, or researched as educational materials.

Some people also think that studying these things at is very helpful for future professionals. Some ordinary people’s schools and homes are gradually appearing. This is a rare situation where professional news has penetrated the ordinary people’s world on a large scale.

For the other half, Du You had a very optimistic view of this battle.

"Looking like this, I am afraid that this battle will not end in a short time."

Although the dragons attacked on a large scale, they seemed to like it very much, so the dragons and dragon beasts on the battlefield appeared less and less, and the number of undeads increased. Dragons have many worlds, and there are so many dead bodies. With a single order, a steady stream of corpses was sent over, as long as they were not from the dragon, they would not refuse to come.

Similarly, the professionals are the same, there are also a group of necromancers gathered to assist Du You in creating various undead. When this kind of battle continues, I don't know when the seventh rank will participate.

The most important thing is that, looking like this, some of this war has been played. Du You didn't care, because he had enough time now, and it was not bad to spend time. Moreover, the practice of the dragon clan will also attract the attention of the surrounding world and facilitate their own development.

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