Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1873: Digest resources one step further

"Great. I will prepare when I go back. I will go to the New World right away. I missed the first two times. This time I must be the first batch." When Du You opened the New World the first two times, he got the first batch. The greatest benefit.

Once in the world of rank 8 and once in the world of rank 9, most people were hesitating.

But this time, they saw the new world, and some jealous preparations entered the first time.

"Don't think about it so much. The situation over there is still not finished. Don't forget, there are many worlds over there, and it is still the Dragon Clan base camp. How can it be opened at this time, in case it is dangerous."

"Huh, can you directly attack us for any danger. That's the ninth-order world. As long as the world is not broken, we all have a chance to leave." The people before him were still unconvinced.

"How is it possible? Didn't you notice the problems that have occurred on the front lines these days."

"What's the problem? Isn't it that we are constantly gaining victories, and those dragon armies are constantly retreating. It must be their dragon **** who died, so their morale was destroyed." A person shouted.

The previous person said disdainfully: "There is not only one dragon god, how could it be destroyed. They are shrinking their forces, and some of their forces are said to have entered the world of ninth rank."

"What, you actually know that the dragon clan has two dragon gods, hurry up and tell me."

"Brother, you know a lot, just tell others."

The surrounded guy looked proud, and then lowered his voice: "Most people really don't know about these things. I will tell you today. Don't talk nonsense after you hear them. If you say it, I won't admit that I said it..."

Some people who knew some so-called "inside information" began to tell the so-called inside information.

Du You doesn't care about so much at this time, he is digesting the gains this time with the two sisters. Du You, who was already close to the peak, only took less than half a year to raise his strength to the peak at this moment.

Next, we have to advance for the late stage of the ninth stage. It was just that Du You found that his power of destruction and creation was still not enough.

"You are waiting here, I'll go out and get a few world origins. I didn't expect that if you want to advance to the late stage of the ninth stage, you still need to create the world of the eighth stage, although only one or two is enough."

Yes, Du You himself didn't expect this to happen. It seems that the level of the world is different, and the levels of the power of creation and the power of destruction are also different. Du You didn't say that he needed the power of destruction.

"Let's go too." The two sisters stood up for the first time.

Du You shook his head and said: "No, you don't have to go, you are still a little bit close to the peak and continue to improve here. I will go and destroy a few worlds. It just happens that some of the worlds behind the dragons are not occupied by us. We can destroy them in the past. Even if I find out, I will only think that I am provoking them."

Although this is not a demon world, it would be a little bad to destroy it directly, but it is estimated that no one will say anything about themselves. After all, he has been at war with the Dragon Clan, and this is already endless.

The ninth-tier powerhouse does have a lot of privileges, after all, this rule was originally made by them.

After comforting the two people, Du You set off. Sure enough, just as he thought, his every move, as long as it is not hidden, will attract a lot of attention, and Du You can clearly feel that many eyes are looking at him.

With a cold snort, some of the weaker eyes disappeared instantly, but some of the stronger ones were still locked on him. Du You didn't care, anyway, he didn't intend to hide what he did this time.

Coming to the back of the dragon world, Du You avoided the worlds controlled by him, and deliberately wandered around the dragon world a few times. It looked like it was going to do something to the dragon world. The giant dragons inside the dragon clan looked outside with a vigilant face, as long as Du You dared to come in, they would launch an attack as soon as possible.

Even, there are already giant dragons trying to contact the Supreme Dragon God.

But in the end, Du You didn't enter. Instead, he looked around for a few Tier 8 worlds, and then directly started to destroy them slowly and extract the origin of the world. This behavior violated the rules.

In the eyes of the dragons, this is definitely provoking them.

"Damn the Dark Lord, **** human professional, this is a blatant violation of the rules."

They can only talk about it. After all, many people have done things like destroying the world, but the world level is different. If they were all exposed, a large area of ​​them would have to be cleaned up.

Du You also deliberately threw the shattered world fragments towards the dragon world, and the world barrier that the fragments smashed constantly trembled.

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be provocative. The people watching around finally determined that Du You was provoking.

"It's still too young. If this kind of provocation could get the old fellow of the Supreme Dragon God to come out, I'm afraid someone would have done it long ago." Everyone finally remembered, Du You is not very old.

Isn't it normal for young people to do something out of the ordinary or make people laugh?

In this way, Du You returned home with these things, and then concealed his figure, leaving the dragon world with the two sisters who had just reached the peak and the bubble Xiaozi. They passed through the space channel and returned to the vicinity of Arlanda World.

No one is staring at that place right now, although it is Du You's hometown, but after all, the neighborhood is too barren, even the powerhouses of Tier 8 would generally not pay attention here.

"It's this place, it's the old rules, I'll start first."

Du You blocked the perception of the Arlanda World and then began to open up the world in the void. Because he had done it several times, Du You was very familiar with the road and directly opened up the world successfully.

The strength is just right, a world freshman with an eighth rank close to the peak. Next, is a series of fixed expansions, and finally put the world origins that I have obtained into it. Of course, the origin of the world has been refined.

For this, they waited a whole year longer. With the opening of a new world, Du You's unsatisfactory creative power began to increase crazily, and then he polished his own origin, making it complete again step by step.

A special breath permeated Du You's body. Du You knew that as long as the origin was perfect, then he would be able to go further. At that time, Du You, the supreme dragon god, really didn't care.

If he knew that it was so easy, he wouldn't have to spend so long in the layout at first, and Du You regretted it a bit.



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