Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1875: It's finally late

With the late stage of the ninth stage, even if the earth's background is still insufficient, in terms of strength, the earth has truly entered the top one among all the worlds. Even the most veteran powerful world, dare not do anything to the earth.

From then on, the earth no longer has to spend that kind of danger.

The danger has gone far away, and the time for the rapid development of the earth has arrived. Because of the exposure of Ming Zun's strength, it shocked the powerhouses of a large area of ​​the world around, and the situation on the earth finally began to completely change.

Although the dark web still exists, it is only a question of qualification, a qualification of strength.

A large amount of information is directly disclosed, and both ordinary professionals and ordinary people are eligible to know.

Except for some confidential information, they didn't have the right to know the news. Because the greatest danger has passed, the earth is now undergoing a full range of reforms.

There is no longer any need to fear that ordinary people will lose confidence in the future, because under the huge population base, there will always be some who will move forward. They are the future of professionals and can be promoted all the way to a higher level.

As for those who have no confidence, let them be ordinary people. After more than five hundred years of development, the earth has finally gone from an ordinary world to the pinnacle of all worlds. It is really gratifying.

It's just that mysterious person above Mingzun. Because he rarely appears, no one knows how strong he is, and it is not even clear whether he is an earthling. Therefore, the existence of this person has not been counted in.

But Mingzun is different. Mingzun is a native of the earth and a local professional.

In the late stage of the local ninth stage, the confidence it brought was too much.

At this moment, Du You also received a message: "I didn't expect Ming Zun to hide so deep. I said that every time I see Ming Zun, I always feel the unfathomable threat. It turns out that this is the reason. "

Because of his many skills, Du You is much stronger in perception than others.

It is a miracle that a late-stage ninth-stage person has been hiding among them.

Everyone just knows that Mingzun is powerful, but before he really takes the shot, who knows how strong he is, it's really good to hide. But after all, Ming Zun is not the same as himself. Many times, he wants to hide and can't hide it, so he has to take action.

And Ming Zun is said to have received that person's secret help from the beginning, so he can grow up smoothly.

After reaching the ninth rank, there are very few shots, and it is conceivable to be able to hide all the time.

Du You was different. This guy kept taking the initiative to find people to fight from beginning to end, even if he reached the ninth rank, he took the initiative to lay out and attack other worlds. Du You is indispensable for the recent development of the earth. This is the stark difference between different personalities.

"However, we're almost too, aren't we." Du You smiled, indeed he was about to reach his limit.

Others may be enough for one Tier 8 world, and Du You needs to create two. Fortunately, a Tier 8 world has already been created before, so this time just add it up. As his origin gradually came to completion, Du You felt the power of advancement.

This kind of breath is very obvious, and Du You's advancement is almost without any bottleneck.

The origin of perfection suddenly shrank, becoming more crystal clear, and flaws and insufficiency appeared again. This is the next improvement direction, but it is more difficult to make up for the flaws.

As his breath rose, Du You felt that his strength was constantly growing. But the feeling of becoming strong has weakened a lot, which shows that he has better and better control of his new strength.

Opening the panel, he really improved to level 87. Although it is only a small level increase, the increase is actually very large. The current self, I am afraid it is easy to deal with the previous ten selves. Perhaps it will be more relaxed than I thought, after all, this is a qualitative change, not just an increase in quantity.

"Okay, I have broken through. Next, I need to adapt to my strength. You can also start to create the world."

Adapting to power does not necessarily require hands-on combat, it is just the fastest way. In fact, it's okay to feel your own power. Du You can't do it now, otherwise it will definitely arouse other people's attention.

The next step was to attack the Dragon Clan Base Camp, Du You didn't want to find out before he even started. Realizing that one's own strength is still a trivial matter, once you invite others to deal with yourself, it will be troublesome.

The two sisters nodded, took out the origin of the world that Du You gave to them, and then began to open up the world.

Bubble and Xiao Zi didn't wait either, and started to open up their own world. Around, there are other summoned beasts on guard. These summoned beasts, with the improvement of Du You's strength, are now also extraordinary.

Although it is still a pseudo-ninth-order, it does not have its own ninth-order original power, and can only rely on Du You's power. But the increase in skill level, coupled with the increase in Du You's own strength. Just with the help of strength, these summoned beasts can still exert their strength in the early stage of the ninth stage, and they are still the peak of the early stage of the ninth stage, which is very close to the kind of mid-stage.

When I have adapted to my own power this time, maybe these summoned beasts can display their mid-tier ninth-tier power. Maybe the summoned beasts are not their own opponents, but they can also contain themselves.

If it is an enemy with the same strength as his own, relying on the restraint of the summoned beast, he can fight the hard battle easily. I have to say that these summoned beasts are really not simple.

It's a pity that the more the summoned thing reaches the later stage, the weaker it This is something I can't change.

Unless the ninth-order source that he had obtained at the beginning is not absorbed by himself, it is directly handed over to the summoned beast to absorb it. In that case, the summoned beast will become a real ninth rank, although it is still not as good as its own, but it will not be much worse than other ninth ranks of the same level.

It's just that Du You hasn't become wealthy yet, it's impossible to absorb to them the source of his own insufficiency.

With the passage of time, the origin of the law of the two sisters gradually came to completion. Although encountered some bottlenecks, but because of the connection with Du You, Du You's power was forcibly pulled and lifted up.

The breath was consummated and then condensed again, and the two sisters finally entered the late stage of the ninth stage. It didn't take long for the bubbles and Xiaozi, which seemed to have been stimulated, to enter this level.

"Very good, the fighting power of the five late stages of the ninth stage, in the endless void, I am afraid that there are not many that can fight us. Let's go, the last step, start with the local dragon world."


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