Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1922: An increasingly perverted professional

When Du You was in this place, he didn't dare to look unscrupulously. Until Du You took the two sisters into that world, these people who followed here finally dared to communicate.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect the Dark Lord to have reached this point."

"Yeah, it's really unexpected. Now the personal strength of the Dark Lord is more than half the strength of the entire Earth Alliance combined. The earth can only rely on him in the future."

"We have to seize the time to practice. We can't let a latecomer overtake too much. Even if we can't keep up, we must work hard to get closer." This is a highly motivated person.

"You are still great, you have caught this person early, and it will not be easy to catch it in the future."

The voice of the Dwarf King also came out: "Hmph, that's of course, don't look at who we are."

The Elf King has been paying attention to the outside situation. Although he heard it, he did not speak, but his face was slightly ruddy. He is different from the guy that is the Dwarf King, and he seems to have paid more.

"Well, don't talk about it. With such a world, it is good for the development of the earth."

Finally, Ming Zun spoke, and the others closed their mouths. Indeed, such a world is indeed a great help to the earth. Because this world itself is already a very high top world.

After all, a world can breed ten powerful late-stage ninth-stage powerhouses, which in itself already explains the problem.

Although they also felt that this world was far less powerful than the earth, there were more powerhouses in this world than there are on the other side of the earth. Of course, this is on the premise of not counting Du You as a monster.

But who knows that such a powerful world is so low-key, and now it has been killed by Du You again.

But anyway, having this world to cultivate the undead is a good thing for the earth.

Those undead powerhouses who had not died before were completely controlled by the will of the earth and became the guardians of this world. Du You doesn't need to continue to make guardians here, or it is enough to make a Tier 9 one.

After they left, the strong consciousness of other worlds emerged here.

"It's terrible, it's terrible." A ninth-order consciousness sent out its own fluctuations here.

"According to the traces here, I can feel that there were ten undeads here before, each of them in the late stage of the ninth stage. The power of such a world is really strong, but the pros of the earth are stronger."

"I'm afraid you don't know it very well, but I do understand better. None of the undead here is a subordinate of Venerable Dark. There is not even a summoned beast that matches it. In other words, Venerable Dark does not even use the summoned beast. It’s horrible that five can kill ten of each other with just oneself and his subordinates and pets."

Indeed, ten, that's ten in the late stage of the ninth stage. They have so many worlds united, and they don't have so many ninth stage late stages. This means that even if they unite, Du You can easily eliminate them.

Each of the ten breaths is so unfamiliar, but each of them is so powerful, and their feelings are quite normal.

"Even if they are integrated into the laws of the world, they can't escape, but the ninth tier is the ninth tier after all, and they are all late stages. Even if we want to deal with such a strong person, it is not easy.

"The strength of the Dark Lord is really too strong. If this continues, sooner or later, it will become stronger, and it may even reach the realm in the legend. At that time, what should we do?"

"In the legend, are you talking about the ninth-stage peak? That is really at the highest level of the heavens and all realms. I don't know if there is any. Once at the peak, even the late-stage ninth stage is not an opponent at all. "

Although they haven't reached that level, there are legends about that level, and it is said that someone has reached that level before.

Once such a strong emerges from Earth professionals, it will be really troublesome. The aggressiveness of the earth professionals is too strong, and now that they have such a backing, they are in danger.

"No, you can't let the Dark Lord find an excuse. He is attacking other worlds now, and he doesn't know what his purpose is. It may have something to do with improving his strength. If an excuse is found, then our world will not be able to keep it."

The most important thing is not that the world can't keep it, but that they can't keep it on their own, even if they want to escape.

At the beginning, when Du You's strength was not so strong, the ninth-tier powerhouse in the occupied world was killed. Recall that in all the worlds that Du You occupied, none of the ninth-tier powerhouses inside had escaped.

Now his strength is so strong, if he is targeted, it is definitely not a pleasant thing.

But it seems very easy for people to find excuses.

Suddenly, someone said, "No, it seems that I can't make an alliance with everyone. I'm going to alliance with the earth, as long as I alliance with them, then even if there is a conflict, the Dark Lord will not kill us. ."

This can be confirmed, after all, there have been many lessons learned.

It's just that they don't want to surrender to the earth, and they don't want to be controlled by the earth bit by bit, plus their dignity as the powerhouse of the ninth-order world, only then can they unite with each other to resist the invasion of earth professionals.

But now, compared to his own survival, all dignity is fake.

They represent the alliance of beings and have nothing to do with the will of the world.

In fact, there are many worlds in, even if the will of the world has been replaced by the will of the earth, they are still in alliance in name. Except for those local professionals who will be sent directly to other worlds on the earth, many of them are still practicing the original secret cultivation method. In their view, they are not a member of the earth.

And many of these alliances will become like this in the end. After all, the alliance is only people, not the will of the world.

The earth is very aggressive. As long as the territorial construction reaches a certain height, then the will of the world will be difficult to preserve. Even if the major alliances use various restrictions, they are often exploited.

"You are right, but I still have to hold on." Someone put forward his own opinion.

"I can't hold on anymore. My world is too close to the earth, so let's join them." Another person said bitterly. Distance, this is the biggest problem.

Although they can push their world away from the earth, it is too difficult, and the speed is not fast, and it is easy to be targeted by others, which is more dangerous.

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