Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2086: Our own elemental lord

"Congratulations Master, I am afraid this world will soon become the owner's possession."

The two sisters flew up from below and congratulated Du You. Du You rolled his eyelids. Isn't this normal? If you can't even hold such a seventh-order elementary creature, you will become a waste.

But speaking of it, these elemental creatures are indeed very difficult. If it is a general seventh-order powerhouse, it may be possible to defeat these elemental creatures of the same level, but it is really difficult to eliminate them.

The composition of their spirits is very special, not by absorbing the laws to control them, but completely integrating themselves with the laws, and the whole spirits have an invisible feeling of gathering and dispersing. If it is an ordinary person, there is no special means, even if they can be defeated, or even the body can be destroyed, it is the soul that cannot destroy them, and it can only be sealed in the end.

It's just that it's much easier for Du You, just use the law of soul directly to attack the soul.

People who possess the laws of the soul can be said to be the nemesis of this type of people. Of course, there are not many people who truly understand the laws of the soul, and the seventh-order powerhouses in this world rarely take this path.

"The question now is how to deal with this thing."

Du You looked at the guy in the palm of his hand, logically speaking, this guy is an enemy and should be eliminated.

But later Du You left it behind, because this guy is also an elemental creature anyway. The role of elemental creatures is very extensive, and it can't be wasted like that.

Besides, this guy is not an adventurer, he is not branded by the will of the world, but is a native creature of this world. In this case, it can be used to do a lot of things, Du You is entangled in how to reform.

"Master, our combat effectiveness in this world is relatively small. There are only three of us. If we want to violent soldiers, I am afraid that Tier 7 will still not burst out. How about using this guy to transform."

This time Du You directly stayed away from the world invaded by other clones and came here alone, so this world didn't even have a clone. If there are only three of them, it is not so easy to occupy the world.

"This is a good idea. I just remodel this thing. I have no experience."

"Why don't you look at the abilities of this world territory. Territories generally have violent soldiers and the ability to transform combat effectiveness. Maybe it can correspond to this." Lin Yushi thought for a while and said.

Du You nodded: "That's the only way to go, let's see the function of the territory."

Although the functions of territories in different worlds are similar, there will always be some differences in each world because of different rules. This world is so special, so the difference in this area should be even greater.

Du You landed with the two sisters, but everyone did not immediately start to study, because they still need to integrate the city. The change of the city's owner is not something that can be solved in one sentence.

To stabilize the city, many other aspects of coordination are needed. At the same time, we must strengthen our defenses. Although it is useless, it is an essential step to stabilize people's hearts. Next, the kingdom will definitely come back to attack them. Whether the site can be completely stabilized is related to the question of the people's sentiment.

As a result, Du You was busy all day because of these things in the city.

The reason why it was so fast was because Du You cheated again. Together with the two sisters, he directly controlled some officials and made a large part of the high-level people in this city their own puppets.

It's much easier to use these clone puppets to deal with things, and this is the real reason why things can be dealt with in just one day. So next, we have to deal with this thing in hand.

Du You had put the former city lord in his hands for a whole day. The other party had no ability to break free. He could only watch Du You digest and absorb his city step by step, but he was powerless.

Then, Du You turned on the special function of this city territory, which is a function that only adventurers like them can use.

At the beginning, it was really the same, and it was the same as the violent soldiers. In the process of ruling this city, Du You also got a lot of points. But continuing to look down, Du You finally found what he wanted.

"Not bad, it turns out that in this place, with this function, the world will be stable."

What Du You saw was the function of dealing with the element lord. Many conditions are troublesome, but they are really useful.

"This ability should be derived from a previous failed experiment in this world."

When Lin Yucha checked the information, he saw a previous failed experiment, which was a method of transforming wild elemental creatures into puppet creatures under his control. People in this world came up with it themselves.

But they only succeeded in half, because ordinary elemental creatures can be transformed, but the cost is too great, the gain is not worth the loss, and they are finally given up. At the level of the elemental lord, they have no way at all.

But the idea is correct, just because they didn't study it, they failed.

Some of the functions of the territory are also complementary to the various rules of the world and some previously researched methods. This function should be derived from this ability.

"No matter what abilities it comes from, we can transform this guy anyway."

If you are replaced by someone else, you may not be able to do this. Because this function not only requires a lot of points and the element lord itself. The most important point is to erase all the memory of the element lord and use a blank element lord to transform ~ otherwise, this method is useless.

And a strong man without the law of soul can't do this at all.

Now this feature is almost exclusively prepared for oneself. Du You looked at the guy in his hand and easily pulled out his memory. Just before Du You was about to deal with it, his eyes suddenly lit up because he saw something special.

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect to have unexpected gains."

"Master, what's the windfall? What else does he know."

Du You didn't conceal it, and said directly: "It is the news of some element lords previously sealed, and some wild element lords nearby. As long as we catch them, then our troops will be there."

Yes, there was a group of element lords suddenly, and the power of his own domain would suddenly surpass most kingdoms. With this power, it is much easier to control the world.


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