Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2159: Disputed dispute

As in the past, today’s routine business, the major city owners have used contact devices to communicate directly with other people, and then began to continue wrangling. Anyway, there is nothing in normal times, and there is no communication between everyone.

Now everyone suddenly realizes that this kind of communication seems quite interesting. If you have a breakthrough or something good, you can show it off. You know, showing off with ordinary people is completely different from showing off with these people.

There are also people who have found people with similar interests, or chat with each other when they are not, or exchange some insights. There are also people who hurt each other, which can be regarded as an alternative friendship.

This kind of life fascinates many people, and they even forget what they are here for.

But just when they were discussing very enthusiastically as before, a soldier suddenly ran in.

The city lord's face changed, who is this, don't you know when this is, so it doesn't give himself face. "Who are you, why did you come in without my consent."

He decided that if this guy didn't give himself an explanation, he would definitely not make him feel better.

If it was normal, I would have thrown it out. But now that so many powerful people of the same level are watching, he also wants face, so how can he have to explain it to himself.

Looking back, there were many cracks in the armor of the soldier who rushed in, and blood flowed out of it. The soldier himself was sweating profusely, panting, and his face was pale. No matter how he looked, he was in bad condition.

Seeing this kind of person, the city lord's face looked a lot better.

This was not deliberately to add blockage to myself, it seems that something big has really happened.

"Let’s ask first, this looks like he just ran back from the battlefield."

Someone next to him spoke up. On the surface, he was trying to relieve him, but in fact it was a sarcasm. What was it that ran back from the battlefield, that was a deserter, and the city lord's expression immediately became ugly.

"Say, what's the matter?" The city lord snorted and asked loudly.

"Enlighten the city lord, the big thing is not good, more than half of our front camp has collapsed. Now the remaining camp soldiers have escaped a lot, and the others will face bombing at any time."

The city lord's face became even more ugly: "How could this happen? I let you march slowly and wait for us to discuss the results. That's what you did. Commander, what does he eat?"

"Your commander has been killed in the city. He was besieged and killed by those rebels. According to the situation at the time, the army in our city may have collapsed." The soldiers did not care about the increasingly ugly face of the city owner.

"Hahahaha, the quality of the army in your city is really bad, and the commander was killed by his own. It's really funny." The people who had enemies with him laughed loudly.

"What about the others, what's going on in other camps." These city owners have been wrangling all day long, and they don't even know what happened on the front line, otherwise this kind of thing would never happen.

"The chaos in the major camps was one after another. It was not caused by the enemy or by ourselves. Instead, we caused more chaos. When I left, nearly one-tenth of the camps were in chaos."

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible. Our army is of the best quality." Someone yelled.

"Tell me, what the **** is going on." The city lord's face became more and more weird, not knowing whether it was fortunate or angry.

So the people here quickly explained the changes in the battlefield during this period of time, and the city masters also listened. After all, they didn't know what happened on the front line during this time, after all, they didn't pay attention.

For a long time, they thought that the front line was just as they discussed, moving forward slowly, and there was no fight at all.

But who would have thought that the front line has become like this, and if you count it this way, wouldn't you have suffered a great loss?

"Damn it, why didn't anyone report it." Someone shouted angrily.

But soon someone from his side said: "San Jose, it's not that we didn't report it, but you told me that nothing can disturb the negotiation. These documents are all included."

The city lord finally looked at the files on his desk. They almost never looked at these things. The people below the small things will deal with it, and the big things can be done by themselves. Who cares about these things.

But no one thought that this time things would develop into this way, the speed of development is really too fast.

"So support, why not support."

"Without your order from the city lord, the reinforcements below would not dare to dispatch at all."

The city lord finally remembered that the mobilization of troops must be ordered by himself, and he didn't even know the situation ~ how could he order to support it, and it turned out to be like this, I am afraid that his own fault is not small.

"Damn it, order support now, immediately."

The person did not move, but continued: "I am afraid that the general support is useless now. The front line has been completely chaotic. Moreover, the strength of the enemy is very strong, and the undead is haunting. The most important thing is the interior of our city."

"What's going on inside the city." Everyone looked at the pictures over there, and at the same time quickly ordered their people to investigate.

"There are now many people in our city who are marching and protesting. Many people are not working and the streets are blocked. If this continues, I am afraid that things will be troublesome. And recently..."

"What's wrong recently." The city owner fiercely grabbed the hapless official by the collar and lifted it up.

The official did not dare to resist at all, and continued: "Recently, many people have left our city. They said they want to find a safer city. Some people, and some even said they want to go to the Undead City. While living, they think that there is better than ours." The official said everything in one go.

Then the man was thrown out by the city lord and hit the wall fiercely.

"Damn undead city, everyone, we have to do something."

That's right, after just investigating, they found that this is also happening in their city. This world is very special, the city lord with a city and the eighth rank without a city are completely different things.

With his own city, there is a strong blessing in the world, not only is the speed of self-cultivation faster, the recovery speed and combat effectiveness will be improved. Once you lose the city, the impact on yourself will be very large.

But now, this kind of people's evacuation has already affected their fundamentals, and this kind of thing must not be allowed to develop.


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