Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 588: Seduce unicorn

Scroll of Deception: After using the scroll, you can change your breath and face. The upper limit is level two and the duration is 24 hours.

The effect of the deception scroll is still very strong, Du You instantly becomes a fairy girl, even the aura is the same, and it also adds the aura of holy light. The level of breath also reached the level of the second-order peak.

Here, if others see it, they will think this is a very powerful elf.

What made Du You speechless was that he was really a little confused just now, and he actually made changes directly according to the picture. Those pictures are all fairy portraits, and the clothes are as thin as fragments.

Although Du You had clothes on his body, what he showed on the outside was completely different. Even the feeling of being blown by the cool breeze on his body can be completely simulated and let Du You feel it himself.

The two sisters hurriedly lowered their heads: "Master, you can go there by yourself. It will be influential if we go there together."

"You are waiting here, I will be back soon." Du You said, but he didn't expect that just now, the voice that came out was a crisp female voice, which made Du You even more full of black lines.

Not saying that much, Du You turned and ran away. Behind the scenes, the two sisters could even hear the uncontrollable laughter.

Du You, who was running, had a little redness on his face, not ashamed, it seemed to be a simulated physical reaction.

No way, when I ran, the wind blew over me, the feeling was too clear. Du You wouldn't admit that the feeling of jumping around in his chest was also one of the reasons why Du You's heart was full of resentment.

"This **** deceitful scroll, why all the feelings are so clear, this is for the ladyboy."

Du You cursed secretly in his heart, and at the same time, he ran to the vicinity of the Unicorn Lake at the fastest speed. The surrounding unicorns raised their heads to look at Du You, then lowered their heads to continue eating grass, not feeling anything strange. At the same time, there were some unicorns walking in Du You's direction. It seemed that this kind of pure spirit girl breath really attracted unicorns.

Du You took a deep breath and his face became serious. This was the last step.

Du You took out the sealed bottle of Holy Light, then opened it, and the aura of Holy Light slowly spread out.

Holy Light Sealing Bottle: The power essence capable of sealing light attributes.

This is not an ordinary light attribute item, it is polished by the dark power of a world, and belongs to the most sacred breath. When the breath spread, all the unicorns around were attracted.

A large number of unicorns put aside their own affairs and gathered in Du You's direction. While making an anxious cry, his eyes fixed on the bottle in Du You's hand, revealing a look of desire.

If it weren't for Du You's image as an elf girl now, perhaps these unicorns would rush to **** it.

"With my own breath and high-level light attribute items, the academy's materials really didn't lie to me." For Du You, the academy's greatest help to him is these research materials that have been studied for many years.

Every unicorn is so white and flawless, with the silver-white pointed horns shining in the sun. No, it should be said that the sharp corners are shining. Du You chose carefully, but it seemed that each one was similar.

While choosing, Du You took out the silver unicorn horn he had prepared. When the aura of the same origin spread, the surrounding unicorns became more agitated.

"I can't see which one is stronger. If it doesn't work, I can only pick one at random." Now in a hurry, Du You doesn't have so much time to waste here. After all, he is not a real elf, so he can't help but choose slowly.

But at this moment, suddenly the unicorns seemed to feel something, and pushed them away, and a unicorn smaller than these unicorns came over. If you look at the body shape, it is very easy to be ignored.

But the noble aura on this unicorn is stronger than other unicorns.

Du You looked at the unicorn, and she found something special about the unicorn. For example, sharp corners, although they are also silvery white, there are faint bright silver lines hovering on them, but the colors are similar, which is difficult to see.

The hair on the body is white, but not all the hair on the body is white. Because the back of the mane and tail, as well as some hairs on the ends of the limbs, are silvery white. Where this unicorn walked, other unicorns lowered their heads, as if expressing their respect.

"You don't need to choose, it's you." Du You's eyes lit up, and the blind man could see the difference of this unicorn.

Du You stepped forward, trying to pet the unicorn, but the unicorn suddenly avoided. Instead, he went around Du You, seeming to be observing something. After turning for two times, the unicorn put his gaze on Du You's hand.

Is this asking for something in Du You's hands? Du You gently stroked his hand. Although the unicorn was still a little resistant, he finally accepted Du You's stroke, which made Du You relieved.

Then, Du You handed the silver unicorn horn over, and the unicorn pressed its sharp horn against the sharp horn. The sharp horns in Du You's hands burst out with a layer of white light, which was eventually absorbed by the unicorn.

The sharp corners in his hand shattered, and Du You didn't care, but handed over the sealed bottle of Holy Light. The little unicorn just opened her mouth and sucked the liquid inside and it was absorbed by the little unicorn. After absorbing it, the little unicorn fell into a feeling similar to being drunk. It should be digesting this power.

As for Du You, the little unicorn was even more unprepared.

Du You breathed a sigh of relief, took out the contract scroll, and tore it open at the little unicorn.

Because the intimacy reached the requirement, the little unicorn did not resist at all, so Du You completed the contract. This is a panel-certified contract. Once signed, this is your pet.

Everyone can only have one pet, but Du You has never had a choice. Once a pet is selected, it is not easy to change it in the future. Once a pet dies, it is very difficult to get a new one.

Pets are not summoned beasts, they cannot be resurrected after death. If it weren't for a special pet like a unicorn, Du You would want to keep his pet pen always empty. Because keeping pets is more troublesome than summoning beasts.

After success, Du You moved in his heart and took the unicorn that was digesting power back into his pet space. Du You, who couldn't stand it, burst out with magic power throughout his body, and instantly tore the power of the deception scroll.

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