Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 847: Enter the Plaguelands

"After entering, everyone will try their best to ensure their own safety. Seeing that the enemy is mainly killing their body, kill some undead if it fails. Then everyone will gather at our predetermined gathering location."

Xi Qianxue reiterated that the location they determined before was the location discussed at the meeting, which belongs to the southernmost part of the entire map. The entire Plaguelands are the size of several cities, but at their speed, this distance is not a big deal.

"Especially you, don't run around, you know." Xi Qianxue stared at Du You.

I don't know why, seeing Li Mengyao pulling Du You, Xi Qianxue was an unknown fire. The point is that she herself doesn't know why this happens, but feels irritated inexplicably.

Especially the woman Li Mengyao, what did she do with Du You so close, when did this woman be so shameless.

"Go to the established place? Okay, I will try my best." Du You said indifferently.

Xi Qianxue's eyes flashed with anger, as she was about to say something, the time had come. Du You saw that all the people were instantly broken up by a single force and turned into psionic particles, with various colors.

Most of them are red, mixed with some green, and even a few white ones. But he still kept his own appearance, Du You didn't know whether this collective world boat was useful to him.

At this moment, three small vortices in the void suddenly formed, directly swallowing Du You and the two sisters.

"It seems to be useful." Du You thought silently in his heart, and then entered the space tunnel. On the other side of the tunnel, a vortex suddenly appeared. When Du You came out of it, there were no other people around.

No, it's not that there are no other people, it should be said that there are some monsters around.

The air was full of rotting stench, even Du You frowned. The sky was gloomy, and from time to time some black birds flew past, making sounds even worse than crows.

The ground is no longer visible from the ground, all are corpses, some are rotten, some are fresh, and there are all kinds of bones. There are some small streams and puddles on the ground, which are made of blood and some thick water.

What disgusted Du You the most was that there were still many people shaking around here. That's right, it's the human figure, all kinds of corpses, rotten, swollen, shriveled, stiff...

There are countless, and I don't know if this is a zombie or something. Some are intact, some are incomplete, and there are even more than one head and two legs. Some animal carcasses were also mixed in it, walking around.

When Du You, a living person, appeared, these corpses seemed to smell some supreme delicacy, and ran towards Du You's direction. "What a disgusting world."

Du You directly released a dark swamp to the ground, a large number of dark swamps spread out, shrouded everything around, and then began to corrode and swallow. Whether it is on the ground or walking, as long as it is covered, it will quickly turn into dark power, and the smell in the air seems to be much better. This is Du You's psychological feeling.

"This kind of disgusting world must be provided by the people in the Necronomicon Academy. It has long been heard that the people in the Necronomicon Academy are all perverted in that environment, and now it seems to be true."

Although Du You didn't pay much attention to the college test, Du You still knew the test rules.

The colleges are automatically matched in pairs. Prior to this, each college will provide several different test worlds, which is a reflection of the college's heritage. After the match, they are randomly selected from these provided lists.

This time they were unlucky, and they would actually meet the Necronomicon Academy and the world they turned in. This world is still such a disgusting and uncomfortable world.

This kind of world, if ordinary people are here, they won't live long at all. Not because of being chased by the corpse, but because of the smell in the air, I don't know how many viruses and plagues exist, and there are undead powers.

It doesn't take long for ordinary people in this environment to become a member of the zombie. Even for professionals like them, in this environment, it is impossible to say that they are completely unaffected. At least the strength of the first-order awakeners will be reduced by more than half. And people with attributes such as undead, in this environment, the strength to play is strong.

Not to mention other things, these corpses can be controlled by special methods. There are also corpses on the ground, they can also summon them and turn them into a weapon of war in their hands.

"The ghost king guy would like this environment very much," Du You said to himself. He thought of the ghost king, this classmate was the only undead person in his class.

I just don't know why that guy didn't go to the Necropolis Institute, but instead came to the Capital University, which is not very suitable for him. Although Capital University is the best academy, it is true that for Necromancers, Necromancer Academy is more suitable.

"Look, there is someone here." Just as Du You was thinking, a voice rang from a distance.

Du You looked over there, not knowing when, more than twenty people surrounded him. Look at their black cloaks, and see that the cloaks are either skeletons or weird patterns. This is definitely a person from the Necromancer Academy.

By their side, a large number of corpses and various undead creatures such as skeletons have formed a large scale. Although the level of these undead is not high, but there are too many Of course, there are some second-order undead creatures among them, and they are not completely without combat effectiveness.

"It's not from our college, kill it." A low voice sounded. There was no communication between the people, and a large number of undead rushed towards him. Unfortunately, they did not pay attention to their feet.

The undead that ran into the dark swamp immediately stopped and fell down, and then were corroded clean.

"It's a Tier 3 person, it's not easy to deal with."

"Come on, I like this kind of enemy the most." A man in a black cloak without an undead suddenly appeared in his hand with a black sickle, which was composed of death power.

This person is like a ghost, flying close to the ground, still very fast.

"Haha, it's a deadly scythe, no one can escape the attack of this trick." This trick is a very famous skill in their Necromancer Academy. It's just that, without the help of skill scrolls and the like, if you want to comprehend and learn this trick yourself, not everyone can do it, and the cost is not small. In fact, Capital University also has various skills for them to learn.

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