Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 937: Decisive battle

This time, the total attack of 300 Tier 4 arms, plus fifty Tier 5 arms, are all ice attributes, absolutely restraining those flame giants. Du You did not rent out these units, but kept them as a team.

At the same time, there was good news from the front line. A large number of flame giants were gathering towards the original clan land. It can be said that as long as one wave wins this time, then the flame giant will not be far from exterminating the clan.

Of course, it is not acceptable to want to truly exterminate them. This is not in the interest.

The academy will definitely leave a part and let them reproduce on their own, so that they can obtain coins and treasures through hunting in the future. This is the development and utilization of a world.

The outer world belongs to the real world, and there is no way to directly attach to the territory like the derived world, and directly extract the power of the world. If the Outland World wants to gain power, basically it can only rely on territories for extraction.

But the territory is not all drawn, and there is still a lot of power that can't be obtained. At this time, you need to rely on the world's own powerful creatures to derive and then kill them to gain benefits.

This is also a method used by the major forces to cultivate their own people after they control the outer world.

This time the world was controlled by the college alliance, and the five colleges jointly took action. In the future, students from the five major colleges can naturally enter the world at will, as long as they complete some of the tasks assigned by the colleges.

People from other colleges can enter, but they have to pay a certain fee, and the college will also assign some tasks to them. Only a lord like Du You is different.

If the whole world were to be regarded as a company, then a lord like Du You would be a shareholder.

Those who joined in Du You's territory can also obtain certain privileges. The specific situation is very complicated. Du You will not take care of these things. Naturally, Li Minglu and the college will conduct calculations and discussions.

"How many Tier 5 giants there are on the flame giant, are there any statistics?" Du You asked Xi Qianxue on the front line.

As a member of the Student Union, Xi Qianxue naturally has a certain understanding of these data. It is impossible for humans to collude with giants, so the news was announced directly, and those with a certain status knew it.

Xi Qianxue said without even thinking about it: "Many. Up to now, at least three hundred have been detected. It is hard to imagine that there are so many flame giants in just one of the five giant tribes. We bring them. The troops are not opponents at all. If we start the war rashly, we might be the one who will lose this time."

For this situation, Xi Qianxue is very worried, but she also has some confidence.

"The academy already knows this kind of news but it will continue to fight. I think the academy will definitely not be that simple. It must have prepared other follow-ups we don't know.

Du You nodded: "That's right." Not only on the college side, but also on his side. Seeing that it was coming next month, at that time, he would be able to come up with a hundred units of Tier 5 ice attribute.

In the past few days, I haven't seen any worried look from Director Wang. I thought I had already planned it.

A few days later, this month finally passed, all of Du You's arms and buildings were refreshed at the same time, and his strength was restored again. Du You did not hesitate to send some leaders inside for training.

There is no way, it is a point to save a little, these Tier 5 arms are really too expensive. If your leader can cultivate to the fifth rank by himself, the price will become very cheap.

Du You shook his head. Now that there is no such condition, he bought these troops at almost full price.

One day later, as soon as the recruitment of the new arms was completed, Director Wang found himself. "Du You is ready to set off. The time for the decisive battle has arrived." Du You nodded, without objection, and set off with Director Wang with someone.

This time the academy came out in this world, and all the troops were used. This battle is very important.

Even other colleges put all their attention on Capital University at this time. This is the first battle to destroy a large ethnic group since coming to this world.

Even some plans of their college stopped because of this. If they win this time, their situation there will be very good in the future. Even if Capital College does not deal with other giants, it will cause tremendous pressure on them.

After the victory of this battle, Capital University will also have a great reputation in this world, and at the same time various benefits distribution will tend to them. Even if they control the world in the future, they will definitely get more origin.

But if Capital University fails this time, then Capital University will face a total collapse. At that time, more people will inevitably be sent out to solve this matter, and Capital University's face will be lost.

Now, many people are expecting them to fail.

Similarly, through this battle, everyone can more clearly understand the true strength of the giant family, and provide great help for the next battle. This can be regarded as helping other colleges to conduct a trial in advance.

Du You and the others marched very fast. For so many days, the academy had been delaying the speed, so it took such a long time to reach the vicinity of the flame giant clan.

Du You and the others led people to catch up, but it took less than three days to catch up. At their speed, this distance is actually not short. On the way for three days, even Du You, a Tier 4 chaotic, was a little Welcome you to come, now our strength is sufficient. "The reception staff has already come out. As for Li Daxian, he has been secretly observing the flame giant these days, and now he just went out.

"Don't be so troublesome, talk about the specific battle plan." Director Wang did not take over the command.

The others looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. They were really worried that Director Wang would mess around with his status.

"Our plan is as quickly as possible. You take a day off and keep your spirits up. When Deputy Director Li returns tomorrow, we will go in in one fell swoop. This time we are very well prepared, and the probability of victory is more than 90%."

This ratio is already very high, and the remaining 10% are basically accidents.

"Very well, you and Lao Li are planning to do it. Let's go to rest. We are exhausted from the three-day rush." ​​Director Wang finished speaking and asked to make arrangements. This time all the people and soldiers who followed went into the camp to rest. . The Flame Giant also knew that they were here, but the Flame Giant did not dare to attack rashly. The first few attacks were not pleased.

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