Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 956: Archipelago city

With the consent of the empire, the territory began to declare war on the vast sea kingdom in the name of the city of mountains.

As Du You and others guessed, the Hanhai Kingdom worried that this was a conspiracy of the Shenyan Empire. I completely thought that this was the name of the city of mountains and the Shenyan Empire deliberately weakened itself.

Even if they are fully deployed, they can only deal with the city of mountains, not the Shenyan Empire.

If too much is exposed, it may not be easy to clean up by then. As a result, in the ensuing war, the vast sea kingdom could be said to be very suffocated and shrunk. Instead, the city of mountains was completely released.

The city of mountains is not only the forces recruited by himself. In fact, there is a mixture of a large number of animal arms, as well as the troops trained by the foreign population and the territories themselves.

These forces will not be counted into the territory's forces, but they are equally effective. They are mainly used to strengthen the momentum and do some work such as beating the side drums. The main harder battles are still carried out by territorial forces.

After such a long battle in the territory, the high-level arms suffered little losses, and the losses were basically some low-level arms. Now, when the territory once again took out a large number of high-level arms, it really worries the Hanhai Kingdom even more. They thought this was the force sent by the Shenyan Empire, and they were worried about stimulating the Shenyan Empire, so they were basically unable to hold on.

Similarly, the Divine Flame Empire was also shocked by the power of the city of mountains. With so many Tier 4 forces, it was not waiting. In the eyes of the Shenyan Empire, the power of the city of mountains is no longer inferior to that of the vast sea kingdom.

But they don't have Tier 5 troops, and they are competing with the Hanhai Kingdom, which is good for the Shenyan Empire. As a result, Nanshan City's forces contracted in an all-round way, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

Other lords withdrew one after another, taking their credit to other places to establish new territories. In this regard, the Shenyan Empire encouraged it, turning one eye and closing one eye, and did not publicize it at all.

Du You is now on the offensive, but he hasn't let go of the offense because he knows his shortcomings.

In the plan made by Roga and Saria, they only acted offensively and made some achievements. The main defense on this side of the territory relies on the flame giant and the ice tower.

Then above the other broad fronts is the place where the territorial forces are deployed. But basically it retreats in one shot, absolutely not going deep. It looks very intense, but in fact, neither side has suffered a great loss.

Unless they can find the opponent's Tier 4 forces, Du You will let them attack with all their strength and wipe out the opponent's vital force. But who knew that the Hanhai Kingdom had completely retracted, using low-level troops to do it.

As for the sea, that is the battlefield of murlocs. Two murlocs are fighting each other, that is the matter of the empire, and has nothing to do with them.

This kind of battle does not know how long it will last, but as long as there is no special change, there will be no change in this kind of battle within a short period of time. But within a short period of time, the upgrade experience of his territory began to continuously improve.

"Lord Lord, if you are busy with things, leave first. We don't see any problems here. However, after the upgrade of the territory, the Lord Lord still needs to find a way." Sharia said to Du You.

"Don't worry, there is roughly a way out, and I will bring it in time."

Du You is really busy and has no time to wait here. Because the city of the archipelago has been built. In just a few days, a large area of ​​buildings has been built on the coastal land that Du You bought under the name of the company.

At the same time, some students and professionals under their names resist the monsters that rush out there, as well as those illegal organizations hidden away from the city. This general framework is now basically completed.

Of course, it is just a coastal city, as for those islands on the sea, there is no way for the time being. But even so, the speed of construction shocked Du You. The speed was really terrifying.

After Du You and the two sisters left, they rushed to the city overnight. Because the power of the city is not shown, then the underground passage will not be opened. Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao have already made contact with this underground passage, but it still depends on their side.

When Du You and his party came to the city of the archipelago, it happened to be the time when a wave of beasts were wiped out. "The younger brother is here, we have been here for several days, let's open the channel as soon as possible." The development of the company is very beneficial to them. As the company continues to grow in the future, they are the veterans of the company, so how could they not value it.

"Should be called the boss, how can I be called a junior." Someone leaned forward and said.

Du You curled his lips. He was not used to this kind of compliment, but he still said: "Thanks for your hard work, I will open the channel." Not much was said, but others did not dare to offend Du You, the immediate superior.

When he arrived at the place he had prepared for a long time, Du You did not hesitate, opened his hand, and directly communicated to build the channel. In front of him, a vortex appeared instantaneously, but this vortex could not be formed in an instant. After a full hour, the vortex finally disappeared gradually, as if it had turned into a huge mirror.

On the opposite side, you can see your own central city, which connects to the giant world. From here, you can see the giant guardian giant walking, and the two worlds are finally connected because of a Other people cheered, which means that my company is finally established in a practical sense. .

As soon as the passage was opened, a large number of troops from the opposite side ran over. There are Tier 5 troops and Tier 4 troops. There is a guardian giant on the opposite side, so there is no problem with these forces rushing over.

Of course, this is also limited. Although these forces can reach the earth, they cannot run around. A territory with a range, reaching the side of the earth, the range is only one-tenth of the original territory, and within this range is their activity area.

The central city now has no scope, but according to the scope of the fifth-tier territory is 10,000 square kilometers, then the range of activities of these soldiers is 100 square kilometers with the passage as the center. And because the central city is already wishing to reach the world level, this range will be larger than this range.

The specific scope depends on the scope of influence of the central city in the giant world, and then converted to this world is still one percent.

Similarly, if allowed, professionals can directly travel between the two worlds through the channel, which is the same as the effect of using the world ship. And walking from the tunnel, the law aura on the body will be less.

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