Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 965: There are still gains

The composition of the squad is like this. For the overall development of the squad, everyone will choose the aspects that the squad needs to improve. Often these teams develop to the end, and the abilities of these people are finalized.

It can be said that ordinary people are gradually unable to leave the team to survive on their own. Once the team members lose, the team will have huge loopholes and defects, but because of the difficulty of professional development, most people are like this.

On the contrary, Du You and the others are completely different. Although the three of them can be regarded as a small team, they are all developing in the direction of almighty. The two sisters may have their own inclinations. For example, Lin Yucha is good at hiding and targeted killing, while Lin Yushi is more good at frontal and large-scale attacks, but everyone's skills are comprehensive.

Under it alone, their strength is very strong. When such a versatile professional develops, he is definitely not weak even in the face of a small team. Moreover, these guys may be used to being arrogant.

This time he ran out carelessly and was suppressed at the beginning. After disrupting their rhythm, it becomes very fragile. Everyone is the same, and the advantages and disadvantages are equally obvious.

Du You is now even more sure that omnipotent development is indeed the best, even if it costs more, it doesn't matter.

"Listening to their accents, it looks like they are from Australia." Lin Yushi remembered something.

Unlike her sister who likes to study, Lin Yushi likes to play more, but Lin Yushi is not stupid, and has great talent in language. The four major leagues have learned Lin Yu's poems, and they can distinguish accents in many places.

The former Australian region now belongs to the scope of the European Union, but the accent is completely different because the distance between the two is too far. After years of evolution, it would be strange if the accent remained the same.

"No matter who they are, we can send them to death if we dare to provoke them." Du You said without hesitation.

Lin Yucha whispered: "They mentioned the Moon God Alliance before, maybe we can investigate." Lin Yucha has already made up his mind to investigate, so as to avoid being stared at him after going back without knowing.

Du You couldn't deny it, it's always good to prevent such things before they happen. Who knows if they left any marks on themselves after they died, this is very possible, and Du You himself can't find some special techniques.

"Let's go collect the spoils first, you see, Xiao Zi has already started." Lin Yushi slowly stood up. After using the potion, the injury on Lin Yushi's shoulder has slowly recovered. After all, it was just bruise. .

Du You turned his head and saw that Xiao Zi was actually doing it, no, it should be doing it. The sharp-mouthed mouth tore open the monster's back, and he was hitting a bone. It seemed to be something useful to Xiao Zi.

"Yu Shi, have you found anything useful?" Du You asked Lin Yushi.

Lin Yushi stepped forward, then pointed to Baihu's throat and said, "I feel it, in this place, the corresponding thing is my thunderstorm arrow." Lin Yucha hurriedly stepped forward and cut open the position of his throat.

What Lin Yushi felt was not something else, but the bone in the throat. Put this piece of throat bone away, and this advanced material is in hand. At this moment, Du You's expression suddenly moved.

I thought it was for Lin Yushi this time, but I didn't expect that I also found an advanced material.

Du You walked to the white tiger's head, and then carefully pried the tiger's skull apart. It was the brain inside that caused him to perceive. Yes, it is not a crystal nucleus, but a brain.

"I didn't expect that there is actually my advanced material here, which corresponds to the skill of Wild Spirit."

Wild Spirit is a very common skill that Du You has learned, and it is also a passive skill. It only passively increases the power and speed of the summoned beast. It has not been very eye-catching among many skills. If it hadn't been for this thing this time, Du You himself would have almost forgotten his skill.

Lin Yucha's luck was not so good this time, and he didn't find something suitable for him, but Lin Yucha didn't care at all.

At this moment, the Zidian Golden Eagle had completely torn the back of the white tiger, and pulled out a bone from it. Then this bone was shattered, and in the end only one of the bones containing lightning power was eaten by Xiao Zi.

After Xiao Zi ate it, she closed her eyes and remained motionless. Du You spread out his hands, removed some easy-to-preserve parts from the white tiger, and then took them away. These things may all become advanced materials.

There are multiple advanced materials on such a creature, and it is only easier to see it on this large creature. Ten minutes later, Xiao Zi opened her eyes and screamed very cheerfully.

"Haha, let me see what benefits you get." Du You opened the panel.

The panel of the Zidian Golden Eagle is still the same as before, but with one more skill. "So you are for new skills."

Thunder Wings: Highly condenses thunder and lightning on the wings to enhance the power and defense of the wings and can be used for attacks.

The new skills allow Xiao Zi to gather a large amount of lightning on her wings. Under the stimulation of thunder and lightning, Xiao Zi can burst out faster and stronger. And with Xiao Zi's physique, fatigue and injury will not appear.

This thunder power condenses to produce a strong defense so that Xiaozi has been relieved in the fragile wings of flying creatures. Even when it is critical, he can directly rush over and attack with his wings. The wings of highly condensed thunder and lightning, just like two chainsaws, can easily cut some very hard objects with extremely powerful lethality. This seems to be based on the current winding body.

Little Zi, a creature with lightning attributes, seemed to be developing in melee combat. Du You was a little speechless, even a long-range attack of lightning was better than this thing.

But seeing Xiao Zi's happy look, Du You didn't bother to beat him.

After tidying up the battlefield, burning the bodies of those dead guys, and cleaning up the things on them, Du You hid the two sisters with him. Although this battle was only the beginning, it had a fight with the enemy.

Now Lin Yushi needs a rest, although she herself said that she didn't need it, Du You still insisted on taking a rest. After a long time, Du You didn't find anyone coming to look for these people, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It seems that this Luna Alliance doesn't take these guys very seriously either. After letting go, Du You took the two sisters and started looking for the next target. This target is said to be a dog, I don't know if it can correspond to the Hell Blood Demon Dog.

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