Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 972: Stable rear base

Black technology is black technology. Although Garden Star has not been in development for a long time, its construction in terms of technology is already very complete. There are communication networks and transportation networks all over the garden star.

   On the ground, the numerous satellites and combat platforms in the sky are firmly controlled, which can provide good protection for the Garden Star.

   At the same time, various infrastructures on the Garden Star have also been built, and now people are sent to move in. Several large cities have been completely constructed. The entire planetary circulation system has been built long ago, and now it is enough to take over.

   I don’t know how they did it, but they have gotten a lot of civilians to live here. On the Garden Star, the population at this time actually exceeded 100,000. This achievement was something Du You himself could not imagine before.

   After all, people on Earth, if not really desperate, few people would like to live on other planets in outer space. Because once they come here, it means that they and their descendants will always be other people's subordinates. Moreover, the first group of people who entered the outer space planet to survive in the early days will also face a lot of danger.

   In order to protect the Garden Star, a batch of Tier 5 combat power will be sent here. Although these fifth tiers will be variously uncomfortable when facing forces in space, their strengths are all real.

   is mainly because of the super long-range attack of technological weapons, which is not comparable to the average cultivator.

   But at the level of Tier 5, this advantage has become very weak, not so absolute. With this batch of Tier 5 combat power here, it can at least deter a large area around it.

   Finally, Du You discovered that many factories and various schools were built in this place.

   There are some biochemical humans and robots in the factory that have already started production. Although there is no technology to produce high-tech items for the time being, there is no problem with general items. As for the raw materials, there are many meteorites and unowned mineral asteroids nearby. These are the sources of raw materials. As long as they are not bought by people, they can be mined at will.

  Asteroids that can be used as bases are not just any asteroid, and they also need to be selected or modified.

   As for the college, there are no students and no teachers. These all need time to change. This is why every outer space base needs at least several decades of development.

   Finally, Du You came to a honeycomb-type city that had already been built, and the same structure was adopted here. The space channel of the giant world is used to hide the space channel of another world.

   When the space channel was opened, those Tier 5 soldiers who had been prepared immediately moved over and began to protect the Garden Star. At the same time, many of the Tiangang martial arts masters with the largest number came here for stationing.

   "We need higher technological power to truly develop our territory. Du You, in the future, you need to focus on the world of science and technology. If you can build a territory in the world of science and technology, it would be best."

   Hearing what Xi Qianxue said, Du You thought for a while, and finally nodded and said, "I know, I will consider it."

  Perhaps, I should find a chance to go back to the Starlink Great World. That world itself has left a good status and reputation. If you work hard, you can really get your own territory there.

The Starring World is very large. Although it is a technology-type world, it is very high. At least the interstellar fortresses that Du You knows about the transformation of the planet can reach the seventh-tier evaluation. Level seven. In this outer space, not many technological powers can reach the seventh rank.

   Forget it, don't think about it for now. While learning about Garden Star these days, Du You is also making plans for the next development. Now that the advanced materials are almost the same, then the next step is to prepare for the pedigree.

   With his current strength, he should be able to carry out that plan.

   When the law of the body almost dissipated, Du You took the two sisters directly through the plane channel, first entered the giant world, and then returned to the earth. This speed is much faster than taking a spaceship.

   did not stop, after explaining a bit, Du You entered the world of Arlanda again with two people.

   As for the development of science and technology and territorial development outside, just leave it to others. Du You, who has obtained a large amount of crystal coins, can no longer worry about the development of his own city of mountains.

   When Du You came back, he found that the experience value of the city of mountains still did not meet his own requirements.

   The experience value of the advanced fifth level has already been more than half, but the distance from the full value is quite different. After Du You got to know it, he realized that although they had already started a full-scale war with the Hanhai Kingdom, the Hanhai Kingdom had been shrinking the front.

   The territory that didn't want to be completely overturned with the Hanhai Kingdom, now he can only fight on the edge. Although news of various victories kept coming back, it did not cause any sensation because it was just a small The experience value growth was relatively slow.

"You go on, don't worry for the time being, the strength of Tier 5 is too strong, we are not their opponents, we will delay slowly. According to this situation, it will not take long to reach Tier 5 after thinking about it." There is no drawing on my own side. When it is in place, he is still trying to contact him to see if he can buy it from somewhere. If it doesn't work, he can only look at his own.

   Of course, Du You didn't worry, because he still had a Mage Tower annex in his hand, and the requirement was level five. I believe that after the construction is completed, at least Tier 5 Mage forces will not be lacking.

   Salia nodded slightly: "According to our current progress, we will definitely be able to meet the advanced requirements in up to one year." One year in this world is not long on the earth.

   After becoming a professional, Saria's strength has improved rapidly, and her life span has also broken the limits of this world.

   So Saria is not in a hurry at all. After waiting for such a long time, it is not bad for a year or a half. Can the Hanhai Kingdom watch its own demise bit by bit, is there anything more venting than this?

   "Okay, go ahead, we're going to advanced skills." After understanding the information, Du You took the two sisters to the skills hall. This time, they brought a lot of advanced materials.

Scourge core (earthquake), giant bird eyeball, giant bird head feathers, thunder and lightning throat bone, white tiger brain, large mouth, natural disaster core (swallowing), four eyes, ancient tree core, giant squid skin, giant bird wings, Strange bird's back fur, rabbit skin, rabbit teeth, natural disaster core (space).

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