Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 975: Assimilated Garden Star

As Du You evolved his skills, the garden star's changes were gradually completed. During this period of time, Du You kept receiving various reports and materials from Garden Star, which were directly sent by Li Minglu.

   When taking time out, Du You will also enter the Garden Star through the space channel. The space channels are all behind the valley in their own territory, and the most secret location is also heavily guarded, and ordinary people can't reach it.

   As the garden star was taken over by the will of the earth, it gradually changed towards the direction of the earth. Now the large air conditioner and gravity adjustment system have been turned off, and finally taken out, but the environment is better.

   After the earth will take over, the gravity of Garden Star has gradually become the same as that of the earth, and the air quality and temperature changes are also similar. This is the conclusion that Du You got after personally experimenting.

   Garden Star’s own autobiographical speed has also changed, and finally the daily rotation cycle, sunrise and sunset, have become the same as the earth. Even the moon in the sky looks the same. Of course, this moon is not the moon of the earth, but a kind of phantom, in other words, it is the manifestation of the power of the earth, that moon is not real.

   Various other planets that have been taken over and assimilated by the will of the earth are actually the same, at least on the surface there is no difference from the earth. Regardless of the difference in light or other external environment, it will not affect the interior.

   Speaking of it, this is very unscientific, but after so many years, no one has been able to study clearly why. It can only be attributed to the strong will of the earth.

   And with the continuous evolution of this power, Du You discovered that the civilians who came to this planet could finally become professionals in Garden Star. Similarly, such a place will also receive the attention of those interstellar pirates.

  Interstellar pirates want to become a professional, they must break through such a planet, even if they can't occupy it permanently, they can make themselves a professional in a short time, and then think of ways to continue to improve. In the past few days, Xi Qianxue told herself that some people had been exploring outside the garden star, and no one knew who they were.

   These wandering pirates, they don't care about the protection of the Academy Alliance, because they don't have a stronghold, they can't find it at all.

  Similarly, the defense system that was built in advance played a role at this time. This powerful defense system prevents the interstellar pirates from acting rashly and can only interview them outside.

   "Hmph, they just want to come in. It just happens that our Tier 5 soldiers haven't been active for a long time." Du You said coldly.

   The biggest change on the Garden Star at this time is that the world boat can be built. On the Garden Star, there is no way for professionals to enter another world directly through world coordinates or random teleportation. Apart from the space channel of the territory, they can only use the world boat, and it is also a high-powered specially made world boat.

   After Du You bought this technology at the Discovery Company at a high price, he began to let people research and manufacture it.

   During this period, Du You took out all the world coordinates in his hand for them to study and use, and also bought a large number of world coordinates on the market, which was a foundation guarantee for his back garden.

   After the construction is successful, his garden star will be able to connect more than thirty different worlds. This number will continue to grow with the development of Garden Stars, but in the future to connect to the world, you can't choose randomly.

   With the construction of Garden Star, more and more refugees are sent to Garden Star, and the era of rapid development has come. These will all be their absolute loyalties in the future, and their offspring will be labeled themselves from birth, and it is difficult to change.

   From now on, I have become the leader of a big power. The fate of life is really unimaginable. It's a pity that I can't contact my sister, and no one can share this happiness with myself.

   Du You couldn't help but now had no choice but to continue to evolve his skills.

   But during this period of time, Du You and the two sisters finally developed new advanced skills. He had already reached the full level of mental perception, and felt that he was not noticed when he was approached by the enemy last time. So after careful study of word picking, the three people finally summed up this skill and upgraded it to a higher level by themselves.

   is not so much learned, as it is developed by three people.

   Advanced mental perception: The pre-skill mental locks at level 7, releasing a large range of mental perception, and the precise perception range (level * 10) meters. Observing the details within the scope can assist the control of the spell. Fuzzy perception range (level * 50) meters. (Level 31)

   The new skills have more two aspects: precise perception and fuzzy perception. Within the scope of precise perception, it is like watching carefully with your eyes and listening carefully with your ears. It is very clear, and there are no dead ends, so it is difficult to be concealed.

   This feeling is really uncomfortable. And fuzzy perception, within a range of more than 1,500 meters, is a bit more vague than mental perception without advanced level, but it can also feel a lot of things. At least someone who wants to launch an attack on him within a super long distance, or a general ambush, he can feel it.

   And with the help of this perception ability Du You discovered that his spell attacks can also perform beyond visual range strikes. This can be done by himself without the assistance of special super long-distance support skills.

   In the process of researching new skills, Du You's Hell Blood Demon Dog has also been advanced. After using the two-headed lion's four eyeballs to advance, his Hell Blood Demon Dog also grew a second head.

   Double-headed Blood Dog: A variant of Hellhound, it needs to be re-summoned 12 hours after death. (Level 33, 10 stars)

  Magic power: 100%

   Skills: Mana draw, life draw, magic link, life link, advanced enchanted skin, bloodthirsty fangs, blood burning arrow

  Magic power absorption: The two-headed Blood Demon Dog can absorb the magic power of surrounding enemies in a large area.

   Life Draining: The two-headed Blood Demon Dog can absorb the vitality of surrounding enemies in a large area.

   Magic link: The two-headed Blood Demon Dog can share its magic power with other targets.

  Life Link: The two-headed Blood Demon Dog can share its life force with other targets.

   Advanced Demonized Skin: Magic resistance level + level, the magic resistance to light and dark power is doubled again.

   Bloodthirsty Fangs: The teeth of the double-headed Gorefiend have bloodthirsty power. After biting the enemy, it will produce stronger damage. At the same time, it will absorb the enemy's blood to replenish its physical strength and restore its own injuries.

   Blood Burning Arrow: Burning its own blood to form an arrow. After hitting a creature, it will burn the enemy's blood, causing terrible damage.

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